Jason X


5th of June 2000

The Diabolical Dominion got this neat pic of Jason within striking distance. (DD) (HFA NEWS)


6th of May 2000

David Cronnenberg is rumored to be in the opening GORY sequence of JASON X. Well the film just keeps getting better for fans of the genre. (DD) (HFA NEWS)
28th of April 2000

The next installment of WICKED magazine will have a bit of information on JASON VOORHEES in the form of an interview with Kane Hodder. Parts of which have popped up on CSO. News on JASON X and FREDDY VS. JASON.

"I'm far more comfortable than I've ever been as far just being hot or constricted. This is the easiest I've had it with that part, just the way the costume is designed. For once, the costumes have been designed with comfort in mind, which helps my performance. [Otherwise] you start getting really worn out by the end of the day. You don't want your performance to suffer because you're energy isn't there."

For the grisly work at hand, Hodder also does something unusual to prepare himself for the task at hand that one might assume could be very disturbing for others on the set given his physical presence. Hodder explains, "Right when we roll, I usually just do a little growling stuff. I've always done that since the beginning. People are always surprised at first but then they get used to it. I do it just about every take, especially if there's something violent I'm doing. It just gets the energy to the right level. I think some of the other guys who played Jason before me didn't really take it seriously, didn't really try and add anything to the character. They figured, eh, he's just a zombie that walks around. Anybody can do that. That's not true. I just try to put more into it, there's some breathing things I'm noted for."

Hodder is well aware of the popularity of the franchise and how eager the fans are to see the long in the works Freddy Vs. Jason reach fruition. When asked how he felt the upcoming Jason X would do, Hodder gleefully declared, "It'll do very well. I do appearances around the country every year and the only question I consistently get is when's the next movie coming out? Because it's been so long, people are really ready for it, even though most people thought it was going to be Freddy vs. Jason, they don't care as long as Jason's coming back. They're very, very excited. I get 50 e-mails a day asking me about it. When I go on the Internet trying to even check my mail, then I'll get 30 instant messages of people who have me on there buddy list. I can't even check my mail. There's really good excitement about it."

Hodder also presumes that Freddy vs Jason is coming, saying, "I'm sure it will happen, and I definitely want to do it because that would be something that the fans have really been waiting for. I think it would be fun to kick Freddy's ass." (CSO) (HFA JASONX) (HFA FvJ)

26th of April 2000

Finally there are pictures from the set of JASON X. Doesn't the big fellah look scary?? You may notice that JASON has a Hockey Mask that looks like it is an after PART 3 hockey mask. IE the AXE marking on it. But those who saw #9 know that JASON has a hockey mask that was eaten away a bit at the top. I guess that JASON is in fact a little frozen because of a certain freezing process mentioned in many synopsis's so far. They came from DD. (DD) (HFA NEWS)

18th of April 2000

iFUSE somehow got onto the set of JASON X and this is what they SAW. The film WILL have the highest body count ever in a F13 film (30 or more). Jason is ressurected using Nanotechnology which makes him more powerfull than ever before.. Hence the tagline "EVIL GETS AN UPGRADE". (ifuse) (HFA NEWS)
28th of March 2000

Diabolical Dominion has posted a picture of one of the actresses from JASON X in their news brief on the casting. I'm not exactly sure of her name but she's purity. TED from DD says her name is "Lexa Doig, who will be playing JASON X's lead character, Rowen. She's amazing..."(DD) (HFA NEWS)


27th of March 2000

There have been changes to JASON X, according to Upcoming Horror Movies .com.
The changes on Jason X is that one of the characters has been re-named. The main character Rizzo has been re-named to Rowen and the co-main character Delongpre has also been re-named to Lowe. So Canadian actress Lexa Doig is playing the lead Rowen and Johnattan Potts is playing the co-lead. The lead characters are Jason and Rowen and the co-lead characters are Lowe, Janessa and Professor Yilo.

"Also there was changes on Jason X script. Now 'Jason X' have the biggest bodycount of any horror movie!" (UPC) (HFA NEWS)

Really Scary came across this cool thing today. Seems Jason never really gives up. MATCHBOX is putting out a horror line.. This is the JASON one, the station wagon he is attacking reads "Crystal Lake- Camp Counsellour". There is a FREDDY one out as well, with FREDDY on top of a VAN that reads "Springfield Boiler Maintenance- Since 1984". They are available at TARGET and TOYS R. US in the US. (RS)

