THE VISITOR 15 th September 1999

Global interest in that very famous station

Turning Japanese: Principal tourism officer Jim Trotman with the page out of the visitors book from Carnforth station which is written in Japanese and below, the Japanese comments in close up.

Turning Japanese: Principal tourism officer Jim Trotman with the page out of the visitors book from Carnforth station which is written in Japanese and below, the Japanese comments in close up.       -090999/1

Comments in Japanese in the Carnforth Station visitor book.

SlNCE being opened last month the information room on the famous platform of Carnforth Railway Station has proved a great success.
The room, which is staffed by members of the Friends of Carnforth Station, contains a mine of information with memorabilia from film and railway history.
Thousands of enthusiasts have already paid a visit and many have left their comments in the visitors book.
One family from Japan have signed the book, leaving comments in their native language.
Peter Yates, chairman of the Trust Company, said: "It's amazing how many people have gone out of their way to come and have a look at the station and leave a message in the visitors' book.
"The comments are all very positive and lambast the way the authorities have allowed the station to get in such a state.
"So far we have had visitors from Australia, New Zealand and America, as well as the family from Japan.
"I just wish that John Prescott would come and have a look at it. Maybe then he would realise just how much support we have.
"It would be wonderful to have a translation of the comments from these Japanese visitors prior to our AGM."
The room is staffed by members of the Friends of Carnforth station on a voluntary basis and is open most days from 9-12 and l2.30-4.
The annual meeting of the Trust Company will take place at the Railway Club in Carnforth on Tuesday. The meeting is open to the public and will report on the past year and plans for the next.

THE VISITOR 15 th September 1999

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