1999 Pub of the Year


The CAMRA Stafford and Stone Branch Pub of the Year Award for 1999 has been won by the Haberdashers Arms, a classic country pub on the lane between Knighton and Adbaston

The award could not have been predicted just three years ago when the free house closed after the trustees responsible for it gained planning permission for change of use to a private residence.

However, pub regulars Dave 'Titch' Sanders and Jack Taylor led a campaign to reopen the pub and, with the active support of CAMRA and others, the 'Dashers' reopened on 12th August 1997.

With Trevor Milburn as licensee, the pub is once again a great asset to the local community. Charity events have been held in the pub's extensive grounds and the famous Potato Club Show again takes place during the last weekend of August. An outbuilding behind the pub is being converted into a village store, the only one for miles around.

Handpulled Banks's Original and Bitter have been supplemented by a guest beer which often comes from a micro-brewery such as Hanby. Sandwiches are usually available.

The layout of the Haberdashers Arms has changed little since it opened in about 1840, although the three small bars were supplemented by a fourth some years ago. On one of the walls is a large framed display of newspaper cuttings about the campaign to save the 'Dashers'.

The Haberdashers is usually open all day, but may close during the afternoon, and can be found at Ordnance Survey grid reference 753275.

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