Chat With Kirsten Storms on June 23


Click here to read her AOL chat Excerpts

mnomstry> Herc you want me to do transcripts right?
Thea526> Herc29:I'm Thea([email protected]) I couldn't reply.But I agreet to the rules. my e-mail wasn't working
RPerley> what's Kirsten's screen name?
Kirsten Storms> HI
rammons> hey!!
Cheryl> hey Kirsten!!
chatmonitor4> hi kirsten
rammons> hi
Elizabeth> hi Kirsten
mnomstry> hi
Kirsten Storms> hi guys
rammons> hey Kirsten
neuschwanstein> Hi kirsten
RPerley> Your co-star is so hot!
Elizabeth> could we ask you some questions
Kirsten Storms> which one?
mnomstry> Did Love Letters take place in Washngton Dc?
RPerley> Kirsten---u rock!!!!!!
Kirsten Storms> sure! ask away!
rammons> Whats it like being a movie star???
Cheryl> thank you so much for coming Kirsten!!!
Anonymous5349> Hi Kirsten
RPerley> Gregory Smith---oh he's soooooooo hot!
Kirsten Storms> "love letters took place in toronto canada
Elizabeth> Who is your favorite band?
Thea526> Kirsten-how did you like filming Zenon?
Kirsten Storms> my favorite band is "backstreet boys"
RPerley> GooGooDolls rock
mnomstry> Will love letetrs ever air again?
Kirsten Storms> googoo dalls are really cool! i have their cd
mnomstry> Spice Girls Rock!!!
Elizabeth> they are the best!!! Do you like NSYNC?
RPerley> Kirsten---u r my favorite actress
Kirsten Storms> i think it will air again. but i am not sure
mnomstry> Thanx
RPerley> I luv Them
Cheryl> Personality wise, are you a lot like Zenon????
Kirsten Storms> i like nsync too. but BSB rule!
mnomstry> Do you like my site Kirsten?
rammons> thanks Kirsten for coming........its really great of you
Thea526> Kirsten: What would you say to an aspiring actress?
RPerley> I like Third Eye Blind too
Kirsten Storms> i am very much like "zenon", but i don't get into that much trouble
Elizabeth> Kirsten can you visit my site?
rammons> Have you ever seen BSB??????
Cheryl> K'! :)
RPerley> u r soooooo lucky Kirsten!!!!!!!!!
Kirsten Storms> sure. send the like to [email protected]
RPerley> I wish I could meet u!
Anonymous9118> Kirsten, write me sometime!, [email protected]
mnomstry> Do you likemy site Kirsten?
Kirsten Storms> yes, i have met the bsb before
mnomstry> cool
rammons> cool
Anonymous9118 is now known as Vlad!.
Kirsten Storms> which is your site mnomstry?
mnomstry> who is your fav. bsb?
Thea526> Are you finished filming Johnny Tsunami?
Elizabeth> Could you e-mail me sometime at [email protected]
mnomstry> this one
Vlad! is now known as svk23.
Kirsten Storms> please slow the questions down :)
RPerley> Kirsten---U r the best actress---and you r sosososo lucky!
Elizabeth> okay
mnomstry> this one is my site Kirsten
Elizabeth> Do you like N SYNC???
Oddball125> what is Johnny Tsunami about?
Anonymous5349> Herc-I don't know how to change my screen name to MJWMC
neuschwanstein> Is that possible that you could e-mail me at [email protected]
Kirsten Storms> yes, i am finished filming "johnny tsunami". it will air july 24th on disney channel
Elizabeth> Do you like NSYNC?
Thea526> thnks kirsten
Kirsten Storms> yes! i love your site!
Anonymous7214> hey!
mnomstry> thanks
rammons> So.....Kirsten.....Whats it like being a movie it cool knowing you have all these fans????
mnomstry> i made a picture gallery to!!!
Elizabeth> What do you like about acting?
Kirsten Storms> it's great! i like knowing that there are a ot of people out there who like the movies i do
Cheryl> Who is your favourite Actor/Actress Kirsten??
RPerley> Kirsten, I luv the movie Zenon! I thought that you did a great job---e-mail me @ [email protected] if u want to k?
Thea526> what is your favorite role in your career so far?
Kirsten Storms> i like tom hanks and mike myers (i have seen the new "austin powers" 2 times)
RPerley> I like the people who starred in the movie too!
Kirsten Storms> ii also like julia roberts
mnomstry> Do people recognize you when you are in the public?
