Siameses, already in the 18th century, lived among the Oriental Royal palaces luxury. They were very rare and maybe for this reason they were appreciated from the wealthy classes and treated as princes. In Europe, they appeared for the first time in 1871, when they were presented at the Cat's Exhibit in London. That wasn't a great debut, as siameses were defined "nightmare cats". Besides, they had problems with Great Britain weather, as they suffered from respiratory diseases and, because of matchings between blood-relations, there were also, in some exemplaries, genetic alterations. In 1884 arrived in London a new couple of Seal Siameses, and the people finally begun appreciating this race.
Venus' Eye, not for the blue eyes but for a light squinting
and the tied tail: two genetic faults which have been interpreted,
in the past, in courious manners.
Siamese doesn't ask, it demands to be loved.
Siameses are completerly white at birth; around the 8th day after
their birth they start to get darker at the ends but the colour is
defined not until the seventh month. Just before two months of age, the puppies are very enterprising: they go away from their mother searching for the master. Siameses miaow unceasingly: miaows can have a so high frequency that it can annoy who's nearby. So, the one who'd to have a siamese must be a very well-balanced person, neither irritable at all nor nervous, but able to appreciate its way to gossip. Strong manners are vane with siameses, they can just make the situation worse. Only kindness can convert it to docility. Continuous and patient attempts are the best to dissuade them from doing what we don't want them to do. It provides itself to its daily cleanness tidying up its short hair many times a day.
In Italy the siameses is present since 1950's and is one of the most
popular cats, althogh still today, many don't know how to recognize
the true siamese.
Paying attention I (23K) Paying attention II (15K) Sharpening nails (14K) Among books (30K) Kittens in box (24K) A curious kitten (10K)
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