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What's New at Banting?

 Inclement Weather

   In the event of severe weather, if it is neccessary for Banting School to close, the following radio stations will broadcast the closings:

Students and Teachers Working Together

WAUK (1510 AM) , WTMJ (620 AM) , WOKY (920 AM) , WISN(1130 AM) , WKLH (96.5 FM) , WEZW (104.5 FM) , and WKTI (94.5 FM)

If it becomes necessary to close school before regular closing time during the school day, and announcement will be made over WAUK (1510 AM). Please do not call the school!

 Outstanding Choir Students!

   Six Banting Choir members have been selected through audition tape to sing in the North Central American Choral Directors' Association Childrens Honor Choir. They will join singers from Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska in March 2000 for 3 days of intense choral music-making.

 Young Authors Conference Honor

   Justin Geib a sixth grader, attended the Young Authors Conference in Milwaukee this past fall. Congratulations, Justin!

 Egypt Comes to Banting!
   by the Sixth Grade Class

   When we started the Egyptian unit, we learned about Lower and Upper Egypt, the Nile River and overall geography. Then we moved on to the history, pyramids, pharaohs and legends. We studied the economy, writing and other various aspects. We also did many fun activities. We mummified chickens to further understand the mummification process. We made collars, cartouches and wrote mummy stories for the Egyptian Festival. The Egyptian Festival was an hour of feasting, looking at our own artifacts, listening to mummy stories and even going on an Egyptian cruise. We all dressed to fit in with our surroundings. It was very fun and we all enjoyed it!

 Banting Receives Grant

Banting School received a $7000 grant for "Models to Support Success for All Learners" from CESA 1.

The grant is for staff development, using the "4MAT System", a research-designed model that will help provide all Banting staff with a common language and focus around learning.

 Holiday Concert Again Outstanding

   On Tuesday, December 21, 1999, our 4th, 5th, and 6th graders presented an outstanding program of music, poetry, and dance for a packed gymnasium.

Under the leadership of Mrs. Deb "Music" Meyer, the artistic efforts of Mrs. Candy Lang, and the support of the classroom teachers and entire Banting staff, more than 150 excited students demonstrated their classroom musical and artistic accomplishments through an entertaining program of seasonal favorites.

 "Banting Bolt" Huge Success

This year's Bolt raised approximately $9874.75 to support activities and learning at Banting. Congratulations and thanks to all who have worked so hard to make this a major success!

A special thank you to our sponsors for our student and staff t-shirts. They include Waukesha State Bank, Robert Baudo of ReMax Realty, and Dr. Alex Pijpaert and his dental clinic.

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