Freddy Vs. Jason


5th of June 2000

The Freddy Vs. Jason rumours are really starting to pick up now. USA today interviewed the NEW LINE boss and got the following. "Jason X" and the long-awaited "Freddy vs. Jason". Head honcho Mike DeLuca says "We've always wanted to do Freddy vs. Jason as soon as possible", but scripts so far have been lacking - currently scribe Mark Protosevich ("The Cell") is having a crack at the FvJ project which the studio is aiming for a 2002 release. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

25th of May 2000

This is interesting.. Joss Whedon (Buffy) writing FvJ??? "Freddy vs jason" I must say that the script I read, I know there are several, was horrible. They meet on an elevator to hell and of course it's a bad thing. They start a bloody rampage TOGETHER and then get pissed off at each other over murdering this particular girl. The last half is them trying to off each other. Freddy wins. Based on characters created by Wes Craven, written by Joss Whedon" scooper at (UPC) (HFA NEWS)
28th of April 2000

The next installment of WICKED magazine will have a bit of information on JASON VOORHEES in the form of an interview with Kane Hodder. Parts of which have popped up on CSO. News on JASON X and FREDDY VS. JASON.

"I'm far more comfortable than I've ever been as far just being hot or constricted. This is the easiest I've had it with that part, just the way the costume is designed. For once, the costumes have been designed with comfort in mind, which helps my performance. [Otherwise] you start getting really worn out by the end of the day. You don't want your performance to suffer because you're energy isn't there."

For the grisly work at hand, Hodder also does something unusual to prepare himself for the task at hand that one might assume could be very disturbing for others on the set given his physical presence. Hodder explains, "Right when we roll, I usually just do a little growling stuff. I've always done that since the beginning. People are always surprised at first but then they get used to it. I do it just about every take, especially if there's something violent I'm doing. It just gets the energy to the right level. I think some of the other guys who played Jason before me didn't really take it seriously, didn't really try and add anything to the character. They figured, eh, he's just a zombie that walks around. Anybody can do that. That's not true. I just try to put more into it, there's some breathing things I'm noted for."

Hodder is well aware of the popularity of the franchise and how eager the fans are to see the long in the works Freddy Vs. Jason reach fruition. When asked how he felt the upcoming Jason X would do, Hodder gleefully declared, "It'll do very well. I do appearances around the country every year and the only question I consistently get is when's the next movie coming out? Because it's been so long, people are really ready for it, even though most people thought it was going to be Freddy vs. Jason, they don't care as long as Jason's coming back. They're very, very excited. I get 50 e-mails a day asking me about it. When I go on the Internet trying to even check my mail, then I'll get 30 instant messages of people who have me on there buddy list. I can't even check my mail. There's really good excitement about it."

Hodder also presumes that Freddy vs Jason is coming, saying, "I'm sure it will happen, and I definitely want to do it because that would be something that the fans have really been waiting for. I think it would be fun to kick Freddy's ass." (CSO) (HFA JASONX) (HFA FvJ)

10th of March 2000

FREDDY Vs. JASON info from CSO's Showest coverage..
No, they didn't show a trailer for this long awaited matchup, nor was there even an announcement about the project. The opening presentation was a special clip depicting the "New Line Cinema Rest Home" in the year 2040, where supposedly New Line's stars from the turn of the millennium have retired. Amongst such familiars as an aging Austin Powers and an elderly Spawn were spotted geriatric versions of Freddy and Jason, battling it out. Hope remains. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
27th of January 2000

Kane Hodder has told SLASHER NEWS that filming will begin on "Freddy Vs. Jason" in May of this year. However he did not reveal if he would be in the film. Keep in mind that Jason X will most likely be finished preliminary shooting by then. (HFA NEWS)
14th of January 2000

Confused about "Freddy Vs. Jason" status whilst all the Jason X stuff is floating around. DeLuca has cleared up a few things with a post on CSO, "Since Freddy vs. Jason is still in rewrites, we let Sean proceed with his JASON X as an independent production which we picked up as a negative pick up. No release date yet. We're still looking to shoot FvJ in the spring.". So FvJ is still on the board.. Now this years marks its 13th year of pre-production.. AS NewLine originally approached Paramount back in 1988. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

17th of December 99

Seems that there was more said in that Robert Englund interview than firts mentioned. Robert has gone into another interview and re-hashsed an old rumour that stated that "Freddy Vs. Jason" will have two endings at the point of release. One of the endings will see Freddy win, the other will see Jason win.. Now to me the stupidity lies in the fact that both of these characters are in fact villains and the concept of the film usually revolves around them slaughtering a whole bunch of people before being killed themselves. To have one or the other escape death at the end of the film would make more sequels so much easier to write. Anyhow that is just my opinion. The cool thing about having two different endings is that you could turn up at a cinema see the film and find out what happens at the end, and than go to another session and see the other ending. A very good way of making people see the film twice. But how many cinemas will give the film 2 screens to play on.. ?? (HFA NEWS)
10th of December 99

Latest "Freddy Vs. Jason" film confirms that David Goyer is writing the script for New Line.. This appeared on Darkhorizons.

