AOL Chat with Kirsten Storms on April 17



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PaCkWiNgFn: not many people showed up

Alternity: Ceedus LaPeedus!

PaCkWiNgFn: I'm a big fan of you Kirsten

Dream SC24: Thanks :)That's stellar

PaCkWiNgFn: you did good in Love Letters

Alternity: where is everyone?

Dream SC24: Thank you very much. I loved working on it.

PaCkWiNgFn: i wish you were in more of the movie though!

Alternity: So.... Dream SC24 is Kirsten?

Herc29: yeah Dream SC24: Yes, that's me.

Alternity: Hello

Dream SC24: Hi

Caracara13: Hi

Dream SC24: I'm am DREAM SC24 for today only.

Dream SC24: Does anybody have any questions they would like me to answer?

Alternity: I saw Love Letters on Monday. What a nice surprise.

Dream SC24: I'm glad all of you guys watched it. That's really cool.

PaCkWiNgFn: When is Johnny Tsunami comin out?

Alternity: Which movie did you do first? Zenon or Lo ve Letters?

Dream SC24: Hopefully this summer "Johnny Tsunami" will be out on DISNEY CHANNEL.

Dream SC24: I filmed "Zenon" first.

PaCkWiNgFn: Do you have a boyfriend ( your so pretty ) ?

Dream SC24: I have a lot of boys who are friends. But not a "boyfriend".

Alternity: Do you go to a regular high school?

Dream SC24: No, I homeschool. I am always out during the morning and a regular school doesn't allow it.

Alternity: Out? Working? Auditioning?

Alternity: A question for herc: Where is everyone!?!?

Dream SC24: Yeah, both.

Caracara13: What is the guy that plays Protozoa's name?

Alternity: So you have a typical busy actreses life... you like it?

Dream SC24: Phillip Rhys

Pyroharm: Were your parents living in Florida when you were born?

PaCkWiNgFn: Do you watch or play any sports??

Dream SC24: This has always been my life, I have been acting since I was 5. I LOVE IT.

Dream SC24: Yes, I was born in Florida.

Dream SC24: I rollerblade and snoboard....I like to watch college football with my dad.


Alternity: Was Zenon filmed entirely in the Vancouver area?

Dream SC24: Yes it was. We were all over down town Vancouver as well as in the country.

Dream SC24: It took 7 weeks to film.

Dream SC24: "Love Letters" was done in Toronto, CA.

Dream SC24: Canada

Herc29: Some of the people in the club have made sites about you that they may want to share

Dream SC24: Okay

Alternity: Share?

Herc29: She may not have seen all of her fansites yet

Alternity: I have one. I made it the day after I saw Zenon. I was an instant fan.

Dream SC24: I think I have seen your site ALTERNITY. It is really cool.

Alternity: thank you

Dream SC24: You're welcome. Pyroharm: My computer is too slow to do anything interesting with.

PaCkWiNgFn: What do you look for in a guy?

Dream SC24: Well, my mom looks for a strong hand shake. :) But I would say he has to have a good sence

Dream SC24: of humor

Alternity: When you did the Disney chat did you get to pick the questions or did somebody do it for you

Dream SC24: My mom isn't single, but she looks for a strong handshake in the guys that I introduce her to

Dream SC24: DISNEY passed the questions along to me and I answered them.

Pyroharm: I was in a chat with Raven Symone on Thursday. Are you good friends with all of the people

Dream SC24: I don't think I got to all the questions though.

Pyroharm: you worked with too?

Dream SC24: I am very good friends with Raven and I do keep in touch with the other cast members.

PaCkWiNgFn: What kind of Music do u listen to? and what is your favorite group???

Dream SC24: I like to listen to alternitive music. My favorite groups are the GOO GOO DOLLS and

Alternity: You're in the LA area I assume, do you know of "The Oakwood"?

Dream SC24: Backstreetboys. :)

PaCkWiNgFn: cool

PaCkWiNgFn: i like the goo goo dolls but i dont like the bsb

Dreamsc 24 ive heard of"OAKWOOD"and I have many friends who are from there.