20th of March 2000

The Diabolical Dominon has cleared up JASON X casting rumours. : The Diabolical Dominion reports that Melyssa Aide, who everyone assumed would be playing the lead character Rizzo, is actually playing a chick from the future named Janessa. Lexa Doig will play Rowen, Lisa Ryder will play the oversexed science droid Kay-Em, Jonathan Potts is Lowe, Peter Mensah is Brodski, and Dov Tiefenbach is Azrael. As previously noted, Kane Hodder is reprising his role as Jason Voorhees for the fourth time. The film, which is budgeted at 14 million dollars, is directed by Jim Isaac. (UPC/ D2k) (HFA NEWS)
15th of MArch 2000

Static X is doing the score for Jason X according to a scooper at Darkhorizons. (DH) (HFA NEWS)
13th of March 2000

A positive spoiler filled script review for JASON X popped up today at Darkhorizons. (DH) (HFA NEWS)
3rd of February 2000

A whole mess of story news for "Jason X" is spewing out of D2K.  The best of which is the lack of TEEN stars in the film. Apparently the film will begin with Crystal Lake Being turned into a Research Facility, they find Jason catch him and FREEZE him.  The film than blasts forward to 2455. Earth is completely rooted and some archaeology students decide to do a little digging (these are humans that are like living space I guess who come down to the SCORCHED earth for experimental extra Credit.. They dig until they find to two frozen folks.. One is Jason and the other is Rizzo the one who froze Jason in the first place.. They both Thaw out.. Jason does the Killing whilst Rizzo tries to get him. So now it Sounds a lot like a horror remake of "Demolition Man". Character names are very pretty. Jannessa, Kkinsa, Delongpre and Kay Em ( a busty droid) and a professor Yllo. The casting for Rizzo and Kay Em are not yet done.  Kane Hodder is definitely Jason and he has commented that the film will take some great twists and Turns. Harry Manfredini will bring back his scoring.. Which is still going to be based on the "Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Her Her Her Her.." as Manfredini once said in an interview with www.fridaythe13th.com.  Jim Isaacs (The Horror Show), will be directing this film and it will have more than 200 FX shots. All FX will be top of the line.  The body count will be like that of 5 and 6 around the 2 dozen mark.  The film also promises to be the Campiest of the series, with a montage intro that includes footage from the previous 9 films.. YES!!. Release Date is October 13... The film sounds better everyday.. someone in Hollywood now only need press the HYPE button and they'll rake in 100 million. (D2K) (HFA NEWS)

31st of January 2000

Fridaythe13th.com has managed to get hold of the screenplay for JASON X and they have reviewed it. The review is available at DH by clicking here. (DH) (HFA NEWS)
26th of January 2000

AICN has posted info on "JASON X". There's no resurrection scene. The movie opens to find him shackled Hannibal Lecter-style in a maximum-security area. Like in the 9th, the police know about Jason. They know he's impossible to kill. They know he can't be stopped. And so they come up with the only solution possible: make him someone else's problem. He is cryogenically frozen and not rediscovered for another 500 years. Before they get to do so, he creates some havoc, and a girl from our time is frozen with him. To sum up the rest, an archeology class does the rediscovering and loads the two popsicles onto their ship on their way back to Earth 2. They thaw, and the rest of the film plays like Alien, with Jason recast as the Alien. Cool deaths, change of weaponry, and plenty of horny college students screwing. The film rips off a whole bunch of other movies, but it all works; it's just a hell of a lot of fun. And there are a few things that happen that I won't spoil because they truly do kick ass" So horror films are going back to what they are all about, and not what socitey thinks they should be.. Or maybe society thinks they should be like this so thats why its like that.. Oh, of course, society is to blame :). (HFA NEWS)
18th of January 2000

Happiness for the Jasonites out there. "Jason X" sounds more definite than ever.. It has been nearly 8 years since we last saw JASON (excluding that episode of "The Simpsons" and a few other cameos). A Darkhorizons scooper managed to get a long to the FANGORIA weekend of Horrors (New York) and found out a fair bit of new info on the upcoming release. Kane Hodder Fans rejoice, he will reprise the role of Jason for the record 4th time. Kane Hodder actually made a guest appearance at the panel with Sean S. Cunningham (Producer for JASON X, direcotr of the original). Cunnigham let rip with the actual synopsis for the film, The synopsis is as follows: 400 years in the future the earth lies desolate. Alien explorers arrive on Earth. As they go below the surface looking for life, they stumble upon a series of tunnels that lead to an underground facility. There they find 2 cryogenically preserved spieces (1 female and 1 hunking mass). They cannot be prepared for the evil they are about to release." The synopsis still remains the same and still has the whoole SPACE thing going for it. When asked about how weak some of the SPACE set films are in the SLASHER genres (Leprechaun 4, Hellraiser 4). Originally Cunningham would never have thought to set a F13 film in space and he didn't think he would, even when he was first handed the script.. but after reading the script by Noel Cunningham and Todd Farmer and Sean was extremely impressed. Other misc stuff, the film will contain 250 digital FX, Jason will has been desribed as an "Uber JAson", Hodder had a full body cast done. So far no Savini, for fans of the brilliant make up artist/ actor/ stuntman.. Surely a walk on role, something, there'll be riots if you make a F13 film without him, he made the FX in the original and chaged MPAA standards forever.. Oh.. <sob> I'm just a poor Savini fan. (DH) (HFA NEWS)
13th of January 2000

