Azusa Shiratori
ah what to write about the ditzyice skate clad beauty......hmmmm well she  can beat the crap out of people ticks her off sort of if you could really call it that  but hey we can exuse her for that just look at what shes wearing ide like to see her ice skate hell ide take up the sport myself!!! 
Azusa Shiratori is half of the Legendary Golden Pair  of Kolhotz High School, which is the two-person par of leaders in Martial Arts Figure Skating.  Azusa is a hopeless kleptomaniac, finding things which she dubs "cute", giving them a silly French name and taking them home with her.  One day Azusa, skating in a local rink, discovers an incredibly cute little black pig with a bandanna (This is P-Chan).  Azusa calls the pig Charlotte, knocks him out with a hammer, and skates off with him.
                Akane later finds Azusa with P-Chan and retrieves him, and Azusa challenges Akane to a figure skating match, on the terms that if she is victorious, she gets Charlotte back.  Azusa later steals P-Chan again and locks him in a pink collar, forcing Akane and Ranma (who crossed paths with the other half of the Golden Pair) to team up against the Golden Pair in the Martial Arts Figure Skating Fight to the Finish, the Charlotte Cup.
                P-Chan escapes from the stands and, after changing back to Ryoga, intervenes in the match, but Azusa recognizes him because of the collar, and almost blows his secret to Akane.  Azusa later loses the match by her partner when he attacked Ryoga, ordering him not to hurt her Charlotte again.  She doesn't lose completely, though, for she whacks her partner as he gets carried off the ice for his stretcher blanket, which she names Martine.
Back to the Don.....Sweet Dreams, Francois...