Bloody Scythe

Bloody Sythe Logo

Full Title: Brotherhood of the Bloody Scythe
Date Founded: After Colony 193
Alliance: Rebel, Colonial Protectors.
Membership: 4,000 active members in military, sciences, and intelligence, 2,000 reserve.
Mission: To protect the colonies and destroy OZ and the White Fang.
Commander: Jareth Dallis
Second in Command: Alexander LeCroux

Due to his long hatred of OZ, Jareth Dallis formed the Brotherhood of the Bloody Scythe in the year AC 193. Since that time, over 6,000 men and women have joined to free the colonies from Earth's oppression. Although they are a colonial force, Jareth has made it abundantly clear that no Bloody Scythe battle is to involve the lives of innocent colonists. Moreover, unlike their rival society, the White Fang, the Bloody Scythe does not want to see the Earth natives killed. He desires the same peace and unification that the Gundams seek. For this reason, Bloody Scythe has formed a loose partnership with the Gundam rebel forces.

Using the battleship "Libra II" as their central command center, they have sworn to go where duty calls to ensure that their mission is carried out: Protect the colonies, defeat the OZ opressors!

Libra II

Wraith Class Mobile Suit Virgo II Class Mobile Suit

Sagitarius Class Tank Suit

Gemini Class Mobile Suit/Mobile Doll Team Unit

Excalibur Mobile Suit Transport Ship

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