Cheryl> I have seen the new austin powers movie to
RPerley> Seth Green is so kewl!
Elizabeth> How did you get the part for ZENon?
RPerley> I luv him!
svk23> I loved you in love letters!!!!!!! E mail me sometime if you want to! [email protected]
Kirsten Storms> yeah, i get recognixed a lot. but it's cool.
mnomstry> neet!
Anonymous7214> Hi Kirsten! Wanted to thank you for the autographed picture! You will always be my favorite actresss.
Anonymous7214 is now known as Gummo.
RPerley> Have you ever been to Michigan?
Thea526> Do you get nervous before auditions? What do you do to rid you of the nervousness?
Elizabeth> Kirsten could you e-mail me sometime at [email protected]
mnomstry> Have any of your movies ever been to theatres?
neuschwanstein> Do you ever go to Orlando.
RPerley> That's where I'm from
rammons> Is there sometimes when you get fustraighted by everyone bothering you??
Kirsten Storms> no, i don't get nervous before auditions. i used to. but not anymore
Cheryl> If you weren't acting what would you rather do??
Elizabeth> Are you going to do anymore movies?
RPerley> Kirsten-who was your favorite actress/actor that you worked with on Zenon?
Kirsten Storms> i don't know what i would rather do . maybe be into singing or dancing
Kirsten Storms> i love to perform
Cheryl> kewl
svk23> Kirsten , do you go in private school?
Thea526> What are your favorite hobbies to do when you aren't filming?
mnomstry> Will any of your movies everhit theatres?
Anonymous59> How did you get started in the movie business?
Kirsten Storms> no, i home school
Elizabeth> DO you have a best friend?
chatmonitor4> please slow the questions down to give Kirsten time to answer all of them
Kirsten Storms> i hope i get to do movies that are in theaters
Gummo> Do you think you'll record an album sometime? If so, what kind of music would it be?
RPerley> Who was your favorite actor on Zenon?
mnomstry> you deserve to
Kirsten Storms> it wouldn't have to be R&B
Elizabeth> Will Zenon, girl of the 21st century be on video?
Kirsten Storms> that's the kind of music i listen to
RPerley> I taped Zenon!!!!
svk23> I love to snow board! do you? i can go like 30 miles per hour!
Gummo> that's cool!
RPerley> That movie rocks!!!!
Kirsten Storms> i don't think that disney will ever put the movie on video
Kirsten Storms> i really like snowbaording. it's a lot of fun
Anonymous59> How did you get started in the movie business?
Thea526> How did you like snowboarding for Johnny Tsunami?
Elizabeth> I've seen Zenon about 200 times
RPerley> So,do you like Third Eye Blind?
mnomstry> Slow Down The Questions!!!!
RPerley> Me 2 Elizabeth
Gummo> Zenon is the greatest!
mnomstry> PLease...... My chatroom may not be able to support it
neuschwanstein> wil there be another 2nd part to Zenon?
Kirsten Storms> yes, 3rd eye blind it really cool
Elizabeth> It is a really good movie
RPerley> Yup---I think that the co-stars on Zenon seem kewl
Elizabeth> do you like NSYNC?
Oddball125> What is Tsunami about?
RPerley> I luv the song Jumper
Kirsten Storms> if everyone will slow the questions down and wait until i answer them to ask another that would be great
RPerley> Gregory Smith is sososo hot!!!
Elizabeth> do you like NSYNC?
RPerley> o.k.
Anonymous30> hey
Cheryl> (((chat monitors))) do you know if anyone is doing a transcript to this chat???
mnomstry> Kirsten, why is Johny Tsunami About snowboarding when tsunami means tidle wave? herc29> somone is doing a transcript
Kirsten Storms> part of the movie takes place in hawaii. you'll have to watch to find out :)
Cheryl> good
mnomstry> I am!
Josie 009> How is everyone doing??
RPerley> Kirsten
mnomstry> cool!!!!
RPerley> Is Gregory Smith nice?
Elizabeth> Do you like NSYNC Kirsten?
RPerley> j/w
Kirsten Storms> he is very nice
RPerley> sweet---I wanna meet him
mnomstry> If anyone wants Transcripts email me and I will give them to you!!! [email protected]
RPerley> He seems kewl
Kirsten Storms> yes, nsync is cool
RPerley> I want to meet you too
Thea526> Kirsten>What is the best thing about filming movies? and tv shows?
rammons> Have you ever met any young attresses like you such as Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen??
