News Report Archive
11th December 2000

News reports from Wigan Observer, Wigan Reporter and Wigan Evening Post


Work on the multi-million pound Haigh golf project has ground to a halt because the construction company has gone into voluntary liquidation.
Prestigious development firm ERM Construction Ltd had completed just over half of the ambitious £3m municipal project when they were forced to quit.
The news means that there is now virtually no chance that the international centre of excellence will make it's revised opening deadline planned for next July.
London-based ERM, which has extensive experience of building quality courses in Britain and throughout the world blames the weather for it's financial troubles.
Sodden earthworks have meant continued delays which have now created serious cash-flow problems.
Wigan Metro Leisure unveiled the new nine-hole golf course, The Crawford, to join the new 18-hole putting green and academy, The Himalayas, in October, although both have yet to be officially handed over by ERM.
Originally they were due to be officially opened in September and August respectively but completion was delayed by the sodden conditions.
The Stables Golf and Visitor centre, including reception area, changing rooms and two bar lounges plus family area have also already been completed but not yet opened.
But the International standard full 18-hole golf course, The Balcarres, the showpiece in the complex,has only half it's holes completed.
Council chiefs say that although that they still hope the project could yet make up time, completion of the course could now be delayed for a further six months, to New Year 2002.
A spokesman for the leisure department said, "We are certainly very disappointed indeed. But it must be acknowledged that this awful weather has been creating major problems for civil engineering projects the length and breadth of the country, so we are not alone.
"Council tax payers can be assured that no money has been paid for any work which has not been completed."
Director of Leisure Rodney Hill is currently exploring the viability of completing the contract under the appointed official receivers.
Work could reconvene in the spring if talks are successful.
The project has received £2.2m from the Sports Lottery, the European Regional Development Fund and The Royal and Ancient Golf Club, St Andrews.


Barriers could be set up to stop the massive problem of burned out cars being dumped across the town.
More than 400 vehicles have been left abandoned and set on fire so far this year in the borough compared to two years ago when only 166 were recorded during the whole of 1998.
Council bosses say they are at a loss to explain the dramatic increase in the problem but are ready to take action to prevent it continuing.
One of the worst affected areas is Montrose Avenue in Norley Hall where cars have been driven onto wasteland and burned out. See picture Metro officials say they are planning to put in place bollards and fences to prevent this situation worsening.
And the mess has left local residents fearing that young children will be attracted to playing on the dangerous wrecks.
One Norley Hall resident said, "It's bad enough having to look at this every day, without having to worry about if your kids are going to injure themselves on them. They shouldn't just be left there to rot and nothing done about it until someone gets hurt."
A Wigan Metro spokesman said, "We have no explanation as to why there has been such a dramatic increase in the number of burned out cars that have been found this year, but it is a big problem across the borough.
"The vehicles at Norley Hall have been moved by us in readiness for the police to remove them altogether in the near future as they are the only ones authorised to do so. But we are planning to put in place measures to ensure cars cannot be driven on to the areas where they have been burned out this year."
A Wigan Fire spokesman added, "This wastes our time when we could be called out to deal with something more serious. It is basically hooligans causing pronblems for us and everyone else."


The family of a teenager cleared ofrape are demanding changes in the laws after nine months of "hell".
Ryan McCornick, 19, and Stuart Holden, 20, were cleared of raping a fifteen year old schoolgirl in Gathurst when the judge ordered the trial to be stopped and the friends found not guilty afetr only two days of prosecution evidence.
The two boys spent nine months on remand, some of that time in prison, and spent many terrified nights alone in the segregation block, locked up for 23 hours a day.
Ryan, a tyre fitter, is now trying to pick up the pieces of his shattered life, but admitted that it will take a long time to get over his "living nightmare".
Ryan said, "It will be difficult, the whole thing has left me numb and my head is still in bits."
It was last Friday at Manchester's Minshull Street Crown Court, that the two boys were suddenly cleared when the prosecution refused to proceed any further, and both were given formal not guilty verdicts.
The girl had claimed that Stuart and Ryan pounced on her and despite attempts by her younger brother and cousin to fight them off, one held her down while the other raped her.
But in address to the jury, Judge Stuart Fish said he was stopping the trial and acquitting both men because certain matters had come to light.
Now Ryan's family are calling for a change in the law so that rape defendants receive the same guarnatees of anonymity as complainants until convicted.
His dad Hugh said his family has been forced to move from their home in Thorburn Road, Norley Hall, to a new address in Pemberton to make a fresh start and have already effectively served their own prison sentence.
He said, "We have had enough grief to last four lifetimes. People can't imagine the pressure until they find it happening to them. You find yourself turning off the TV or radio so that you don't hear the news or stopping the papers because of what's written in them, and all this before the lad has even had the chance to start to defend himself at a trial."
His mum, Ellen, 44, who has lost weight and is being treated for nerves because of the family's ordeal, received so many abusive phone calls, thewy transferred to a mobile with a closely guarded number.
Ryan was initially remanded in custody after being humiliated by being arrested at work. When he was granted bail the conditions banned him from a five mile radius of Wigan and meant him staying in a Manchester bail hostel.
Ellen added "The only thing that has got us through this is the love and support of our family and friends."


Dean Swaine has once again flicked the switch on his very own special festive lights show.
Dean has decorated his house in Buchanan Road, Marsh Green, with more than 600 new bulbs to brighten up his home.
Together with his wife Lesley and two children, Dean delights in his annual Yuletide show.
He said, "We both love Christmas -it's the very best time of year."


Wigan journalist turned national news presenter Kay Burley is celebrating her 40th birthday in style- with a lavish party aboard the Orient Express.
No small cocktail gathering for the Sky News presenter as she reaches the landmark age- she is commandeering the entire train and inviting scores of celebrity friends.
Eamonn Holmes and Jeremy Paxman will be among the guests enjoying a five-course supper and entertainment, including a magician, the Cole Porter singers, the Natural Theatre Company, comedians and a palmist.
The grand locomotive and carriages set off on their four hour journey around the Kent countryside from Waterloo station following a reception in London. Kay's seven year old son, Alexander, plans to sing Happy Birthday to his mum on the platform.
The youngster helped design the cake. Another centrepiece of the party will be a vodka luge-an ice carving of the figure 40 over which the alcohol is poured before drinking.
And so Kay does not forget her Beech Hill roots, she has asked for the after dinner mints to be replaced with Uncle Joe's Mint Balls.
John and Anthony Winnard directors of the Wigan based company, sent Kay a consignment for the party, complete with a special lid sticker saying "Kay Burley-another Wigan sweetie".
Kay, who lives in Harrow-on-the-Hill, London,said,"This is my way of saying thank you to all my friends for being fantastic. I went on the Orient Express before, when I was heavily pregnant with Alexander, and I could not really enjoy it, so I vowed to take another trip. What better time to do it than for my 40th birthday?"
Kay's first job as a journalist was with the Wigan Evening Post at the age of 17. She stayed for four years before working on a number of radio stations after which she became a researcher for Richard and Judy when they presented Granada Reports.
After a spell with Tyne Tees in Newcastle she moved to London in 1985 to become a newswriter for TV AM. Her big break came when presenter Anne Diamond took maternity leave and Kay moved into the slot.
Four years later she was made "an offer I couldn't refuse" by the then newly launched Sky television and has been a presenter there ever since.

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