Full Title: The North American Prefecture Medical College
Date Founded: After Colony 037
Alliance: Actively neutral, helping and aiding all sides
Membership: 3000 active members in, all medical staff
Mission: To uphold the Hippocratic oath: to first and foremost do no harm.
Commander: University Pres. Dr. Isaac Millner, Ph.D.
Second in Command: Field Commander Dr. Joel Etridge, M.D.
Although there are medical colleges throughout the Earth Sphere, the most renowned is probably the NAPMC, operation out of the former United States in the Maine area. This facility is the primary source of medical staff for the former Alliance, the OZ organization, the Colonies, and the Rebels.
Although they are sworn to uphold the Hippocratic Oath, they are combat trained and ready to defend themselves and their patients. Moreover, they are fully trained in Mobile Suit piloting and repair, allowing them to operate in the field and repair damaged suits so that their pilots do not get injured in the first place.
Despite the general claim of neutrality from the College itself, more often than not, the students of the collegeend up choosing sides and remaining permanently with their choice. Several examples of this attitude are Chrissy Johnson of the Rebels and Sally Po of the Alliance.
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