Kirsten Storms> i think the best part is seeing how they come out
Gummo> Kirsten, how do you dress and wear your hair when your just hanging out?
Kirsten Storms> i know a lot of young actress'
RPerley> Do you like Barenaked Ladies?
mnomstry> Did you get to keep all the clothes you wore in Zenon?
Elizabeth> Thanks for the autographed picture if you!!!
Kirsten Storms> my hair is usually in a bun or something and i just wear normal teen clothes
svk23> Kirsten, how did you get started on filming movies?
Kirsten Storms> i got to keep a few things, yes.
Kirsten Storms> i told my mom when i was 5 that i wanted to be on tv.
Elizabeth> Who did you enjoy working with in Zenon>
RPerley> The GOOGOODOlls r kewl---what's your favorite song?
mnomstry> hey Herc29>you still want me to do transcripts right?
Thea526> Kirsten:I love acting. You are a great actress too. How long did you audition before you got your big break? Did you have to audition a lot?
neuschwanstein> Thanks for the autograph Kirsten:)
Kirsten Storms> i think i mostly enjoyed working w/greg smith. he and i have become really good friends.
RPerley> He is kewl
mnomstry> Thanks for signng the guestbook Kirsten!!!
Kirsten Storms> i had been acting alomst 9 years before i got the part of "zenon"
Cheryl> Has your family been supportive of you wanting to act??
Kirsten Storms> yes, they have been great w/it all.
RPerley> Kirsten?Can you send me an autograph of you? U r my favorite actress
svk23> Wat is your favorite movie?
Elizabeth> WHere were the auditions held?
Oddball125> acting how? like what else besides commercials
rammons> Kirsten do remember sign the autographed photo for me?? put "we are both April babys, Rachael you are steller!, & Happy B-Day!!
Kirsten Storms> sure, send the request to [email protected]
RPerley> k
Anonymous8682> guys, try to ask one at a time
RPerley> My b-day's in April too!
rammons> kool
Gummo> Do yo think you might go to college, Kirsten? if so, where?
mnomstry> What is your fav. Movie?
Thea526> Will you be in any upcoming teen magazines?
Elizabeth> I chatted with you in the Zeether too
neuschwanstein> Do you play an instrument?
chatmonitor4> slow the questions down please
Kirsten Storms> i would like to stay in cali and go
Kirsten Storms> i used to play the piano, but now just sing. and my favorite movie it "my best friends wedding"
svk23> Kirsten, do you like acting?
Kirsten Storms> yes i love it
mnomstry> What is your fav. movies....other than the ones your in?
Anonymous5349> What has been your favorite role?
RPerley> Have you ever seen Never Been Kissed?
Elizabeth> What do you enjoy about acting?
Gummo> Oh yeah...I love the part where they all sing at the table!
Kirsten Storms> no, i haven't seen that movie
RPerley> Oh---it's good
RPerley> Drew Barrymore's in it
Kirsten Storms> i'll try and see it :)
mnomstry> Herc29....Where are you, I have a question.
RPerley> kewl buddy
Thea526> Do you like any pop music? Who was the guy who played the lead singer in that group in Zenon?
mnomstry> Phillip Rhys washis name
RPerley> Is Margie really a brat?LOL!
Kirsten Storms> yes, i like pop. the guys name was philip rhys
Elizabeth> What was the guys name that played Protozoa?
Oddball125> does he really have an Australian accent?
Kirsten Storms> no, the girl who played margie is really sweet
RPerley> I have seen that movie so many times---and I never ever get sick of it
Thea526> phillip ryhd
RPerley> That's good
Kirsten Storms> he's from london
Thea526> ryhs
neuschwanstein> Do you like Classical Music?
Cheryl> What are your hopes for the future?? Do you want to keep acting years from now???
RPerley> Was Mike and Andrew nice 2?
mnomstry> Kirsten>Have you ever heard of SixFlags?
Anonymous5349> How do I change my screen name?
Thea526> Who do you want to work with in future movies?
Kirsten Storms> yes, i plan on acting for a long time
Elizabeth> What is your favorite movie?
chatmonitor1> Go to NAME, then type in and click Change
Gummo> Kirsten, since your dad used tbe a sportscaster, are you really into sports?
Kirsten Storms> i would really like to work with julia roberts
Kirsten Storms> she's a great actress
Anonymous68 has joined the chat room.
MJWMC> thanks
svk23> Kirsten, do you ever skate?
chatmonitor1> You got it
mnomstry> Have you ever heard of Six Flags?
