US- 16th of July 99

14th of March 2000

A group called Media Com Toys are producing a line of "The Blair Witch Project" figures. The style of figurine are being dubbed as KUBRICK's in obvious homage of Stan the man. The cast of Blair Witch were never meant to look this cute. I don't usually post on this kinf of thing but it was too bizarre to pass over. When I think action figure, I think microwave and I can't help but wonder.. Me screaming "Tell me where you are josh.." .. Nah don't worry about it. (RS) (HFA NEWS)

10th of February 2000

 Seems that The Blair Witch Project Vs. Sam Barber is going to go ahead. Barber wasnts credit and most likley credit$$ for the use of his studio in what is called a violation of the federal Lanham Act. Who is Lanham?? (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
11th of December 99

9th of December 99

WHOOPS.. Big old mistake in yesterdays update.. "The Blair Witch Project" did manage to go top 20 with its pre-release screenings in Australia. It took in as far as I can find.. 250,000 dollars in Australia. I'm not sure of the amount of screens.. But I'm guessing there were well over 50. but take into account each of those would have only done one or two screenings that week. That means that TBWP ranked 6.

The Ed Sanchez and Dan Myrick attended a hour long chat session at .. It was pretty cool.. Here is my summary.

Well I'd compare the online chat to the directors ED and DAN Wednesday Night to that day Alan Border Brought the Ashes back to Australia and Brisbane's Queen St. Mall.. Everyone was in the mall for the ticket tape parade and somehow I managed to get an Autograph..

That was 10 years ago.. This event had as much confusion.. The Unmoderated hour long discussion (at Was mainly about the ending of TBWP.. And what was doing however.. After I figured Ed and Dan weren't keen on telling their interpretation I started firing out questions on other projects..

"Heart of Love" (HOL) ED was constantly prompting.. I asked if any midgets were harmed during the filming.. Ed replied that 3 were killed.. So I guess this is going to be a bit different to your average Romance. Or yet again ED is being way to sarcastic. As per usual.

SEQUELS.. They asked if people wanted to see them.. Everyone pretty much said NO.. They said they were writing one..

FEARSUM.. I seemed to be the only one interested in this project (When this show is bigger than the X-Files and its in its 3rd series and people are talking to me like there experts I'll be able to say..) well.. I asked about the WEBPAGE (as it will be a major role player in the film) , I asked specifically about HIDDEN LINKS which is a feature of a lot of HAXAN webpages (That most people don't ever pick up).. Dan replied that the page was going to be really good or something to that effect.

You know ya try to get info out of them and they were sidestepping.. I guess they didn't want a scoop to go to a chat session.. There was the joking ED barter about how he boned Heather and got punched by her boyfriend at sundance.. But I'm guessing it was all just humouring the chat room which quickly turned into another desperate online singles bar.. ARrrg.

4th of December 99

I finally saw "The Blair Witch Project" it had preview screening on last night at Midnight.. Um.. Although I'm still writing the review.. Expect it to be about as long as I waited to see this film.. It will include lines such as.. "Should I have taken pirate copies from people I don't know??".. and was it worth the wait.. Should I have seen the film before the HYPE really over-reached the expectancy of any film.. And is 16mm a really funky format.. Should there be more first person filmmaking.. Could this ever be sequalized.. The review you can expect will be well over 1500 words.. And may even contain pictures.. The review will be emailed first to all the people on the Horror Fans Anon mailing list.. Than a day later it will appear on the site.. So if you really want to hear what I have to say about a film I've waited longer than a year to see.. Or if you just want to hear an Australian point of view.. sign up for the HFA mailing list.. Expect to also get email fed Horror news weekly.. CLICK HERE. to sign up.
30th of November 99

The Creepy house used in "The Blair Witch Project" has been ordered to be demolished because of the state that it is in. The house is in Patapasco state Park in MAryland if you are looking for it.. You only have a short time to get out there and have your phot taken in front of it.. Because thereafter it will be demolished. At least you will be able to see it in TBWP. (CSO)

 RELEASE | NEWS part 3
US- 16th of July 99
28th of November 99

"Curse of the Blair Witch" AUSTRALIA. If you haven't bought this from over the internet. You will find it this week on the commercial free to air in Australia.. It will be screening on Thursday night (the 2nd) on Channel 9 (still the hypocritical one, they pay out on Horror films on ACurrentAffair than they screen SCREAM and support the WITCH).. The time is 9.30 pm.. prior to the first screening on FRIDAY. (I HAVE MY TICKET Midnight 3rd of December Garbo Senstadium Megaplex, but who will I take??)
15th of November 99

For those still anxiously awaiting the Blair Witch in Australia (this is late news.. I kept forgetting to post it).. As per premintion. The film will be opening earlier. The film will be opening on the 9th of December. With Special SCREENINGS on the 3rd of DEcember at the following places: To obtain a seat and booking you must know the PASSWORD. The password has only been given to those who had signed up on so I will not be giving it out to anyone on this site. HIGHLIGHTED is teh one I'll be at hopefully.
Dendy Newtown 9550 5699
Palace Academy Twin 9331 3457
The Cremorne Hayden Orpheum 9953 5699
Hoyts Centre 9273 7475
Hoyts Broadway 9276 7615
Hoyts Fox Studios 9332 1300
Hoyts Penrith 4732 1121
Hoyts Warringah Mall 9938 4051
Village Parramatta 9633 2618
GUO Castle Hill 9894 6533
GUO Macquarie 9888 1544
GUO Liverpool 9601 4611
Cronulla Cinema Centre 9523 0555