Question: "Is there going to be a FREDDY VS. JASON movie?"
Answer: "MOST DEFINITELY...As we talk tonight, the newest draft of FREDDY VS. JASON is being readied by the screenwriter of one of my favorite films of two years ago, BLADE. So scream it out on the Internet - the screenwriter of BLADE is now doing the final draft of FREDDY VS. JASON. I have been promised by the absolute power at New Line Cinema that we are going to start, at least in pre-production, in February! So we might have a Freddy 2000".

Question #2: "Is FREDDY VS. JASON the last we are going to see of Freddy Krueger?"

Answer #2: "...I'd imagine that this would be the finale. Though there might be more FRIDAY THE 13th films - I don't know. I've heard a rumor that there will be two endings to FREDDY VS. JASON - Freddy will win in one, and Jason will win in another. And the audience will never know what ending they'll see, because they'll change the last reel."

6th of November 99

"Freddy Vs. Jason" or JASON X.. The following article popped up on Cinescapes Insider News.
After months of rumors that a second Jason movie called Jason X was in the works, New Line has announced that development on the film has started. One can't help but wonder how this project affects the developmentally challenged Freddy Vs. Jason project.
According to the Hollywood Reporter, Sean Cunningham, one of the creators of the Friday the 13th franchise, is finishing up his script for Jason X and will turn both it and a budget into New Line by the end of this week. Furthermore, the trade reports that at that time, New Line will determine which of the two potential Jason films will get the greenlight. Should his project get the go-ahead, Cunningham will produce as well.
As for Freddy Vs. Jason, that problem project has been in development for years with most recent word being that the current script by James Robinson is in the hands of Mark Verheiden (The Mask), who is doing a rewrite. New Line production prez, Michael DeLuca, recently revealed to the Insider that rumors that the two characters were not meshing in the script were not true, though he did explain that the script had "a phony copycat Freddy killer" which was likely to be removed. At this time, Verheiden's pass on the script is expected to be finished by month's end.
Whichever of the two projects that gets the thumbs up is expected to hit theater screens in the fourth quarter of 2000.

Now I know why Jason looks so confused in this photograph.. By the way that is Kane Hodder somewhere under there.

October 99

"Freddy Vs. Jason" another month when the rumors for this film were high on the gossip lists. Robet Englund said on the projects current status, "Oh yeah,that film should have been out by now, but they're doing a complete rewrite because they want it to be just right before we start it. I've heard that it will have alternate endings,so different audiences will see different versions. I've been waiting to do this for a year,and it might be out for summer 2000" The idea of alternate endings depending on the screening that yoo go to could proove to be brilliant and it will impact greatly on the way further sequels to either series are made. They will need to do alternate beginnings to the next sequels to compensate, which in itself is a great concept as well. Sounds like FvJ could really be more excuting than it already is, but with this many delays it had better be GROUND breaking stuff. (DH)
15th of September

"Freddy Vs. Jason" well it has been a while since the last rumor but here it comes. Robert Englund (Freddy) was recently interviewed by DVD review. And this is what he had to say.. "Freddy vs. Jason sounds comical, but (producer) Michael DeLuca goes to great lengths to get the script where he wants it. I am hoping that it will help the overall balance. The new writer on the project did the first draft for ‘The Mask’. It is a great film that really made a difference. It turned a corner like ‘The Blair Witch Project’, and I think these things need to be embraced". What everyone wants to know is, what's the current status of the film. To that question he enthusiastically replied "All I know is that they’re waiting for a first draft at this point. I am really looking forward to that, and then we’ll go into early pre-production. I might be doing a little bit of stuff, screen tests and so in September. Currently we are working towards a Summer 2000 release date. As I say, there’s no final script yet, but I heard some really interesting stuff about the story and how they tie Freddy and Jason together. One of the ideas is to make Freddy the janitor at the Crystal Lake camp and so forth. I am sure it will be fun". Well to me it sounds like the writer will need to give some kind of credit to the writers on the FAN SITE.. Becasue Freddy as a janitor at Crystal Lake is by no means a new idea. (DH)