Thea526> I hope i'm able to work with you someday. Acting is a lot of fun.
RPerley> I want to meet you someday Kirsten! I want to be a director and go to Hollywood to meet yah
Kirsten Storms> i don't skateboard, but i rollerblade...i wear sk8 shoes though!
Kirsten Storms> yes, i have heard of sixflags
mnomstry> have you ever been to a six flags?
Elizabeth> I'm an actress myself! I tried out for the part of Zenon... but I'm glad you got it you did it better than me!!!
chatmonitor1> Kirsten, when was Johnny Tsumani going to be aired?
Kirsten Storms> no, i haven't been there yet
svk23> Kirsten, have you ever been in Russia?
mnomstry> you really need to go to one. The one in Houston Texas where I live is Great!!!
Thea526> july 24th
RPerley> Have you ever been to Michigan?
rammons> Have you ever been to Alabama??
Kirsten Storms> "johnny tsunami" will air july 24th
Gummo> on disney?
mnomstry> Have you ever been to houston, texas?
Josie 009> did u enjoy doing Johnny T??
chatmonitor4> ask the questions one at a time please
rammons> ok
Elizabeth> Have you ever been to Colorado?
Kirsten Storms> no, but my grandfathers family is from russia
Oddball125> chill out people we have a whole hour
Kirsten Storms> lol...thanks oddball
RPerley> How many people r in this chat?
rammons> we have 45 mins left
Thea526> What Did the casting directors have you read to audition?
Thea526> for Zenon
mnomstry> 35 minutes left actually
svk23> are you working on any movie now?
Kirsten Storms> a few pages from the script
Heather> Hi Kirsten, I am from Florida, do you like it better in Cali or in Florida?
Elizabeth> Do you ever get hyper?
Kirsten Storms> no, right now i am enjoying my summer break
Thea526> How many times did you have to audition?
Kirsten Storms> i like california better. but FL. is great!
mnomstry> What is your fav. movie.....other than the ones your in?
Kirsten Storms> i auditioned for zenon 3 times
RPerley> Was Zenon:Girl of the 21st Century a long movie to film?That's my favorite---I'm not trying to ramble on about it:)
Elizabeth> Do you like the show So Weird?
Heather> I love it here but I guess Cali would be cool too
Gummo> Kirsten, what feature do you like about yourself?You have the most beautiful eyes I'v ever seen :)
Heather> When do you appear on Days of our Lives?
RPerley> California is so kewl
rammons> Have you ever traveled around the wrold???
neuschwanstein> do you ever go to Theme Parks in
Thea526> Where was Zenon filmed? And is Phillip Rhys a nice guy?
mnomstry> If you want chat transcripts email me here [email protected]
RPerley> What movie stars have you recently met?
Kirsten Storms> my chacter will appear in the fall
Heather> My big sister watches Y&R and my mom watches DAys, I guess I will be watching DAys now =)
svk23> Kirsten, Why did you moved to California?
RPerley> Zenon was filmed in Vancouver,right?
Kirsten Storms> it was filmed in vancouver bc.
mnomstry> People please im sure Kirsten is getting kinda dizzy watchin the words go up the screen at a 100 miles per hour
RPerley> yup
Elizabeth> What kind of hobbies do you have?
Kirsten Storms> thanks mnomstry
mnomstry> your welcome
Kirsten Storms> i collect shoes
RPerley> People---give her a break!!!We have 45 minutes more!:)
Cheryl> What's your personality like?
mnomstry> Slow it down
rammons> Is the e-mail((( [email protected]))) yours personally ??
Thea526> Thanks for answering my questions and thanks for being here with us.We really appreciate it.
Kirsten Storms> i am very much like zenon
Cheryl> K
Kirsten Storms> it's [email protected] and that is not my personal e-mail but i do read the letters sent to that address
Cheryl> It was really, really nice of you to come!!!
mnomstry> that is not hers. it does not exist anymore that was mine a month ago.
Oddball125> do you ever feel stupid when you are acting?
RPerley> Yeah,you seem like a generous person to meet---u also seem very down to earth
rammons> OK
mnomstry> [email protected] is not kirstens
Elizabeth> How tall are you in real life?

mnomstry> it used to be mine
Kirsten Storms> 5'3
svk23> Why did you moved to california?
Thea526> What was the most embarrasing th
at has happened while you were filming movies? Kirsten Storms> the acting
RPerley> What's your favorite song by the GOO GOO Dolls?