Cinema Nova 9347 5331
Palace The George 9534 6922
Hoyts Cinema Centre 9663 3303
Hoyts Chadstone 9563 1988
Hoyts Forest Hill 9894 2000
Hoyts Highpoint 9318 6800
Hoyts Northland 9478 7888
Village Jam Factory 9827 2424
Village Crown Casino 9278 6666
Village Century City 9550 8666
Village Southland 9582 5000

Hoyts Regent 3229 5544
BCC Indooroopilly 3878 2525
BCC Garden City 3849 2111
Balmoral Cineplex 3395 6086
AMC Stafford City 3356 1133
Eldorado 8 3878 1566
BCC Pacific Fair 5572 2666 (GOLD COAST)

Hoyts Regent 8223 2233
Hoyts Tea Tree Plaza 8396 4454
GUO Marion 8296 7788

PERTH (08)
Hoyts Cinema City 9325 2377
Luna Cinema Leederville 9444 4056
GUO Innaloo 9244 1181
Grand Cinemas Warwick 9448 3188
Coastal Millennium Cinema 9430 6988
Hoyts Garden City 9316 0600
Hoyts Carousel 9356 1888

Showcase City Cinemas 4929 5019

The Regent Theatre 4229 5130

Centre Cinema 6249 7979

Also there is a rumore that the film will be the MYSTERY MOVIE screening on December 6 at all Birch Carroll and Coyle and Village multiplexes. So if you invest the money.. IT MIGHT be that film. Agian you will need to buy tickets ahead of time. I guess the big QUESTION now.. Even for me.. A TRUE BELIEVER.. CAN ANY FILM LIVE UP TO THIS MUCH HYPE??

October 99

And my free "The Blair Witch Project" Dossier arrived today.. Thankyou Dendy and . I'm afraid to read to much.. The Ed and Dan show will be in Australia in December.. On the 10th of December there will be advanced Midnight screenings.. And the official release is still for the 16th of December.. IT will open wide.. Not just in limited release.

@rena's Graveyard shift is running a huge competition for "The Blair Witch Project".. Where you get the opportunity to meet Tabitha (I wish), no really you get a massive Blair Witch Pack. Go here to enter.. You have to describe in 40 words or less what is the scariest film you've seen and why. There are 50 double passes to the premiere to be won. They are to a midnight screening on December 10 + you also get Dossier, T-shirt and Comic Book. Finally Australian fans of the film have a cool chance to get something.. And before you try it.. This is not open for employees of Telstra, Foxtel or Austar and their immediate families.. So I'm filing for a divorce from my mum.. Dammit.. I so nearly got to enter a Blair Witch Competition. This is an Australian competition however it does not stipulate in the terms and conditions that it is only open to Australian residences. I get to feel duped already.. But I'd like to thank DENDY as I've heard they are sending me a Dossier and Village as I think they still have a ticket stashed away someplace for me. 

"The Blair Witch 2" may be filmed in Canada in a place called King's LAnding.. Apparently it will be filmed in winter and is in need of the snow.. Still a rumor.. I personally hope that the sequel does not go into production for at least 5 years.. (DH)

25th of September 99

The other picture is a great sovenir for anybody that loves "The Blair Witch Project" and wanted a film Can Of their very Own.. It will make a great Desktop Background.

16th of September 99

 Huge news for "The Blair Witch Project" in Australia.. It has been leaked onto the Australian Countdown site. The following is a total rip of Andrew's Page.

Much news today - I'm not sure where to begin. Courtesy of the good people at Dendy I have much info. Here we go:

* Tomorrow MISSING flyers and stickers will start to appear in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide. Here is a scan of the sticker:

Cool huh? If you have an Australian BWP page email ANDREW - Dendy have all sorts of cool stuff to offer BWP webmasters and their internet strategy is designed to embrace net fans (unlike studio net strategies).

* Trailer #1 commences tomorrow with prints of AMERICAN PIE and THE HAUNTING in Hoyts, Greater Union, Birch Carroll and Coyle and Village cinemas. Though they tell me this could vary from location to location so best to contact the cinema first to make sure. The second trailer will appear with THE SIXTH SENSE from October 16.

* Tabitha of the Graveyard Shift will be featuring BWP on Sept 24, and there will be mentions on Ground Zero next week and E! News on Sept 29th.

* The first TV commercial is going to appear way early - on Sept 25th on SBS at 10:30pm during AKIRA. Cool. It will be a 15 sec spot, will air only once and then will appear again during a documentary about magic mushrooms on SBS that airs on October 6th. Good ad placement!