Alternity: Cool

PCkWiNgFn: Do you have any role models that you looked up too that motivated you to become an actress

Dream SC24: I just kinda told my paretns I wanted to be on t.v.

Pyroharm: Do you think it is a hassle to participate in online chats?

Dream SC24: My favorite actrees is Drew Barrymore.

Alternity: Is there a movie that you would have liked to be in.. a part you think you might do well?

Dream SC24: No, I like chatting on-line. It is fun.

Dream SC24: I would have liked to have played opposite of Leonardo in "Titanic" :) lol

Alternity: LOL

PaCkWiNgFn: lol

Pyroharm: Do you have any pets?

Dream SC24: Thanks ALTERNITY and PACKWINGFN for the birthday greetings, I got them.

PaCkWiNgFn: your welcome

Alternity: welcomes

Dream SC24: I have 3 golden retrievers and 2 cats.

PaCkWiNgFn: So your 15, right?

Dream SC24: Yup, I turned 15 last week.

PaCkWiNgFn: i turn 14 in a couple of weeks

Alternity: Where you 14 when you filmed Zenon?

Dream SC24: Happy early birthday.

Dream SC24: Yes, I was.

Pyroharm: Where is everyone sending from today?

Alternity: Texas

Dream SC24: Southern Cali

Pyroharm: I am in Maine

PaCkWiNgFn: Is Super Nova Girl , a real song ?? like was their an oringal singer?

PaCkWiNgFn: the Smallest STATE

PaCkWiNgFn: My town is famous for There's something about Mary and Dumb and Dumber ( the directors were

PaCkWiNgFn: born here

Dream SC24: Supernova Girl is not a real song.

PaCkWiNgFn: o i like it a little

Alternity: Would you rather do drama or comedy? Movies or TV? Dream SC24: Rhode Island?

PaCkWiNgFn: yes

Dream SC24: I don't have a preference.

Pyroharm: Do you have any hobbies?

Dream SC24: I write poetry and collect shoes.

Alternity: Was it fun filming Zenon... like did any funny things happen?

Dream SC24: In the scene where I run backstage to talk to "Prota Zoa" I was carrying a tray with a glass

Dream SC24: of juice on it. i handed it to one of the "band members" and I spilled the drink all over

Dream SC24: his silk shirt. OPPS.

Dream SC24: Wardrobe only had one of the shirts too.

PaCkWiNgFn: ha!

Pyroharm: rofl

Caracara13: I have to go now, Goodbye everyone

PaCkWiNgFn: LaTa Caracara

Dream SC24: Goodbye CARA..thatnks for being here.

Caracara13: BYeBYe

PaCkWiNgFn: What is your favorite movie ( besides the ones u were in )?

Alternity: You probably never wear your hair like Zenon do you?

Dream SC24: My favorite movie is "Ever After".

Dream SC24: NOPE

Pyroharm: How long was The Cape on tv? Was it only shown in a certain area?

Dream SC24: It was only on for 2 seasons. It was shown everywhere but taken off the air after a short

Dream SC24: run

Alternity: So you didn't like Zenon's hairstyles?

Alternity: (I liked them)

Dream SC24: I liked them, but it is not something I would wear out to the mall. :)

Alternity: LOL

Pyroharm: What exactly does lol stand for?

PaCkWiNgFn: Have you ever been to Disney World , if so what is your fav. ride ( mine is space mountain)

Dream SC24: Laughing out loud

Dream SC24: OH MY GOSH! I love space mountain! My dad and I are big rollercoaster people.

PaCkWiNgFn: I also like Twlight Zone ( have u been on that )

PaCkWiNgFn: i went on it 5 staright times! Dream SC24: I haven't been on that ride, but I will try it sometime.

Pyroharm: Do you like to travel a lot?

Dream SC24: I like going to different places, but I am not a big air plane person. I try and sleep

Dream SC24: through the whole ride.

Alternity: hmm.... I think actors should have to travel a lot.

