The Adventurers©


Balenar Saoeren©


    Name: Balenar Saoeren
    Race: Human
    Class: Battle Wizard
    Alignment: Lawful Good
    Level: 10th
    HP: 120
    Thac0: 17
    Armor Class: No Armor ~ AC -8
    (incl. Dex & Ring of Pro & Cloak of Pro & Bracers)
    Exp.: 290,600 (375,000)


    Strength: 15 Stamina: 16 Hit Probability: +0 Damage Adj.: +0
      Weight Allowance: 70 Muscle:14 Maximum Pressure: 170
      Attack Adj.:0 Damage Adj.: 0 Open Doors: 8%
      Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 7%

    Dexterity 15 Aim: 12 Missile Adj.:0 Pick Pockets: 0 Open Locks: 0
      Balance: 18 Reaction Adj.: +2 Missile Attack Adj.: 0 Defencive Adj.: -4
      Move Silently: +10% Climb Walls: +10%

    Constitution 16 Health: 16 Hit Point Adj.: +2 System Shock: 95%
      Resurrection Survival: 96% Poison Save: +0 Regeneration: Nil

    Intelligence 17 Reason: 18 Spell Level: 9th  Maximum # Spells: 18
      # of Languages: 6 Spell Immunity: nil Knowledge: 16
      Chance to Learn Spells: 70%

    Wisdom 16 Intuition: 14 Bonus Spells: 1st % Spell Fail: 0%
      Willpower:18 Magic Def. Adj.: +4 Spell Immunity: Nil

    Charisma 15 Leadership:14 Loyalty Base: +3
      Maximum # of Henchmen: 7 Appearance: 16 Reaction Adj.: +5

~Saving Throws~
    (these #s reflect the bonus of the ring and cloak, always worn )
    PPDM: 7
    RSW: 3
    PP: 5
    Breath Weapon: 7


~Non-weapon Proficiencies~
    Gem cutting
    Ancient Languages

~Weapon Proficiencies~

~Weapon Specialzation~

Weapons # Attacks...…..Damage.....Damage Adj.
    Dagger             1               1d4 ~1d3
    Stiletto             1               1d3 ~1d2
    Staff                1               1d6 ~1d6         +2

~Items Carried or Worn~
    Boots of the North
    Bracers of Defense Ac2
    Cloak of Protection (+2 to Ac +2 to Saving throws)
    Hat of Disguise
    Helm of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic (90%-80%)
    Magic Pouch of Holding
    Quarterstaff +2 of Missiles Mastery
    Ring of Feather Fall
    Ring of Healing
    Ring of Protection (+4 to Ac,+2 saving throws)
    Wand of Earth & Stone (95)
    Wand of Lightning (97)

    6,053 Cps
    3,626 Sps
    10,679 Gps
    2,728 Pps (1x5gp)

    Astral Spell (9)
    Bigby’s Clenched Fist (8)
    Bigby’s Crushing Hand (9)
    Demi-shadow Monsters (5)
    Energy Drain (9)
    Estate Transference (X2)(9)
    Flaming Sphere (6)
    Hornung’s Random Dispatcher (8)
    Minor Globe of Invulnerability (6)
    Mordenkainen’s Disjunction (9)
    Shades (6)
    Shape Change (9)
    Temporal Reinstatement (9)
    Transmute Water to Dust (6)
    Wail of the Banshee (9)

    Elixir of Madness
    Fire Breathing
    Extra Healing (X2) (3 doses 3d8/dose)
    Heroism (2)
    Hill Giant Control
    Polymorph self
    Protection from Magic
    Reptile Control
    Oil of Elemental Invulnerability, Earth
    Oil of Elemental Invulnerability, Water

*** Ring of Healing Properties ***
    Cure Light Wounds x2 per day
    Cure Serious Wounds x2 per day
    Cure Critical Wounds x2 per day
    Cure Disease x2 per day
    Neutralize Poison x2 per day
    Full Heal 1 per week


~Items Stored~
    Aquamarine (550 Gp)
    Blue Quartz (10 Gp)
    Chrysoberyl Gem (1,000 Gp)
    Chrysoprase (50 Gp)
    Garnet (50 Gp)
    Gems (3,000 Gp)
    Jade (500 Gp)
    Moonstone x3 (50 Gp)
    Opal (100 Gp)
    Quartz crystal (50 Gp)
    Sardonyx Stone (500 Gp)
    Spheres (4 small)
    Art Object (50 Gp)
    Art Object (1,500 Gp)
    Art Object (1,800 Gp)


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