* Josh's Blair Witch mix will be released locally the last week of November (that is, unless you ordered yours over the net ;) )

* And the big news is that the official site will open proper some time in the next few days. We're not sure exactly when, but keep hitting it here:

13th of September 99

#10 The Blair Witch Project: 1.6 million, for a total of 136.1 million.
9th of September

So yo want to buy more than a ticket to "The Blair Witch Project"?? Well at auction I'm sure you will find something.. The clapper board/production slate and the 16mm camera used in the film are up for Auction Ebay. The starting price is 20 bucks and 5000 bucks respectively.. These will become pride of place in any film buffs library.. Imagine pointing that out to your friends as you have a beer in the games room.. Oh and that old thing.. Well that was the camera used in the most profitable film of all time.
8th of September

#8 "The Blair Witch Project" 3.9 Million, 133.5 Million thus far.
4th of September 99

 Well it seems that TRIMARK has been keen on the INTERNET parodies of TBWP, and has been buying up a select fe for it's webpage.. Mine is not one of them.. But than again imagine the legal battle field when it comes to selling a parody site with the MTV logo all over it:). By the way The Road Rules Project is still open.. I will Put up a direct link to the Journal soon. The Australian OFFICIAL TBWP site is now open at it is a very premature at this stage.. But fans of the Witch may want to check it out.
31st of August 99

#8 "The Blair Witch Project" 4.1 million, total of 127.8million.
24th of August 99

Another spoof has popped up.. It is called "The Blairwich Project". It is a film that has recently been made that explores the lives of 3 film students on there way to do get some Maccas. (DH) "In September of 1999, Sarah Finifrock, Mike Anaya and Jeff tobler ventured into Normal, IL to shoot a documentary on a local legend. They were never heard of again. Three days and four McDonalds' later, their footage was found...".. This nearly crosses into homaging The Road Rules Project.. Or am I big ticketing myself. It says that main character Sarah "Goes Australian
23rd of August 99

Australians who can't wait to see "The Blair Witch Project".. Get ready to be happy sooner.. On Sept the 2nd (that's not far away), Birch Carrol and Coyle cinemas are playing a deadly game of film roulette.. Now you take your 10 bucks to the cinema and you pay for a ticket. After doing this you have one in six chances to see "The Blair Witch Project". Okay now you are screaming right.. This is all just a stupid as all crap plot to rob 10 bucks off 5 sixth's of the audience. As the other 5 films are nothing short of CRAP.. Aussie Horror fans will be glad to know that 2 of the 6 films are horror films, but the other horror film is unfortunately the remake of "The Haunting".. Now there are a few ways to ensure that you get to see "The Blair Witch Project" on this date. The first suggestion is to sleep with one of the BCC staff. The second is to say that you are a film reviewer from a popular magazine and or paper or that you run the best site on the NET for film review and that if you don't get to see "The Blair Witch Project", the phrase Birch Carrol and Coyle will be nothing if not Mud. The 3rd suggestion could be a little expensive.Buy a ticket to at least 3 of the sessions.. Check out each in turn until you get the witch. Sure I can see me paying 60 bucks to see this film.. The etiquette for leaving a session that is not TBWP is simple. You stand and scream "This is not what I F@#$ing Paid For" and run out before Tthe 15 min time and refund your ticket. But I have a feeling that BCC will not refund tickets that have been ripped so beg the usher not too rip your ticket. Other wise you could end up going through SIX sessions before you find the one you want.. I saw the poster up at Carindale 8 today.. I assume that it is available in all BCC multiplexes. I'm going to be hunting down the witch.. But I think I could end up paying 60 bucks to see this film before someone else tells me the ending. From the point of view of a FAN of a film I have not yet seen, regardless of the amount of DUBS and pirate copies I have been offered I have not claimed any, although I have been tempted too. I want to see this film legally.. Why not releases it on the 3rd of September?? Sorry to those who have seen this film.. But just indulge an Australian for a few lines more and then we can get back to the REAL news. October 27 the DVD reg 1 will release. Within a week of shipping reg1 DVD's will be all over Australia.. The Universities with the Players will all have FREE educational screenings in their respective cinemas with only the price of a DVD changing hands. If the Distributor had a brain they would release the film prior to the DVD release in the USA. As now with the Internet a film is needs a global saturation. Space barriers have been broken down in the last 5 years, due in part to the internet. With services selling DVD's at least 1 in 5 will sell stuff to countries they aren't meant to sell them to. All I'm saying is release the film before the limited release of 16th of December and Wide on the 26th of December or it will cost you a major slab of your audience.. The Audience for this film just want to see it.. And to see it as soon as possible. Snooze and you loose on this film. If this were any other film it would release quicker in OZ. I for one will not see it at the cinema if I get the DVD first. I'm keen on seeing this film the first legal way I can. Even if that means ordering the DVD. I'm keen to do right by the HAXAN 5 but if you could bottle my anticipation you would be able to start drinking corporation bigger than all the Cola companies combined. If you haven't seen my frustrations played out before, you may want to check out how I occupied my mind as the film was opening in the USA, as seen in NEWSWEEK, the Australian parody of TBWP, titled "The Road Rules Project". Try and find Sarah's Journal.:)


"The Blair Witch Project" slid to #5 taking 7.6 mill in its 4th WIDE week. It now has taken 120.3 million. It is currently fighting on the Julia Roberts film for position.

21st of August 99

The cast of "The Blair Witch Project" will be appearing at the MTV Music awards on Sept 7. So make sure to tune in.. And wish that you could fast forward through all those bits with Will Smith in it.. Damn live to air..