Dream SC24: Why

Dream SC24: ?

PaCkWiNgFn: Do you play the lead lady in Johnny Tsumani?

Alternity: To travel to different filming locations.

Alternity: You went to Vancouver and Toronto.

Dream SC24: Yes, I am the only teen-age girl in that movie.

PaCkWiNgFn: What is it about?

Alternity: Do you know of Jewel Staite? (lives in Vancouver, stayed at oakwood once, worked for Disney)

Dream SC24: It is about a boy who moves from Hawaii to Vermont and learns to snowboard.

PaCkWiNgFn: cool

Alternity: do you have to snowboard in this movie?

Dream SC24: The singer?

Alternity: no she's an actress. 17.

Dream SC24: Yes, I snowboard in the movie.

Dream SC24: No, I don't know who she is.

Alternity: I scratched my Dr. Martens bad on a snowboard.

PaCkWiNgFn: I hope sometime soon,you get to be in a movie in the Cinemas

Alternity: How long have you known Herc29?

Dream SC24: You used your DR. Martins as snowbaord boot's?

Dream SC24: boots....sorry

Alternity: I guess that was dumb huh.

Alternity: hey, I'm supposed to ask the questions. :)

Dream SC24: lol

PaCkWiNgFn: Would you chat with us again?

Dream SC24: Sometime in the future, sure. I'm really glad HERC set this up.

Pyroharm: Where do you snowboard?

Dream SC24: Brighton Mountain, Utah

Dream SC24: It's really pretty there.

Pyroharm: I tried skiing in third grade. I didn't like it. I should try it again.

Dream SC24: I don't like skiing as much as I like snowboarding.

Alternity: Did you get to keep any prop or something from wardrobe as a souviner of Zenon?

Dream SC24: ::shhh::: I kept the disk earing, and warbrobe gave me the pink shirt that I wore on the "date" scene.

Alternity: LOL cool Alternity: I won't tell.

PaCkWiNgFn: I wish Disney would make a sequel to Zenon!

Dream SC24: OK, thanks.

Alternity: mee too

Dream SC24: So do I. We'll see what happens.

Pyroharm: Are you more like Zenon or the character you played in Love Letters?

PaCkWiNgFn: or neither?

Dream SC24: I am more like "Zenon", my mom says I AM "Zenon" she would like to borrow the Dream SC24: stress helmet....sometimes...but I am a good kid :)

Alternity: Have you seen Love Letters? (that is not a dumb question.) Did you like it? It's interesting

PaCkWiNgFn: lol

PaCkWiNgFn: not laughing at u Alternity

Dream SC24: I have seen "Love Letters" I watched it when it aired with my best friend. She liked it a lotand I thought it came out really good.

PaCkWiNgFn: me too

Alternity: Zenon is so bouncy... you are that energetic?

PaCkWiNgFn: i liked it

Dream SC24: "YES!" my mom just said. Alternity: :)

Pyroharm: Wow. We have less than ten minutes left:-(

PaCkWiNgFn: :( Alternity: Hi mom

Dream SC24: lol....she says Hi back.

Herc29: Kirsten has to go in a few minutes so ask your last questions Dream SC24: I've got chores to do.

Alternity: ha ha

Dream SC24: it's not funny!

Pyroharm: When did you move to California?

Dream SC24: A few years ago

Pyroharm: Is it better than Florida?

Alternity: Thanks for chatting Kirsten. It's really generous of you to talk to fans.

PaCkWiNgFn: Thanks Kirsten

PaCkWiNgFn: your so nice!

Dream SC24: I think so. The weather here is really nice.

Pyroharm: Thas a lot

Dream SC24: You're welcome

Herc29: thanks

Pyroharm: I mean thanks

Dream SC24: I had a good time.

Herc29: ok, bye Kirsten Pyroharm: BYE

Pyroharm: 1

Dream SC24: Thanks again Herc.

Dream SC24: Bye everybody!

Alternity: Bye. :(

PaCkWiNgFn: Bye :(


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