Assistant Vice President


Hello, my name is Brett Mather (14 yrs. old) and I am running for Assistant Vice President of Kirsten's Fanclub. I am skilled in creating web-sites and I made this entire site myself. Another of my talents is math, I am going into 9th grade and I have already completed Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II. I am also involved in many sports such as Basketball, Track, and Cross-Country. My main goal is to keep all members of the fanclub involved in some way. I am devoted to helping Kirsten in any way that I possibly can. Thank you for taking your time to read this and remember, VOTE BRETT MATHER FOR ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT!

If you have any questions, or you would like to tell me if you support me or not, email me at [email protected]

Below is the fanclub's shedule

8/15/99 - Deadline for Candidates to announce they are running
8/20/99 - Day I announce the Candidates to the club
9/1/99 - Day the Campaign Starts *
9/15/99 - Members can start Voting, Campaign letters end
10/1/99 - Deadline for Candidates Campaigns and member votes
10/5/99 - Winners will be Announced!

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