Pokemon Ratings... Part 3

#101. Electrode *If you're ready for a blast, this is the Pokemon you want!

#102. Exeggcute *Size isn't everything, this Pokemon uses amazing grass AND psychic attacks, a great combination!

#103. Exeggutor *It's neat how this Pokemon has three heads, almost like a Dodrio!

#104. Cubone *I wouldn't really want to get hit by that bone Cubone uses!

#105. Marowak *This Pokemon is more advanced with using its bone for attack. An excellent Pokemon!

#106. Hitmonlee *This Pokemon uses its feet for super kicking attacks! An excellent fighting Pokemon.

#107. Hitmonchan *In Saffron City where you battle to earn a Hitmonchan or a Hitmonlee, I definitely picked this Pokemon, since its got the agile punching moves!

#108. Lickitung *Blech! If you get licked by this Pokemon, you'll be paralyzed INSTANTLY! Shudder shudder!! ^_^

#109. Koffing *You may not want this Pokemon if you are allergic to toxic fumes!

#110. Weezing *This Pokemon is the number one poison effect! Make sure you have a gas mask on while battling this Pokemon!

#111. Rhyhorn *I nearly had a heart attack when I met up with this Pokemon in the Saffari Zone. Luck went down when I didn't catch it, but this strong Pokemon might take a while to catch!

#112. Rhydon *Its horn scares me. But if you have this Pokemon by your side, you'll win tons of battles! This Pokemon has amazing strength.

#113. Chansey *The Pokemon of luck, many trainers say. Chansey is one of the most rarest Pokemon there is.

#114. Tangela *It's vine covered body is there for a reason. Uses many wrap attacks and other cool attacks!

#115. Kangaskhan *If its child is in danger, it will attack like crazy! So if you catch this Pokemon, make sure you take care of its child and the mother!

#116. Horsea *A favorite of water trainers. I like it too!

#117. Seadra *Amazing agile speed, will fool any Pokemon because of it!

#118. Goldeen *Graceful and beautiful! A great water Pokemon.

#119. Seaking *Once it evolves, its attack of using its horn increases and turns into a better swimmer.

#120. Staryu *Uses great attacks, a Pokemon must have!

#121. Starmie *The jewel is adored by many trainers! An excellent water Pokemon!

#122. Mr. Mime *Has huge hands, so if you make this Pokemon mad, you'll have swollen cheeks!

#123. Scyther *Yipes! This is not the Pokemon you want to face during your beginning training sessions! It's razor edged wings could slice anything in seconds!

#124. Jynx *Don't get Jynx too excited or it'll give you a kiss which will leave you paralyzed! But this Pokemon uses unusual ice and psychic attacks.

#125. Electrabuzz *A must have Pokemon, if you are a fan of electric type Pokemon!

#126. Magmar *If you like fire type Pokemon, this Pokemon will sure terroize grass, ice and bug Pokemon!

#127. Pinsir *Ouch. You don't want your Pokemon to be caught between Pinsir's skull crushing pinsirs!

#128. Tauros *This Pokemon is stubborn, and does not like change. If you want to train this Pokemon, you have to be ready!

#129. Magikarp *Some trainers think this Pokemon is useless, as it only knows splash and tackle as its techniques. =(

#130. Gyrados *After being patient with training Magikarp, you will have a fierce fighting Gyrados! Amazing Pokemon!

#131. Lapras *The transportation Pokemon! This Pokemon will escort you throughout seas!

#132. Ditto *This Pokemon has the ability to change into any other Pokemon in the whole world! So if you always wanted a Pikachu, you can ask your Ditto to transform into one, then you have a semi-Pikachu!

#133. Eevee *Has many evolutions! In the first games, it has three evolutions. In the gold and silver games, it has even more!

#134. Vaporeon *I always evolve my Eevee into a Vaporeon. Uses many mistifying attacks!

#135. Jolteon *This Pokemon is rather... shocking! Amazing thunder/lightning attacks!

#136. Flareon *It's definitely true that Flareon is the strongest out of all the Eevee evolutions.

#137. Porygon *This Pokemon is computer generated! I never knew that! A must have!

#138. Omanyte *I like how its both rock and water type!

#139. Omastar *It's kind of slow, since its heavy shell weighs so much!

#140. Kabuto *This Pokemon is kind of stubborn, but it's worth it.

#141. Kabutops *It's sharp claws are dangerous! Too dangerous.....

#142. Aerodactly *Yipes! If you get this Pokemon mad, I think you're its next dinner!

#143. Snorlax *One of the most heaviest Pokemon! You have to have tons of food to feed this Pokemon till its full!

#144. Articuno *You may want to watch out and be aware of this Pokemon.. it can have you frozen in no time.

#145. Zapdos *Awesome electric type Pokemon. I used this Pokemon while I was battling in the Pokemon League.

#146. Moltres *My favorite out of all three legendary birds. Its flame once symbolyzed the Pokemon League!

#147. Dratini *You can find this rare Pokemon in the Safari Zone, if you fish for it! A great Pokemon to train and to keep by your side.

#148. Dragonair *It is a very graceful and calm Pokemon. Uses amazing abilities.

#149. Dragonite *This Pokemon is also very rare. It'll give you a flying ride because of its awesome flying ability.

#150 *Mewtwo *This powerful and stubborn Pokemon is one of the hardest to capture. This is a definite must have Pokemon to be an ultimate Pokemon master!


Pokemon Ratings #1~49
Pokemon Ratings #50~100
Pokemon Ratings #101~150
Other Pokemon