Scary Movie / Scream If You Know What I Did Last Halloween


10th of April

The trailer for SCARY MOVIE is now available HERE, it is a 7.2 meg MOV. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

3rd of April 2000

A scooper for Darkhorizons got wind of the following scoop on the SCARY MOVIE trailer. It contains some jokes.. So if you hate jokes or don't want them spoiled.. Don't read the ITALICS.

"As best as I can remember these are the jokes/spoofs the trailer contained:
* It starts out (like every spoof movie trailer) with a serious intro. It makes you think this is going to be yet another sequel to the "Scream" movies. A cop tells a suspect that they're going to have to hold him there at the police station. Next scene shows the cop hugging the suspect tightly

* A girl is running away from a killer. Her shirt gets ripped off exposing a great body in lingerie. Slow down shot a la "Baywatch". She runs out into the street, sees her Dad driving and tries to signal him. He hits her and sends her flying into the air in gymnastic fashion

* The Scream Mask guy is chasing a woman up the stairs. To fend him off, the woman throws a giant vase at him, then a bicycle, then grandma (who happens to be walking by), then a stand-up piano

* A bunch of high schoolers hit a pedestrian in the street at night with a car. They argue over what to do with the body (a la "I Know What You Did...") as the pedestrian stands up and says "It's alright! I'm OK!". Not noticing, one of the kids discards an empty bottle, hitting the pedestrian in the head and knocking him out (dead?)

* Another guy tells his bed partner (who has guns), "Cover me, I'm going down", as he proceeds to "go down"

* Great shot of a girl jumping up in the air and kicking at a Scream-Mask guy in 3D slow-mo filmed a la "The Matrix" bullet-dodging scene. Mask guy dodges out of the way like Keanu as you hear his back crack painfully.

* A woman gets a call from the Scream Mask guy who says he's in the house. She says "I know. I see you behind the sofa." Cut to the sofa, with the Mask guy's feet sticking out from the back side

* Bedroom scene a la the makeout scene in "Nightmare On Elm Street". Instead of the guy getting sucked into the bed and erupting in a bath of blood, it appears that the victim guy shoots his wad in an explosive show of force shooting his girlfriend into the ceiling

* The trailer closes off with the Scream Mask guy calling three other guys a la the "Wassup!" beer commercial"


10th of Febraury 2000

SCARY MOVIE info from CSO's showest coverage..
From the mind of Keenan Ivory Wayans comes The Scary Movie, a parody of the Scream movies and their various clones, which were of course are parodies of the teen slasher flicks of the seventies which, in the end, sort of parodied themselves but, hey...

What looked like opening scenes from the movie showed Carmen Electra doing a play on the chilling Drew Barrymore sequence that opened the original Scream. Later a fisherman was hit by a car ala I Know What You Did Last Summer. The actor playing the part of the fisherman looked to be the same actor who created the role for Last Summer, but know one could be sure. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

12th of January 2000

A review came into DH for Scream if You Know What I Did Last Halloween HERE. (HFA NEWS)
4th of December 99

"Scary Movie" is scheduled to hit US cinemas on the 31st of March y2k.


Can anyone spell confusing.. Here is how it is spelt.. "Scary Movie" was the original title for the pophorror film SCREAM.. The film now known as Scary Movie is in fact a pardoy of the Kevin Williamson written films. The film now known as Scary Movie was once known as "Scream if you Know What I did last Summer".. But thankfully it has changed because the LIONSGATE scream parody is coming out and it is called "I know What you screamed Last Summer".. How do you tell the difference.. Well Scary Movie is a Wayans movie.. Whereas the other parody will stat Tiffany Amber Thiessen, Tom Arnold and Coolio. "I Know what you screamed Last Summer" is being made by Rhino films and is likely to be bought by Lionsgate, which means that it will for some Lionsgate reason not get a big showing in most Australian multiplexes.. Which will make it more critically acclaimed because not as many people will no about it.. Of course that is purely specualtion and is likely to be just bull crap.

October 99

"Scream if You Know What I Did Last Summer: has had its title changed to ""Scary Movie". Fans of Scream will know that this was the Screenplay title for the film that lauched Kevin Williamsons career.

 2nd of September 99

Lil Kim is taking up the roll that Jenny McCarthy has left in the spoof, "Scream if you Know What I Did Last Halloween".. (DH)
23rd of August 99

Frightmaster over at "Upcoming Horror Movies" has picked up a major scoop on "Scream if You Know What I Did Last Halloween", "Ok most of the shoot yesterday was spent outside doing a football game using area teens as cheerleaders and fans. The last part of the shoot last night was the killer? In a scream like costume out side with a hook in his hand (ala I know what you did last summer) hiding behind some trees on the Vic High campus. The movie is set in California if you can believe the tags on the Sheriff cars that is with the name of the school in the movie being called "B.A Corpse High". Filming raps here on Saturday and then they cross over to Vancouver to do the Jenny parts of the film. Talking to some people that have been involved in getting local talent together there is some concern about the Oct release date due to the fact the filming began a week late but word is they are still aiming for the 16th for a wide release.
Well today ended the major filming at Victoria High all that's left to do here is tow shoots. Today was pretty light with scenes such as a girl throwing out a bird that was being nursed back to health by one of the classes (She thought it was a pet and thinking it could fly threw it out the window) only to learn it couldn't fly as both it's wings were broken. Just like scream 2 is based on "The Woodsburo Murders" this is too based on a book with a title of something like "Your Dead." Instead of Dep. Dewy there is a comical play on his name and the same goes for Gail. Now the shooting shifts to Vancouver where filming will be finished up however due to the fact that they are already one month behind shooting and they have about 7 weeks of fliming left to go the Oct release date looks to be very doubtful. Whenever this film makes it out it will be good for a few laughs I am sure but other then that I doubt it will be worth much."
5th of August 99

The spoof "Scream if you know what I did Last Halloween" will gain the acting talents of MTV's singled out co-host Jenny McCarthy to aid in the story telling. (HO)
 31st of July 99

 Lochlyn Munro, Jonathon Abrahams and Cheri Oteri, are joining the cast of the Horror spoof, "Scream If You Know What I Did Last Summer.". The Film is slated for and October 13 release. (CSO)
 8th of July 1999.

The Wayans borthers (Marlon, Keenen- Ivory, Shawn) parody of scream "Scream if You Know What I Did Last Halloween", has announced that Shannon Elizabeth (American Pie) will join the cast as a female antagonist named Tanya, who will make life hell for a character called Buffy Gellar.. Oh ha.. I'm laughing already.. no stop it really ha.. (CSO)

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