Heather> You seem very mature, I wish I were that way =), I am 5'3 too but still growing
Kirsten Storms> i haven't had a really embarassing moment yet..i am hoping to keep it that way
mnomstry> Where is your favorite place in the world?
Kirsten Storms> "slide" by the googoodolls is GREAT! Gummo> Don't they film Days in NY? Will you have to move there?
RPerley> I like Name and Iris,and Slide
Thea526> I wish I could move to LA. I'd have more of a chance.
Kirsten Storms> the mall!!!!!!
MJWMC> Who is your favorite actress?
RPerley> The lead singer is so kewl
Thea526> have you ever been in a musical stage production?
Kirsten Storms> DAYS is filmed in california
mnomstry> Stop the scrolling. i acidently hit enter
Thea526> oops or a play
Gummo> oh...I wasn't sure.
RPerley> I'm like your #1 fan
Heather> Do you meet any other big named actors/actresses?
mnomstry> no i am
Kirsten Storms> i was ina few for local highschool
rammons> is Sunset Beach really in Cali??
Elizabeth> My brother wants to say that, you are really pretty
Gummo> she's not just pretty...she's GORGEOUS!
chatmonitor4> lol...she's beyond gorgeous
neuschwanstein> Do you like Classical music? And What kind of music did you play on the piano.
Heather> My boyfriend thinks you are pretty too, thank goodness you are on the other side of the country =)
RPerley> If you had to pick,who would you say was your favorite co-star on 7TH Heaven?
mnomstry> Dis yall think that having the chat on my webpage was a good idea?
Aboy> Do you have a personal e-mail? if you do what is it?
Kirsten Storms> david gallagher was really nice
RPerley> OH
Cheryl> yep mnomstry!
RPerley> kewl
Gummo> yeah mnomstry..thanx for letting us have the chat..i don't have AOL
chatmonitor1> don'r ask personal questions
Thea526> How long does it usually take you to memorize your lines?
Cheryl> I don't have AOL either
Elizabeth> DO you like college football?
Thea526> me either
mnomstry> thanks everone!!!!!
rammons> Kirsten> did you like (((kissing))) David?? Hes real fine!!
Elizabeth> me neither
chatmonitor1> Funny, I don't se Kirstens name!
Kirsten Storms> i love college football! GO GATORS!!!!
RPerley> Did you like kissing Gregory Smith?
chatmonitor1> If you get the drift, slow DOWN
Heather> I know you like the Gators but "Go Noles"!!!
Kirsten Storms> i'm not going to answer that one :)
mnomstry> how many takes did it take when you were
kissing davis? RPerley> j/k
Gummo> Kirsten, did your dad announce college football?
rammons> Kirsten...which one are you not answering????
Elizabeth> DO other boys think you are pretty?
Kirsten Storms> no. he covered it for the news. but he didn't announce it
herc29> Kirsten, a member who couldnt make it wants me to ask: who is your inspiration?
Kirsten Storms> the kissing quesiotns
RPerley> I was j/k!
rammons> ok
RPerley> somebody else said it,so I did too
Thea526> How long does it take you to memorize your lines?
RPerley> That is a bizarre question to ask
Elizabeth> Do other boys think your pretty?
Kirsten Storms> i usually memorize the lines the night before i work
Heather> I am sure they do
MJWMC> I saw you on Sing Me a Story with Bell the other day
Gummo> Any boy who doesn't tink Kirsten is pretty is wacked out!
chatmonitor4> lol
RPerley> hehehe gummo
neuschwanstein> What is your favorite subject?
mnomstry> She is fine!!!!!
mnomstry> LOL
svk23> Did you saw the movie that called "The truman show"?
Cheryl> :)
Kirsten Storms> SING ME A STORY was a looooooong time ago
Elizabeth> For zenon, I have the whole script written out!!! And I practice it and pretend I'm you!!!
mnomstry> Are you a good student in home school??
RPerley> Have u ever seen 10 Things I hate about you?
Kirsten Storms> my favorite subject is english . i like poetry
Thea526> wow! Thats really fast. I took more than a week to memorize my lines for a monologe for drama class. Have you had to do a monologue yet?
RPerley> My fav. subject is math
MJWMC> I know, you were so cute!
RPerley> hehehe
Kirsten Storms> i did a monolouge when i was five
Gummo> Kirsten, do you see yourself doing other things besides writing or directing?