 RELEASE | NEWS part 3
US- 16th of July 99
 16th of August 99

 "The Blair Witch Project" fell out of #2 and into #3 as the Robert Downey Jr. film took pride of palce in 2nd (Bowfinger, mostly becasue RDjr got into jail this week). TBWP took 15.3million taking it's overall take up to 107.6million.. As it officially out does SCREAM (which made 101 million domestic).
 12th of August 99

 "The Blair Witch Project" will be opening on the 16th of December in Australia according to TBWP Downunder and not the 26th of December as I read on the Movie Network's "Cinema, Cinema, Cinema". TBWP downunder is also staying tongue and cheek as to if Ed and Dan will be coming down here in early December.. But I'm guessing they;ll just go sit in front of the bridge in Sydney.. IE come nowhere near Brisbane. But I can always hope. Unfortunatley I could not make it to the TIME held chat room with the directors yesterday.. The transcripts are not yet online.
 10th of August 99

 The HAXAN 5 are set to split 20 million of the TBWP profits amongst themselves if the film continues on its merry way as it has been. (CSO)
 9th of August 99

The Blair Witch Project slipped down only 16% at the box office. Well it's 2 week in a row rise could not got for the 3rd but it still managed to take in a whopping 24.5million making it now the EVEN MORE MOST PROFITABLE film of all time. TBWP still maintained #2 position fending off Runaway Bride. All up 79.5 million.. Does that mean the HAXAN 5 will get 7 or 8 Foosball tables?? (DH)
 8th of August 99

 "The Blair Witch Project" is officially the HIGHEST PROFIT MAKING FILM OF ALL TIME.. WOW. There is a contest at the Ultimate Band List:
The Blair Witch Contest is at the very top.
7th of August 99

 "The Blair Witch Project" DVD will be available on the 26th of October. It will be not be the special edition. The special edition could be released a further 4 months down the track though. I guess the initial DVD is for DVD/VIDEO rental shop purposes. More than anything else. (CSO)
 5th of August 99

 There are a few rumors circulating about a sequel to "The Blair Witch Project" one is that the story might follow the life of Rustin Parr, the other is that the film may be based on the witch hunt of Elly Kedward in 1785. There is also a third story idea thay Sanchez and Myrick are keeping cloe to themselves which is way off the scale. (CSO) According to IMDBD, Jonathon Taplin (producer) believes that TBWP has changed the economics of the industry basically over night. Now it seems likely that all film. Exec president of Warner Bros, Jim Banister, "observed that filmmakers are already demanding that Internet marketing campaigns be included in their contracts" (IMDB)
2nd of August 99

"The Blair Witch Project" is now trully phenomenal. 28.5 million in it's first weekend of WIDE release. Kept in 2nd place by that Runaway Bride film. Despite the Witch's R rating the film continues to blast a hole through Hollywood. It has now taken 34.5 million. It is expected to surpass 100 million. The film is open on Approx. 1000 screens and will open even wider next week to 2000 screens, NEXT WEEK it could take in MORE, making it #1. Not only the audience is afraid. But the industry is shaking in their boots as to how they can possibly release another horror film this year.

UNFORTUNATELY there is no way that "The Blair Witch Project" will do anywhere near as good in Australia (comparatively) as it has been picked up by DENDY(according to Brisbane's SUNDAY MAIL) which is a pissy little bunch of cinemas (one screen in my city, some city's don't have a screen), a damn shame that so many Australians will miss out on this film. But I'm sure that while it plays at DENDY there will be very few seats leftover. It is a great big shame that we must sacrifice sound and visual's because the film was sold to crappy exhibition outfit (I'm really angry, I hate rats at my feet when I see a film). I'm trying hard not to type swear words. This film is worthy of a screen or 2 in every cineplex in my city BRISBANE, but instead it will get a crappy cinema that Greater Union sold because it was running at a loss. In one goddamn screen... I'm absolutely spewing. It's like campaigning for this film in Australia has lead me down a road I would redirect traffic around if I saw it. Oh well, at least it'll make BIG money in the USA. Ahh well.. I'll most likely be able to buy the DVD from the USA before it releases down here anyhow.

1st of August 99

 There is a new spoof of "The Blair Witch Project". This one has been captured on video and is set in MARYLAND in a galaxy far, far away (CLICK HERE, 1.5 meg MOV). The film has been created by Ed Bain, a very talented Star Wars Spoofer from . Meanwhile in this galaxy people have left screenings of TBWP sick, clinical audiologist John Risey of Tulane University Hospital explains : "What happens is the camera and the brain mismatch message. ... Because you are seated and you are still, your brain gets wrong information that you are in motion." I have discovered the CURE.. sit toward teh back of the cinema rather than the front just fo rthis one film. And than you will not get as sick. Risey indicates that the small screen effect would not be as bad.
31st of July 99

Aussie Billionaire and all round rich guy, Rupert Murdoch has struck up a deal that will see the FX cable network get exclusive airing rights to "The Blair Witch Project" on TV. How much $$$??? Well the deal is that Rupert will pay 15% of the domestics box office takings to screen the film. So if the film makes 60 million as being forecasted. The figure for Rupert buying TV rights could be as high as 9 million dollars. Not bad for a film that cost 40,000 bucks to make. (CSO)
30th of July 99

