Hi, this is the updates page.  Any recent developments relating to this homepage will be posted here. . . but as I'm back

            at uni my time will be restricted tho'  :(


Friday 26th February

            Included an initial listing of towns and localities from where our WW1 diggers came from and enlisted at. 

            This list WILL grow as time goes on.

            A page on my latest research finds and problems I started.  If anyone can help us out here I'd be really appreciative!


Saturday 27th February

            A page featuring pictures of todays Indigenous soldiers.  I may include a few personal pictures from my career

            here if I have the time.

            Collections at the Australian War Memorial relating to Indigenous soldiers from all wars.

            A small page on one of my other big time consumers (hehe), the online game called Warbirds.


Sunday, April 25th

            Many images added to the Imagery of Aboriginals during Wartime

            A small background page was added.  "You want it, you got it!" :)

            My research page was updated with some recent happenings.

            Two new images I scanned of pictures I took at the Australian War Memorial are on the Exhibitions page   

            . . .very interesting!


Thursday, April 29th

            Glossary of terms added.  There is heaps of extra information here, be sure to check it out.


Friday, April 30th

            I am away for a week with others from my Battalion helping the victims of the Sydney Hail storm.  We have had 48 hours to respond.


Monday, May 10th

            Operation Holdfast, the Australian Army's operation to assist the people affected by the massive hail storm that hit Sydney in mid-April.  My platoon from 4th/3rd Battalion - C Company, which was the biggest Army Reserve contingent, was commanded by another Aboriginal (Murri) in my unit, Lieutenant. Pearson.  I was fortunate to be awarded by my fellow diggers the "Best soldier" award, a trophy consisting of materials we used in the Operation!  i.e. Tarpaulin, wood, screws, gaffa tape and silicon!  It looks *very* unique!  :)

One very sad thing I learnt while away was the death of extraordinary man, Mr Alick Jackomos.  A moving obituary was published in the              May 5th edition of the Koori Mail.  He was one man I had wanted to meet for a long time, his book on Victorian Koories at war was the first published by our community.  He died after a short illness at age 74.  He is survived by his wife Merle, three children, Andrew, Michael and Esmai, 16 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren.

My deepest sympathies go out to his family and friends, he will truely be missed by the entire Aboriginal community.


Wednesday, May 12th


            An excellent Vietnam War book about a young Central Australian Aboriginal soldier written by Vietnam Veteran Kenny Laughton entitled "Not Quite Men - No Longer Boys", I have just finished reading.  I throughly recommend this book, Kenny also helped out with another great book on Central Australian Aboriginal soldiers.  Some of the places (SME and Stardust Motel) I know very well myself, I could relate to heaps in the book.  :)

Thursday, May 13th

           A page dedicated to the memory of Warrant Officer Leonard Waters, and his fighter plane "Black Magic" was added.


Tuesday, May 18th

           Reading in today's Koori Mail (page 25 - May 19), there is a short film being made called "Harry's War".  It is about Harry Frankland's (writer and director) uncle, Harry Saunders, who fought and died in New Guinea in World War Two.   Harry Saunders is portrayed by David Ngoombujarra, others starring in the short film include Peter Docker, Bob Maza and Kylie Belling.  Harry's War is due out later this year, it has been produced by Golden Seahorse Productions with funding from the Australian Film Commission, Film Victoria, SBS Independent and with assistance from ABC TV.  I'm really looking forward to this one eh!!!

3 - 5October 1999

            Finally got around to moving the site from the old (un-accessible) Geocities account to its current address with Fortune City.   Many changes include:

            Updated: Prisoner of War page - Roll of Honour - Links - Dedication - Exhibition - Wartime imagery - Feedback - Background Info -                               Black Magic - Modern Diggers

            Creation of: Prayer -   Cpl Ron Harris SASR - Joining Up - Medals and Decorations - ATSIVSA -

11 October

            Updates to ATSIVSA, Cpl Ron Harris, Bibliography, Roll of Honour


17 October

            Updated Operation Stabilise page with Blackhawk image.  Added "other projects" to the index page - links to other websites of mine.


25 October

            Updated links page with more Indigenous Canadian websites.  Added guestbook to cover page.  Added information and image of the

            Aboriginal Canadian monument to the Memorials page.


24 January 2000

            Updates to bibliography, Operation Stabilise/Warden page and Ron Harris page has new images.


6 March 2000

            Added name to Medal recipients page (thanks to visitor feedback) for Glamor Garr, the first recorded Torres Strait Islander to be awarded a               bravery medal in World War One.

8 March 2000

            Added article listing "Queensland Aborigine's in the First A.I.F", by Rod Pratt - to the bibliography.   Thanks to Rod for emailing me.


24 April 2000

            Added several names to WWI Honour Roll.  Updated bibliography and frontpage.







Listing of all First A.I.F. units which are known to have had Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander soldiers.

Listing of what occupations these fellas were 'holding down' upon joining the army.

Images of:

The 'Aboriginal Unknown Soldier"- George Kennedy, images of Bill Egan's (Koori soldier from Victoria) grave, picture of Cairns War Memorial featuring the denoted name of a Murri World War One soldier "Perrot, W.   {Aboriginal}".

More information regarding Douglas Grant, Australia's most unique Prisoner of War.

Listing of all Australian War Memorial collections (written, photographic etc) which have Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander material.



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