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Balenar Saoeren©


    I am a human male 6'1" tall with a flowing gray beard to my waist and graying red/brown hair tied back by a silver ringlet given to me by an Elvin miss. I weigh 195 pounds with a defined muscular form, unlike the Wizards you have known. I am a young 46 years, but have been schooled by some of the finest Wizards in the art of battle.

    At the age 6, I was orphaned, when the fires of Hell took the village and my parents from me. I wandered for what seemed like an eternity, and was found cold and hungry and alone by a farmer and his wife who took me in to their home and treated me as their own for some 10 years. I worked on the farm as any other would do, following my adopted fathers guidance.

    At the age of 16, I grew restless of the farm and decided to seek out my destiny, and after a few years of adventuring, I was taken under the wing of Erdreth Halansalim, Battle Wizard of King Azoun IV of Cormyr.

    To Erdreth I owe my training and his patience in honing me to the Wizard that I am today. I'd like to think that I have learned what it takes to be a Battle Wizard...but I have learned through the years that it is not all the teachings of another, but the wisdom acquired through life's years that are the best teacher. The teachings of others help us to understand and apply what we know and what we see to the lives that are ours but for a short time. Without those teachings, and the living years to understand what they are and what they mean, we are but children.


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