JASON X, Melyssa Ade has been cast as a 'bitchy technician' in the film which will be shot in Toronto Canada. The story details are still sketchy but the film will be set on a Space Station where Jason is being cloned (first the dinosaurs). The Hockey MAsk will be part of the remains used to clone. Another rumour has it that for a fourth of the movie a "Cyborg Jason" will be running around doin the JASON DO. Well if that is not enough details some other stuff has become available including the director who is an unkonw (Adam Marcus was unknown when he did Part 9),

There is a film listed a JASON X on the Directors Guild of Canada (Ontario) work sheet.
Details are....
Title: JASON X
Type: Feature film
Production Company: Friday X Productions
Producer: Noel Cunningham
Production Manager: Marilyn Stonehouse
Shooting Dates: Feb 28 -April 30
Director: Jim Issacs
Production Designer: John Dondertman (DH) (HFA NEWS)

12th of January 2000

According to Darkhorizons there is a page at savini.com where you can fill out a petition so as to get Savini on as the Special FX guy for the film JASON X. Savini is a legend to most horror fans so why exactly are you still on this page and not filling out the petition. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

 29th of November 99

Jason X / "Friday the Thirteenth: Part ten" more news on the Sean S. Cunnnigham film has popped up on Fridaythe13th.com . The news is kind of exciting as the film is not set at a campsite, however it is set in a space station 500 years from now. It deals with aVR version of Jason and his Hockey mask according to a scooper on DH. Sounds kind of like a simulated slaughter on a space station in a galaxy far far far away in a time beyond our own. Check out this link on Jason X.
6th of November 99

"Freddy Vs. Jason" or JASON X.. The following article popped up on Cinescapes Insider News.
After months of rumors that a second Jason movie called Jason X was in the works, New Line has announced that development on the film has started. One can't help but wonder how this project affects the developmentally challenged Freddy Vs. Jason project.
According to the Hollywood Reporter, Sean Cunningham, one of the creators of the Friday the 13th franchise, is finishing up his script for Jason X and will turn both it and a budget into New Line by the end of this week. Furthermore, the trade reports that at that time, New Line will determine which of the two potential Jason films will get the greenlight. Should his project get the go-ahead, Cunningham will produce as well.
As for Freddy Vs. Jason, that problem project has been in development for years with most recent word being that the current script by James Robinson is in the hands of Mark Verheiden (The Mask), who is doing a rewrite. New Line production prez, Michael DeLuca, recently revealed to the Insider that rumors that the two characters were not meshing in the script were not true, though he did explain that the script had "a phony copycat Freddy killer" which was likely to be removed. At this time, Verheiden's pass on the script is expected to be finished by month's end.
Whichever of the two projects that gets the thumbs up is expected to hit theater screens in the fourth quarter of 2000.

Now I know why Jason looks so confused in this photograph.. By the way that is Kane Hodder somewhere under there.

16th of August 99

According to Friday the 13th.com the next installment of the series may not be "Freddy Vs. Jason". Todd Farmer is writing the film, James Isaac FX guy that directed The Horror Show/House 3 will direct, with Sean S. Cunningham on Producer duties. The film will be pitched to New Line at the end of the month and hopefully will go into production in February 2000. "JASON X" is still the working title as far as I know..
 14th of May 1999

 "Freddy Vs Jason" still on the slate before JASON 2000, according to producer Michael De Luca (President Production Newline).. Filming will start (fingers crossed again) in the Fall (USA's Autumn).. And JASON X will be made after that.. Which kind of dispells that JASON 2000 or JASON X or whatever it is called wil be released to pave the way fro Freddy Vs.. Jason.
 12th of May 1999.

"JASON 2000".. Or should I say "Friday the 13th X"?? Well SSC (Sean S. Cunningham) films have gone inot pre production on this film because of the trouble with the "Freddy Vs. Jason" film.. Whether or not JASON 2000 will pave a better path to a combining of the two villains is yet to be seen.. But note it is in pre production and may not get into official production. This is all in a RUSH to revitalise the characters of the 80s slasher films before the FAD wears out..

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