 16th of August

According to Friday the the next installment of the series may not be "Freddy Vs. Jason". Todd Farmer is writing the film, James Isaac FX guy that directed The Horror Show/House 3 will direct, with Sean S. Cunningham on Producer duties. The film will be pitched to New Line at the end of the month and hopefully will go into production in February 2000. "JASON X" is still the working title as far as I know..
16th of July 99

I just found this on "Upcoming Horror Movies" it is about another plot rundown for "Freddy Vs. Jason", "Freddy Vs. Jason" Plot: I got an email from one of my sources with the plot for "Freddy Vs. Jason" earlier today. Now I'm not sure if this is the actual plot, so don't be surprised if it's just a hoax. Here's what he had to say. The film takes place in there "real" world, as in Jason and Freddy are both movie characters. However there is a copycat killer going around imitating Freddy. A teenager girl is attacked by this copycat but is saved by her boyfriend Jason. But she begins to be attacked by Freddy in her dreams. Oddly enough the dreams take place at Crystal Lake and she is saved each time by none other then Jason Voorhees. See how upset she is and knowing about her dreams the girls friends take her to the real Crystal lake in the hopes that it will calm her down. As it turns out the copycat killer is actually Freddy's henchman in the waking world and Jason Voorhees isn't only a movie monster." Well at least they're not ripping off my crappy idea, that you'll find in the "Crap I Wrote" section. Yet again will this just be another ride for fans of the NEW LINE merchandise spinner.
15th of June 99

"Freddy Vs. Jason" promo art appeared on CSO. New Line is actually using this in their promotional kit even though they are definitely pics from previous films from the franchises. But the interesting thing is that Jason Voorhees appears to be holding the sacrificial knife from part 9 of the series (the mask is definitely part 9) maybe this is from a promo pic for # 9 that I missed in my viewing. There is also something with Freddy's got that part 5 ssneer going?? I have to say I have seen way better fan created posters. But this does mean New Line is still serious about making the film. But this goes against the Chrome masked Jason folklore that is circulating.

 14th of May 1999

 "Freddy Vs Jason" still on the slate before JASON 2000, according to producer Michael De Luca (President Production Newline).. Filming will start (fingers crossed again) in the Fall (USA's Autumn).. And JASON X will be made after that.. Which kind of dispells that JASON 2000 or JASON X or whatever it is called wil be released to pave the way fro Freddy Vs.. Jason.
 All the hub bub in nut shell so far.

Well up to this day in time we find the limbo project date moving from place to place.. It started way back in 1988 when Newline (ANOES) approached Paramount (F13 at the time) to try and make a movie match up of the two antagonists. Than in the early 90s Newline went out and bought the rights to the continuation of "The Friday the Thirteenth" movies. The first that Newline made was "Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday". Later they continued the ANOES series with Wes Craven in "The New Nightmare.". Since than silence has reined supreme on the super villains..

The project has been on and off like a tap for the last 5 years.. Writers hired and their scripts fired.. It seems the teaming up or just plain old go the biff between the two characters is not likely to happen. Newline wants this film to revitalise the characters not just increase their stereotypes. Words like recreating the villains and re-establishing them have often been been used. Recreating a Jason Voorhees with a Chrome Hockey mask and steel capped boots with shin pads. Whilst Freddy Kruegger is meant to be going back to his more sinister roots and a very fleshy look, possibly with a black trench coat to go with his trademarks sweater and bladed hand.

As of now the Director for the project is Rob Bottin (of Rob Bottins Creature FX fame) who won and Acadmey award for his FX work in "Total Recall".. Bottin has written an outline and is working with various writers to try anbd square it off, Robert Englund (Freddy) has been said to be helping with the script. Speaking of Jason, Kane Hodder will reprise the role for the 4th time in a row.

The story is being kept under wraps.. But what seem to be common is the return of hero's and heroins from past films of each franchise.. Those mentioned are Alice (Lisa Wilcox- ANOES) and Steven and Jessica and Baby from F13 9. Other characters that may return are Tommy Jarvis (f13) and the possible inclusion of Wes Craven in some role or Heather L has not been ruled out.. Wes Craven will not have anything much to do with the film as he has not seen any scripts that are too his liking.. Sean S. Cunningham will be producing (Director F13 1)the film. Victor Miller will happily sit back and take money from the making of the film but likely just be blown away by the fact that a film Paramount made to cash in on the "Halloween" concept would along with a star Wars flick take 75% of the years gross in 1980.

The Race is on to get the film out before the FAD runs out.


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