Full Title: Sanc Kingdom Defense Force
Date Founded: After Colony 195
Alliance: Rebel pacifist nation defense army
Membership: 500 active members in military
Mission: To serve and protect the Peacecraft family and the people of the Sanc Kingdom
Commander: Heero Yuy
Second in Command: Quatre Winner

OZ's initial takeover was swift and precise. In the aftermath, several outstanding Alliance positions still remained to be captured. Of these bases, the one most ferverently persued by Zechs Merquise was the Sanc Kingdom base in southern Europe. This was Zechs' home, the ancestral kingdom of the Peacecraft family.

When Relena Peacecraft took the throne of the Sanc Kingdom in AC 195, she knew that, though she musn't fight, she would need protection. With this in mind, the SKDF was formed to prevent the recapture of the kingdom by the Romafeller Foundation as it attempted to reallign OZ.

The Sanc Kingdom was dealt a final, fatal blow in AC 196 when OZ itself decided that, as a refuge to the Gundam pilots, the Sanc Kingdom was a dangerous enemy and should be punished. Fortunately, a large portion of the populace survived by transferring to the starship Peacemillian. Now the Sanc Kingdom makes its home on the XS-1 Colony, the Peacemillian acting as a mobile base for the SKDF.


Modified Taurus Class Mobile Suit Leo Class Space Suits

Modified Virgo Class Mobile Suits

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