"TBWP" DVD will have 4-6 hours worht of footage including alternate endings, deleted scenes and the sci-fi channel special (yay I'll get to see it). If the film holds it's own this weeked the DVD might release as early as Halloween(DH). At which point I will buy it and own it before it hits Australia and I won't feel like Pirate scum. Also Greg Hale Producer has credited the internet by saying this about promotion, The Internet is a new medium, a new way of informing and entertaining people. ... The amazing thing about the Internet in relation to movies is that you can have a Web site that gives this new, added depth to your story. You can use the Web as an addition to your storytelling arsenal." (IMDB).
 27th of July 99

The Blair Witch Project is officially a juggernaught. It's second weekend of limited release saw the film take in 2 million dollars on 31 screens. That is an average of 64,500 dollars per screen.. Which in tunr makes 31 risk taking theatre owners very happy. That takes total taking in two weeks of limited release over the 4 million mark. This film is shaking down the big production houses as reported last week. And with good reason. This week it opens onto 1000 screens.. If it were to take half as much as it has been taking per cinema, the film is going to drown anything in it's wake and perhaps become the most successfull film (using cost against return/ rather than full box office) this year. The Witch has cast a spell over the USA and it could open up a new realm of horror film making. It has already proven the most important part of marketing, contact and access, works like a charm. Is it any wonder that certain studios and directors are now trying to open up to the internet public a bit more. It is afterall, the cheapest advertising of all. Congrats again, Ed and Dan, all those who have been following you since 98 will be thrilled to see your feature has gotten as far as it has.
26th of July 99

It is very likely that the guys at HAXAN will be winning a bet with Artisan entertainment. The reward, a FOOSBALL TABLE. If you have been following the diary of the film, there was deal made, and talked about in Dan's Canne diary on INDIE WIRE, Dan said at the time "Now the odds are that this day will never come, but I still like the image of (Artisan's) Bill Block searching through a Valley Sports catalog looking for the best deal on a foosball table. I wonder what the Fed Ex limit is on stuff like that?". For them to get the Foosball table, the film (TBWP) must make 10 million at the Box Office, it has made 2 million in its first week of limited release. They are on their way.

 RELEASE | NEWS part 2
US- 16th of July 99
 24th of July 99

 Burkittsville is getting a little worried about the publicity surrounding TBWP. They have lost there sign according to HAXAN NEWS.. And now the place is getting swamped with toursits, trying to see the Black Hills Forest. Which does not exist outside the town as it does in the film. Well be carefull not to ruin the movie by ruining a town. The local B'Ville cinema will not be showing the Film because of the realism and the terror it may spark in the community it was shot.(HO)
 23 of July 99

 "The Blair Witch Project" will now open even WIDER.. It's wide release was to be originally 800 screens. By August 6, an additional 1000 screens will be showing the film. The Integral film looks set to reap huge rewards at the box office. Imagine what it will do on August the 13th (it is a FRIDAY). (CSO)
 22nd of July 99

 "The Blair Witch Project" has not only scared audiences.. It has scared "DBS" into opening 2 days before the WIDER release of TBWP. It has scared "Mystery Men" to the week after the WIDE release. In it's wide release however TBWP faces some stiff adult contemporary romantic opposition in the Richard Gere/ Julia Roberts reteaming film that I can't be bothered naming because it looks only HA Ha funny.. Not LOL funny. (DH) Expect my HUGE GROUNDBREAKING HOMAGE TO TBWP (this is trully ground breaking I have an acrinymy for the site it is TRRP), BY SOMEONE WHO HAS NOT SEEN THE FILM BECAUSE IT HASN'T SCREENED IN OZ, ON SATURDAY. I would have had it sooner, but I learnt something today that I want to incoporate and I'm going on a ghost tour Friday night. But again. This will BE HUGE. or at least COOL KINDA.
 21st of July 99

 Another very positive review has come out of an unlikely place for "The Blair Witch Project". It came from Universal's Horror Online, Chcek out there July News section.
 20th of July 99

 Salon online magazine has accussed "The Blair Witch Project" hype of being FAKE. The accusations stem from the amount of FAN SITES (20) and the fact it had a USENET group and positve buzz around Yahoo (one of the 5 biggest Internet networks globally). The article even accuses Dan and Ed (the directors) of reviewing their own film under pseudonyms. Also says that Ed and Dan hada hand in putting together some of these fan-sites.. Well I'm putting one together, all that they have given me is inspiration. What the author of this article Patrizia DiLucchio needs to understand is that a lot of people have been captured by the way the film has pushed it's way from being independent, TO HOLLYWOOD. Being able to keep up with developments through HAXAN news and other forums. I'm in Australia so I won't see the film for a long time yet. It's not just seeing the film it's the lead up to it. Read the Article HERE. If you want to point a finger look at some of the NEWS pages owned byt production compannies, the GO network was just purchased by Disney, who controls Horror Online (Universal). The Aritcle even goes on to say that A&e were toped into this MIND game for FAME :). The Article basically goes on to slam anyone that has ever promoted a film and got some mild kick-back for doing it. The article is titled "Did the Blair Witch Project" fake its online fan base? It offers no answer because it is ALL UNWARRANTED SPECULATION from a wannabe NET journalist. Does anyone smell that Irony.. YUCK.
19th of July 99