Oddball125> do you ever feel kinda stupid while you are acting?
rammons> ((Kirsten))....Do you remember signing the autographed photo for me Rachael hint,hint> WERE BOTH APRIL BABYS
Elizabeth> Could you send me a picture of you on the internet?
RPerley> My name's Rachel too!
mnomstry> Kirsten>When my site reaches 500 visitors, could you come for another chat? because i was thinking of having a big bash!!!!
RPerley> My birthday's April 29th
Kirsten Storms> it would be fun to direct or write something for the big screen someday. but for now i'll stick to acting
Heather> Do you think you can handle those cheezy holds at the end/commercial breaks soap operas have, lol. You have to act so dramic, ya know rammons> MINES 18TH
Gummo> lol heather!
MJWMC> What has been your favorite role?
Thea526> What kind of roles do you like the best? Drama? Comedy? Etc?
Heather> I guess you were born an actress doing onolauges so young
RPerley> You r my inspiration Kirsten!
Elizabeth> I'm really glad to be acting with you!!!
Kirsten Storms> i like comedy the best
Thea526> Is it hard to cry on cue?
RPerley> Elizabeth---r u an actress?
svk23> Do you have your personal homepage?
rammons> ((RPerley)) whats your e-mail
Elizabeth> yeah
rammons> ??
RPerley> [email protected]
herc29> one at a time please
mnomstry> Slow down the questions please, my chatroom is about to explaode And kirsten is propably really dixzzy
Elizabeth> why
RPerley> U seem kewl rammons
mnomstry> please slow down
Kirsten Storms> not really- i just think of how embarassed i would be if i COULDN'T cry...and then the tearsjust start comin'! :)
svk23> Kirsten, are you in high school?
herc29> anonymous97 please change to your assigned name
Thea526> rperley: my name? Thea.
RPerley> people---let's give Kirsten a minute before we keep putting questions
Elizabeth> Lammert
Gummo> Is Kirsten still here?
Elizabeth> why?
chatmonitor1> If not, lets chat to each other
RPerley> The poor gurl probably is sick by now!
Kirsten Storms> yes, i am in the 10th grade
Heather> SHe probably needs a break =)
Cheryl> Did you have an inspiration to start acting??
Kirsten Storms> i am here
Thea526> Are you an outgoing ro shy person?
RPerley> kewl
Thea526> or
Elizabeth> I tried out for Zenon, but I'm glad she got the part
svk23> Kirsten, are you in high school?
Thea526> Elizabeth: really? Cool. :-)
Gummo> Are you serious Elizabeth?
RPerley> I'll be in 9TH grade next year
chatmonitor1> Kirsten, what feature do you like most about yourself?
Kirsten Storms> not really. i have just always wanted to act
rammons> Kirsten probally tired of typing so fast...........slow down the qestions we have 25 mins people
Elizabeth> yes, I'm not lying!!!
mnomstry> What do like best about career Kirsten?
Kirsten Storms> i am very outgoing
RPerley> Me2
Gummo> I love Kirstens eyes!
Kirsten Storms> yes, i am in highschool
svk23> Kirsten, are you in high school?
Heather> She is home schooled, right? I like going to school and meeting lots of different people. I guess, you meet a lot of people working, right Kirsten
Elizabeth> But, I started acting at the age of about10
Thea526> Are you going to be in any magazines?
RPerley> I'm not shy @ all---well,kinda
RPerley> LOL
Cheryl> she said she was in 10th grade
chatmonitor1> slow d o w n
mnomstry> What do you like best about your carreer Kirsten?
rammons> please
Elizabeth> what grade?
rammons> 10
RPerley> rammons---what's your e-mail?
Kirsten Storms> yeah, i get to meet a lot of different people
chatmonitor4> Kirsten, just a weird question, what kind of chair are you sitting in right now?
Elizabeth> SO an I
Gummo> Dopeople ever confuse you with Kirsten Dunst because of the similar names?
Kirsten Storms> i hope i will be in magazines. i would like to be in YM someday
chatmonitor1> You don't have to answer that :)
Elizabeth> I'll be in 10th grade too
[email protected][email protected]
RPerley> Does anybody here like POP Corn?
chatmonitor1> that is REALLY random
Cheryl> My favourite magazine is YM!!
RPerley> I luv it!
Heather> I am sure you will be in YM and Cosmo someday Kirsten
Kirsten Storms> i like going to work
mnomstry> We are here to chatwith Kirsten so chat with heror leave. Please stop talking to each other and wisting your time when kirsten Will be a very nice person and chat with us
Heather> Don't you have a sister who acts too Kirsten?
