My Mother Ginger's 21st Year
(dedicated and read to my birthmother ... for her 21st year recovery celebration)

Once apon a time, a long time ago just yesterday there was a young girl, 16 years old, who gave birth to a beautiful tiny baby girl 3 pounds 9 ounces.

This young 16-year-old girl had to give her beautiful baby away because her parents would not let her keep the baby.

The girl had a sad home life living with her alcoholic parents who did not meet many of her needs.

This sweet 16-year-old girl grew up confused and felt unloved most of the time.

She began to use alcohol and drugs to soothe her fears and pains until one day many years later she found help at her 12-step program.

In this program she began to grow and get in touch with her self and to meet her own needs.

This young girl was extremely grateful to her program and her trusted friends because with out them she would have never been able to live and have a healthy life.

One of her many great gifts of her recovery was to be able to become back together with her beautiful baby girl she gave away so many years ago.

She and her daughter became very close and with the help her program's strengths and hopes. She was also able to help her daughter find her ownself.

This daughter was so very grateful for everything her mother helped her with and all the genuine love she showed her. For their deep love blossomed and grew.

And the reason I know this is because the young 16-year-old girl of many years ago was my mother Ginger and I am her very proud daughter Tina.

I love her very much and am very thankful to her and for her program. She has shown me so much.

I love you mother. Congratulations on your special sobriety anniversary.

I am very honored to be a part of your life after so many years of being seperated from you.

Comments from Ginger: One of the most wonderful moments of my recovery was my 21st recovery party. My sweet daughter Tina read this most beauitiful poem that she wrote for me. She stood at the podium with a room full of my peers that I had come to know, love, and get sober with. I was so proud to see my lost child now found, standing there as proof of what hard work in recovery can bring. As well as the deep love that Tina and I now have. She had many emotions and tears as she read this to me. I also had them. I looked around the room full of people and saw tears in their eyes as well. Yes love does come as well as respect, trust, and deep bonding when we/I/they find and begin to live with honesty and face life on life terms. My daughter gave much hope for others in that room. That day and that happiness will come if we do the work for it. I love you my sweet Sugar Bear, MOM

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