You were a Chapter in the book of my life.
A chapter that had empty pages;
Pages longing to hold the words of who you are ,
& what you would dream to be.

Each year I longed to Know you,
I dreamed of holding you you close.
I prayed for your happiness,
& that your life would always be safe.

My heart felt so empty;
the day they took you away.
But I smiled at the knowing;
the happiness I KNEW you gave.

The Smile of a baby,
the gentle cooing sounds.
The little girl laughter,
the teenage "fooling around"

I knew that you were a Gift;
I needed to give.
With all my "love" & hurting,
I released you from my world.

Now that I have foud you;
My heart is filled with "JOY"
I thank the LORD for his BLESSINGS,
& for returning you to my world.

For today I have received a gift'
much to wonderful to explain;
A part of "MYSELF"
Is home once again.

Dedicated to Christina on OUR REUNION DAY... 11/18/98

Bmom to Christina 9/13/72 Reunited 11/18/98 1st hug 4/2/99
Mom to Katy 10/28/78
Nana to 3 grandbabies...my gift from Christina

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