MJWMC> Kirsten, what is your favorite food?
Kirsten Storms> a leather computer chair
RPerley> Kirsten-who is your favorite actor?
Anonymous6979 has joined the chat room.
Elizabeth> WHere are you chatting at?
Thea526> Kirsten-Do you listen to music alot?
Anonymous6979 is now known as Cheryl.
Kirsten Storms> thanks :)
Kirsten Storms> yes i do
Gummo> Kirsten, do you ever get confused wih Kirsten Dunst because of the similar names?
rammons> Kirsten--------is it nice to know you have all these sites and everything for you?? a\can just see how mamy people adore you!!
Heather> And I hear you have a cute brother =)
Kirsten Storms> MASHED POTATOS!!!!! i likecookies too
mnomstry> what do you like best about acting?
RPerley> Have you ever seen the movie Big?
svk23> Kirsten, what acting school you were in?
herc29> slow down
chatmonitor4> i see unanswered questions, which means you should too, so please wait till they are answered to ask yours
mnomstry> Slow Down
Heather> I guess it would be cool if you and your sister could work together
mnomstry> Slow Down
mnomstry> Slow Down
chatmonitor1> yah whatever they said
Kirsten Storms> i am always listening to music in my room or inthe car
Thea526> Kirsten> go to and you can make your own radio station.Its very cool. :-) You can program your own station to play whatever you want to.
rammons> I like MASHED POTATOES TOO w/gravy Elizabeth> Do your friends treat you differently because you are an actress?
Kirsten Storms> sometimes i get confused with her
RPerley> A special thanks to Herc29 and Kirsten for being here:-)
Cheryl> yep!!
rammons> yeah
Kirsten Storms> i went to "lisa malie" in florida
Heather> yeah thanks =)
herc29> Thanks but this is mostly thanks to Kirsten
chatmonitor1> How old is your sister?
Kirsten Storms> i have worked with my sisrer before
Elizabeth> Do you like the show "SO WEIRD"?
RPerley> Kirsten-Thanks so much for coming here!U r definetly a role model for people of all
ages---thanks for being my inspiration!
rammons> iDO
Kirsten Storms> yummy :0 they are my fave
Elizabeth> yeah, thanks!!!
svk23> Kirsten, can you send me a picture of you sister?
Kirsten Storms> no. my friends like me for who i am. they are all really great
mnomstry> Is kirsten about to leave?
Gummo> Waht other famous actress would be so kind to their fans by appearing in a personalized chat like this?
MJWMC> Do you play any sports?
Kirsten Storms> you guys are welcome!
Elizabeth> Kirsten, could I have a picture of you?
Kirsten Storms> my sister is 11 years old
Thea526> Kirsten: Do you often find yourself singing a long to the radio unconsciously? I do, and my sister is like "you're singing,stop it". Hehe.
Elizabeth> Are you chatting next time?
herc29> slow it down please
mnomstry> Are you about to leave the chat kirsten?
svk23> Kirsten, can you send me a picture of your sister?
Kirsten Storms> that's nice of u to say
chatmonitor1> do you want her to?
RPerley> So,if I want to get your autograph,I send my request to [email protected]?
Gummo> Do you have a favorite poet or writer, Kirsten? Heather> Good question gummo
Elizabeth> Thanks for being my inspiration to being an actress?
chatmonitor1> This may sound weird, but what kind of music does your dad like?
Kirsten Storms> no , but i enjoy watching a lot of sports
Elizabeth> !!!
chatmonitor4> herc, there are a few people who can't get in
rammons> Kirsten-------Is there a place I could send you a letter (through the mail) where just you can read (plus other stuff)??????
Kirsten Storms> YES! my sister doe the same thing to me!
Are you ever going to be one MTV FANatic? RPerley> That would be kewl
Oddball125> was your sister on Nickelodeon's "All That" oen time? b/c there was this little girl that looked like you
herc29> I know, I will send them the transcript, I am sorry some people cant come in
RPerley> Have you ever met any other bands besides the bsb?
Elizabeth> Maybe we can work on a movie together sometime!!!
yeah, that where u send the request
MJWMC> Do you like watching basketetball? I love basketball!
ksno1fan> hey peeps whats up?
Kirsten Storms> i like victor hugo. he write great poems..he alsowrote "les miserables"
Cheryl> (((mnomstry))) in you e-mail address do you put mnomstry in CAPITALS or in "lower case"???
ksno1fan> kristen you like poetry?
