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Site Council News "The Banting
Site Council will promote high standards of excellence for all individuals with
the support of students, staff, parents, and community in an atmosphere of
mutual respect." |
What Our Logo Represents... The basic image, the eye, represents our insights into providing a quality education for all Banting Students. The iris, in the center circle, represents the varied colors of our heritages. The pupil is the expanding and contracting opening in the iris, through which light passes to allow us to see better. This is much like our goals as a council. Circles are universally recognized as symbols for scientific, physical, artistic, mathematical, musical, and social groupings. The symbolic figures in the center circle reflect the importance of adults in a child's education. The top figure embraces the children below in a gesture of care, concern, and hope for the future. The inclusion of the slogan, "Together We Are Better" solidifies the importance of staff, parents, and the community in our vision. Our logo was created by our art teacher, Candy Lang. Banting Site Council 1999 - 2000
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