 We wake to find what we knew would happen. "The Blair Witch Project" opened in 27 cinemas in its limited release (before wide release on the 30th) to huge Box office success. On average at each of the 27 cinemas TBWP took $57,700.oo on the weekend alone. That is a little over 6 times the amount of revnue that Eyes Wide Shut took in each of it's cinemas. The WITCH managaged to take nearly 2 million in opening weekend at my estimate. (DH) The Haxan guys have been signed over to UNCLE Rupert's FOX network with a 2 year deal to produce a younger hipper X-Files type show. EXPECT THE HFA tribute in at most 2 DAYS.
 16th of July 99

 According to HO ," Haxan Films creators Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sanchez (the directors of "Blair") have inked a two-year development deal with Fox and Regency's television divisions,". Hollywood reporter is also saying that Artisan and the guys will be estatic with the opening weeks gross considering the amount Artisan bought the film for (1.1mill).
15th of July 99

 Heather Donahue has revealed in an interview with the New York Post that "The Blair Witch Project" had no real script. So she "got on and ordered all these witchcraft books, survival books, filmmaking books. I gave myself this whole crash course." Well who amazon need little promotion as it is trading on the Stock Market as the second/ third biggest site world wide.. But we get an insight on how it was to hang out with the boys on the set in this interview. "You never realize how much you need to just see another girl once in a while, just see one. Men, they just have a different way of functioning, especially when they're in a pack. You've got fart jokes galore. And not that I don't enjoy a good fart joke - but every once in a while you're just like, ‘Damn I'd just like to put on a little lipstick.’"
13th of July 99

 Eduardo Sanchez and Daniel Myrick (Directors of "The Blair Witch Project") are being approached on all sides by execs according to Cinescape Online. Tv networks are also among those trying to reach them. Including a "hipper, younger X-Files" as Myrick explained to the San Fran Chronicle, "A lot of people want to work with us. Whether we can do that or not, I don't know. But we're going to try." (CSO)
11th of July 99

New poster for "The Blair Witch Project".

6th of July 99

Talk of a sequel to "The Blair Witch Project" has begun with interview between Ed Sanchez and Dan Myrick at the Creative Screenwriting webpage. The conclusion is that the sequel if made will not be done in the same style as "it would be compared too closely to the original.". WARNING SPOILERS are contained on the screenwriting page.
 30th of June 99

"The Blair Witch Project trailer 3." This trailer is full of review based hype.
23rd of June 99

"The Blair Witch Project" (haven't typed that in a while). According to the latest edition of HAXAN news Australian distribution of the film has been achieved. Garth Franklin at Darkhorizons has recently posted a review at . I'm not sure where Garth saw this film.. He lives in Southern Australia some place.. Sydney film fest was on recently.. Or maybe he caught a copy of it from the HAXAN guys.. Anyhow.. When I see it you'll see my review.. For TBWP fans you may find the review depressing. What you need to remember is that Garth is a fan of BLOCKBUSTER film-making. With TBWP everyone is going in expecting to be SCARED, but what advertisers and merchandisers need to remember is that not everyone gets scared by the same things that Roger Ebert gets scared by. But I've still got it at the top of list for 99 without even seeing it yet. In other TBWP news, former boss of Dan Myrick (co-director) is in the discovery stages of an Orlando Court case which could see a change in the producer credits, a shift of ownership of the film or a rather large sum of money changing hands.. Well TO DAN I have to say this "DAMN THE MAN!!!!" He fired you, you can take what's yours. Sam Barber what not have given a rats arse about this if the film had not become more than a paper weight. (CSO). In even other news.. SCOOP on the Sci-Fi channel special. Who else would be those students that find the film footage of "TBWP" but A (Abby) and e. (Eric). of A&e fanatic site fame.. Congratulations your promotion of the film has turned into a part.

 RELEASE | NEWS part 1
US- 16th of July 99
 11th of June 99

 The following TBWP info came from A&e's fanatic site.
Here are the scheduled airtimes in July for the Sci-Fi Channel's Exclusive Special
Monday, July 12 at 10:00 PM, 1:00 AM
Sunday, July 18 at 8:00 PM, 1:00 AM
Thursday, July 22 at 11:00 PM, 3:00 AM
Saturday, July 31 at 1:00 PM
I wish we had the SciFi channel in Australia.
8th of June 1999

 Fans of Heather Donahue may want to check out the following site
E online hast listed her perfomance as one of the top 10 Breakthrough's for the year.
This comes from A&e.'s Blair Witch NEWSBITES.
 5th of June 99

 It's "The Blair Witch Project" Bonanza today..The NEWS comes via a message from e. at A&e's Blair Witch Project Fanatics Site.The Soundtrack will be released.. That's right. It will be called "Josh's Blair Witch Mix." and contains the 12 songs that were on a tape found in Josh Leonards car that was marked as above. The CD will contain all the driving songs that were on the tape that Josh made expecially for the road trip to Burkitsville. Here is a listing of the songs.

1. Lydia Lunch ... "Gloomy Sunday"
2. Public Image Ltd. ... "The Order of Death"
3. Skinny Puppy ... "Draining Faces"
4. Bauhaus ... "Kingdom's Coming"
5. The Creatures ... "Don't Go To Sleep Without Me"
6. Laibach ... "God Is God"
7. Afghan Whigs ... "Beware"
8. Front Line Assembly ... "Laughing Pain"
9. Type O Negative ... "Haunted"
10. Meat Beat Manifesto ... "She's Unreal"
11. Tones on Tail ... "Movement Of Fear"
12. Antonio Cora ... "The Cellar"

The song by Antonio Cora is from the score. Now the fact that these songs were maybe not in release at the time that Josh and Co. left the car to film their project.. Adds to the mystery of the Blair Witch.. Maybe the Blair Witch did up a mix tape and put it there for her own personal driving tunes.:) The Front and back will look as follows (Without the see through GIF look) and be released by Chapter III Records. MORE INFO HERE.