Elizabeth> stop that
Gummo> Good choice Kirsten!
Thea526> Kirsten: Do you like being on the computer a lot? Hope you go to that site. You'll like it.
Kirsten Storms> my dad listens to country music..... :(
Heather> I saw Les Miserables on broadway, it was great
ksno1fan> mine too
RPerley> What kinda clothes do you wear?
Heather> Country music stinks
svk23> Do you like skiing?
chatmonitor1> I agree, Kirswten :((
Heather> haha
nomstry> Slow Down
Elizabeth> oddball STOP THAT!!!
Gummo> country? heh...typical parent
Josie 009 has left the chat room.
mnomstry> Kirsten>>>>Are you gettin dizzy?
RPerley> Do you like POLO,Tommy Hillfiger,Abercrombie and Fitch,American Eagle?
Kirsten Storms> yes, she and i both appeared on "all that"
ksno1fan> Kristen do you like to read poetry?
Elizabeth> herc, oddball isn't stopping
Cheryl> (((mnomstry))) in you e-mail address do you put mnomstry in CAPITALS or in "lower case"????
mnomstry> Are you gettin dizzy kirsten?
mnomstry> it doesnt matter
RPerley> Oddball---for the sake of us who r not doing that---please stop!
Heather> bye rammons
Cheryl> bye rammons!!
Kirsten Storms> I have to get ready to leave everyobdy! so if you have anymore questions please ask them now :) one at a time
ksno1fan> i had a poem of mine published in the young american book of poets a few months ago
RPerley> What r u doing l8ter Kirsten?
Gummo> I still can't believe I'm actually chatting with Kirsten Storms!
Kirsten Storms> i have met nsync and shania twain ksno1fan> kristen can you e-mail me at [email protected]?
Thea526> Kirsten-thanks for being with us today. Hope I get to work with you someday. Can't for your new movie! Sounds awesome. BYE!
svk23> Kirsten,What computer do you use?
rammons> BYE EVERYONE:(........I DONT WANT TO LEAVE :( mnomstry> iIF YOU WANT TRANSCRIPTS PLEASE EMAIL ME AT [email protected]
Heather> My boyfriend plays baseballand wants to knowif you like Baseball and if so which team (he is such a dweeb)
Thea526> can't wait for your new movie I mean mnomstry> OR [email protected]
Kirsten if that is possible can you e-mail me at [email protected]
Elizabeth> Have you ever been to COLORADo?
chatmonitor1> She emphasised ONE AT A TIME
Cheryl> Kirsten, Thanks SO much for being here today. It was so nice of you to take time to chat with your club members! I really appreciate that! :)
herc29> ok, last questions
Gummo> Thanks for chatting Kirsten..can't wait to see you in Tsunami and Days! I LOVE YOU KIRSTEN********
ksno1fan> Kristen are you into the bsb?
neuschwanstein> Thank you Kirsten.
svk23> hey!!!!!!!!!
Kirsten Storms> yes, but i enjoy football the most
Heather> Me too
ksno1fan> do you play softball kristen?
Kirsten Storms> i have to leave everyone! this has been fun!
Thea526> mnomstry-can you e-mail a transcrip at [email protected]?
Elizabeth> yeah, I enjoyed chatting with you!!! Will you chat again sometime?
Heather> Bye Kirsten
chatmonitor4> THANKS KIRSTEN!!!!!
ksno1fan> bye kristen please e-mail me sometime!!
Kirsten Storms> we'll chat again sometime
chatmonitor1> Thanks!
ksno1fan> [email protected]
svk23> my computer is broke!
Anonymous8457 is now known as RPerley.
Anonymous2999> Finally!
Anonymous2999 is now known as Alternity.
herc29> ok, lets all thank kirsten for this very great thing she did for us
Heather> If you want a email friend from Florida my addy is : [email protected] =)
mnomstry> IF YOU WANT A TRANSCRIPT YOU HAVE TO EMAIL ME AT [email protected]
Gummo> wht's your email, Heather?
Alternity> Finally
Kirsten Storms> BYE EVERYONE!
RPerley> Kiersten---thanx for being a great actress!
Alternity> Bye Kirsten
mnomstry> tHANX KIRSTEN
Elizabeth> Maybe we can act in a movie sometimw
herc29> bye

Kirsten Storms has left the chat room.

Click here to read her AOL chat Excerpts