The Adventurers©



Recent Times

    In recent months Balenar has been seen in and around the Lands of Calidair, where he has made friends and enemies alike.

    There have been many adventures throughout the lands, which have brought him the energies he was lacking before coming here from the southern lands.

    He has found a small piece of land outside of Talin Halinor which suited his needs for the start of a home. As you can see from the picture above, it is a modest three level tower with a basement and workshop. Balenar has never been a man of possessions, but this area seems to suit him with few reservations, and the yearning within him has driven him to put down roots.

    The farmer that he purchased the land from has told him that the water is sweet, and the area he purchased was not suitable for growing much as it is a rocky knoll.

    The picture is what the mason has provides for the finished home. As of today, the tower is still under construction, and it should be finished well before the onset of winter.

    Balenar has taken on an apprentice, Ileyana Harborheart. If you are in or around the Lands of Calidair, you will most likely see them traveling together as Ileyana has a quest for Arcanus to fulfill and Balenar has taken her to heart.

    As soon as the tower is finished, you will see them around the area of Talin Halinor, but for now they are living above the Lucky Lady Tavern in Sturmguard.

    Update; The tower is now finished, Balenar and Ileyana have moved in. Ileyana's quest has been fulfilled and Arcanus has accepted her as a follower. Balenar has asked Ileyana to become his wife, she has accepted! As of this printing, there has not been a date set yet, but the wedding date will be posted as soon as a decision has been made.

    Update; The wedding went off without a catch. I would like to personally thank all for attending the wedding, and I hope you enjoyed the food, drink, and warm company of all our other friends. Thank you for the wedding gifts, they will be used and are appreciated.

    Well, as you can see from the picture above, the winter thaw has left the ground soft enough to begin construction on the second of three towers, all to be joined together. The picture you see here is what the mason has envisioned and should be completed in a few months, at which time, we hope to be able to start on the third and final section to our home.

    We continue to search out the vermin that have plagued the forests, running the game out of the area. As most of you know, this is a never-ending task, but the promise I gave to Glithcalis was to do whatever possible to rid our fair country of this vermin and help return the wildlife to the area. Glithcalis has informed me that, he has creatures that have been displaced from their own areas that will be using the area as soon as it is felt to be safe for the return of the wildlife.

    Update; Well, it seems the story never ends. While dividing the items that were taken from a pair of black dragons, Balenar picked up a mirror and glanced into it, causing a complete and total duplicate of himself to appear in front of him. Upon being attacked by this duplicate, he defeated it, only to die, and kill Ana at the same time. Well, after being resurrected, bringing himself and Ana back to life, the duplicate also reappeared. There is speculation that the link between Ana and Balenar is the cause for this unusual occurrence. It is being looked into very deeply.
    There is no difference between Balenar and this duplicate, so beware whom you speak with. Ana and Balenar have made a visible change in the real Balenar that Ana only knows about, and if you were to ask her, she might tell you, then you will know how to tell them apart, but until such time as you speak with her, you will probably not be able to know the difference. The obvious things have been changed, like the password to enter the tower.
    My friends, please beware, there is not only a duplicate of me wandering around, he also has another "Staff of Missile Mastery". Now, in and of itself, the staff is only a piece of wood, but in the hands of one who knows the powers, like the duplicate, this is a powerful weapon, not to be trifled with. So, I say again, please beware. 


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