Also on The Blair Witch Project. THE NEW TRAILER (IT CHILLED ME TO THE BONE REVIEW NEXT WEEK) and THIRD OFFICIAL SITE. Okay everyone is familiar with the original trailer.. Hopefully if all went well you would have seen it stream at the opening of the page or Real Producer totally sucks ass. Well the new one is available at It is a 2.6 meg download. And Currently busier than a bumble bee. The new site is available at and handles the more corporate side of things also has a listening of the theatres that the film will open in... Oh TBWP stuff don't stop there!!!. Some artwork from the Comic based on the film has hit the above site. The comic is to be scripted by Jen Van Meter and the art will be by Bernie Mireault. The Comic is being released on the 14th of July by OniPress. Here are some of the sketches that can be found at HERE. They look to be of the lifestyle of Rustin Parr.

 4th of June 1999

 The 20th anniversary edition of FANGO will also have an article on "The Blair Witch Project" contained within it. Keep an eye out for it.. It will hit shelves on Monday.
 2nd of June 1999

 The most disturbing news to appear today has come from "The Hollywood Reporter" about films that have been pirated and placed on the Internet for download. Not only Star Wars, or The Matrix, but also "The Blair Witch Project". These are highly illegal and those who post them can be fined the maximum penalty and or jailed. The MPAA and FBI are cracking down on this. Remember if you publish these films without permission on the Internet, Jack Valenti and the FBI could be knocking on your door. If you hear of a site where the download of these files cna be found email [email protected] or the relevant authorities. This information came to me from T_iguana and e. at A&e's TBWP fan site.
 31st of May 1999

 According to footage on the E! channel in the USA Ed Sanchez co-dorector/writer/etc of "The Blair Witch Project" can dance. There were several clips relating to TBWP in the Canne special. I'd like to also congratulate A&e's fan site for getting traffic upwards of 13,000 to their fanatic site after the promotions run on MTV about TBWP fan site. Again I'll plug their marvellous site for giving the great news today that ED can dance. A&e's TBWP fanatic site.
 30th of May 1999

 More good news for "The Blair Witch Project" it had a bunch of promotion on MTV, not only in Australia but overseas in the US. The article on MTV news was about TBWP fan sites and A&e got a huge mention congratulations e. your site deserves every hit it gets. So I'm going to plug it again HERE.
 28th of May 1999

 A couple of snap shots taken by Roger Ebert of the prodigal directing team of "The Blair Witch Project" (Daniel (Dan) Myrick and Eduardo (ed) Sánchez) have appeared on the NET.. Thanks to e. and his Fanatic page. The pictures were taken at Canne by Ebert during and before the panel discussion.

(left-right) Spike Lee, John Sayles, Eric Mendelsohn, Daniel (Dan) Myrick and Eduardo (ed) Sánchez.

Eduardo (ed) Sánchez and Daniel (Dan) Myrick
 25th of May 99

 "THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT" was the only English language film to win an Award at the Canne film festival. It won the "Prix de la Juenesse", translated by e. it = "The Youth Prize" (An Audience Award). This Wonderful news was submitted to the site by e. e. also points out a essay by Roger Ebert that has appeared online at- ..
I strongly encourage supporters of the film to check out e.'s, site which is aptly titled "A&e's THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT Fanatic's Guide"..
I'd also like to throw out a HUGE congratulations to HAXAN you guys deserve espeacially with the controversy of the films promotion in Canne. I was lucky enough to get an interview with Ed Sanchez before he went over to Canne, it appeared on the page a while back but here refresh your memory. I'm not sure if the tactics outlined in the first question helped any:). TBWP opens in theatres in the US on July 16. For those who don't get HAXAN news via Email goto and look at news brief #32. Read how it is like to be on a directors panel at Canne with Spike Lee, Ron Howard and John Sayles.. A Panel hosted by Roger Ebert.. WOW.. great article that one.
 20th of May 99

 "The Blair Witch Project" may have sounded like a mouthfull 3 months ago.. But this week it has been said on MTV (as the trailer will be in front of SW-PM) in the USA, it was seen on "E" entertainement news in Australia. And this week it got its Canne ivitational screening. e has been busily updating his news page on TBWP this week and I encourage all those interested in the project to check out his site.. e. has an amzing ability to track down anything on the film and put it down on hypertext. An excellent example of a fans dedication for instance this past week it has shown us threw links that Mr Showbiz has info on poor timing of the "MISSING" fliers around Canne.. Along with the good news of the George Ebert Rev up of the film.. I encourage lovers of the witch to check this site out. It also includes the rare "Split Screen" mov's. of the Haxan boys on the TV show of the same name. As Indiewire has said it. "The Blair Witch Project" is the most horrifying horror movie in 20 years and it'll give indie film, and the movie summer as a whole, a good name."
 19th of May 99

