Momma Loves You

(Ginger L.'s dedication to her daughter Tina.) 

There was a glass between you and
I the first time I saw you my first born.
You were so tiny, so sweet, I wanted to grab you and run away
But you were too small
I was too young
They were going to take you from me.
You were the first positive wonderful thing to happen to me
When I looked at you I had hope of love for the first time
You were mine I had no rights
No one cared how I felt
They only cared what others would think
I lived in their shame
Hide them both away they said
Don't talk about the secret
Oh how my sin made them hate you and me
They ripped my soul out the day
That ugly paper that took you far away from me.
The tears, the void, the sorrow
What would happen to my sweet baby?
Would God ever let me see you again?
Would I ever get to hold you?
Touch your sweet face
Kiss you
Tell you that I loved you always
Would I ever get to sing a lullaby to you again?
Would you ever know about me?
Would you want to meet me?
Days, weeks and years went by
I never stopped hoping or praying
I loved you deeply
Where were you?
To look at you once again

A cold morning the phone rang
It was you my child
A sweet beautiful voice
My beautiful baby now a woman
We met. We hugged. We cried.
We struggled. We hurt. We loved.
And now
My life is complete because our love is real
So strong. so real.
I am so happy; my heart smiles much now
I didn't have you when you were young
I have you now
I am blessed
What a beautiful gift you are
My first born, a wonderful fulfillment of a dream comes true
Thankyou my child for finding me
Thankyou for never giving up hope
Thankyou my first born for the love I feel from you

--Your Loving Birthmother


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