 TAKE A DEEP BREATH and SHOUT to David Cronnenberg.. "The Blair Witch Project" to a win a D'or. It is getting it's official CANNE invitational screening over the next 24 hours..
 17th of May 1999


Many fans over months past have been faced with a dilemma.. Should I take a copy of those circulating on video.. The simple answer is "NO!!!!!!!!!!".. Mike at Haxan expressed concern over the growing trend on the HAXAN discussion board about "The Blair Witch Project" piracy. The truth according to Mike is that the videos that are circulating are the videos that sent out early in the piece to distributors. Although they were finished at the time a plethora of changes have been made since.. Including a NEW sound mix.. So paying for such a copy would be stupid as you would be getting the kind of quality that is talked about in piracy warnings at the start of videocassettes. Also taking these copies will ruin your first REAL "TBWP" experience.. It is my suggestion that you hold on to your cash for the real thing.. Even if you get a free copy.. Like the one that was sent to me.. Sure I sent the pirate my address so as to get a copy.. But I had one of those "Death Visions" as it was coming in slowly by boat from the USA to Australia.. The Tape is now in shards after I took an Axe to it before even sniffing the cassette.. I didn't even watch it.. I took an Axe to instead even though I was in tears.. But I knew it was the RIGHT thing to do.. Now "TBWP" better get Australian distribution or I'll be really angry.. But if not.. I guess I'll have to do it myself. So a RECAP on "Why not to obtain/ purchase or watch a pirated copy."
1. Because it will not be the intended finished "PROJECT".
2. Because you are ripping off HAXAN and revolutionary HORROR filmmaking by doing so.
3. Because I chopped up mine with an AXE.. And I stil have that Axe around the place somewhere :) (hehehe)
4. It is a crime and you could face huge fines or a prison sentence.

Seriously the remifications are more than that.. Use your brain you know when it's okay to pirate a hard to get tape and when not to.. I assure after it's release "The Blair Witch Project" will not be hard to get.. It will end up sharing shelves with "Evil Dead" and "Mary Poppins" in shops right around the world.

 5th of May 1999

Dan Myrick co-director of "The Blair Witch Project" has told the LA times about why CGI FX weren't used.. "What kind of Blair Witch could we have created on a computer that would have satisfied the audience?".. He than went on to explain, "Everyone has their own boogeyman. We said, ‘Let's let the audience leave the theater with that in their mind.’".. My thought exactly.. It is your own fears that scare you.. That is why the original "The Haunting" was so scary.. Well good on HAXAN for getting this movie out there.
 18th of April 1999

"The Blair Witch Project" is likely to be made into a book by penguin publishing. This is according to HAXAN news#27. The book is set for a wide release in August of this year. Not known is if it will contain Heathers Journal the highly coverted reward of the HAXAN site is this piece of print. By far the best read of a diary since Laura Palmers. Goodluck finding it. The Journal 'IS' within the HAXAN page behind a hidden link. So hidden that the cursor don't change to the hand or whatever when you hover over it. Happy hunting at (Hopefully the book will make it to Australia MR. Sanchez).Also rumor of a comic formed companion to the film. Oh, how the corporate wheels turn.. "When is the soundtrack coming?" One may ask..
17th of April 1999

 It is official "The Blair Witch Project" and HAXAN have been invited to Canne (The film festival not a holiday). As a follower of the progress of this film I'd like to offer by personal congratulations to HAXAN films. There is a competition at the HAXAN page (as per HAXAN news #27) at the moment. It closes on the 21st of this month. You have to go to the discussion board and write in 30 words or less why you should get to go to the LA sneak preview on the 27th of their film. Their are 3 double passes to be won. One entry per person, type your EMAIL address in the FROM section. The Haxan films site is, this site has heavy traffic at the moment. Click on Blair Witch Project, than at the bottom of the screen click on "DISC".
8th of April 1999

 Expose Yourself.. The Blair Witch Project.


You'll understand this picture once you've been to the site.. Also might want to check out the HAXAN Blair witch Site.. much more info and a link to .mov's and the official trailer.. This film has me spooked and I haven't seen it yet.. HAXAN SITE

18th of March 1999

  "The Blair Witch Project".. These four words are the four that will take horror into the new millenium.. It seems that I have become addicted to this film without it even being released.. Exposure to the web page.. The .mov's and timeline is enough to hook you.. To read Heather's Journal (hidden link in the page) will certainly result in lack of sleep... To see the film.. Well hopefully it will not be a let down.. Because at this rate to see the film the fear will be something you take with you everywhere.. It will be a fear in the back of every student docko makers head.. It will be the CULT classic that defines 1999.. It will be listed in the Hottest 100 films of the millenium..
Expose Yourself.. The Blair Witch Project.

You'll understand this picture once you've been to the site.

  4th of March 1999

 News this week.. I emailed the makers of "The Blair Witch Project" to find out an Aussie release date they emailed me back with this reply. "Thanks for your interest in The Blair Witch Project! Summit Entertainment is in the process of selling world rights (I believe they will show the film at the market in Cannes), so hopefully an Australian distributor will see the value in releasing it there. The film is set to be released by Artisan Entertainment this summer in the States." CONGRATULATIONS for making it to Canne.. You will be judged this year under the watchfull eye of Cronenberg who has a seat on the Jury.. by the way Cronenberg's eXistenZ offiicial site is now online.. Go to the 1999 section to find out more.

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