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Season 1

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 03/06/01.


Doctor Julian Bashir: "Well, they have to listen to reason, don't they?  Don't they know what'll happen if they go in there..."
Security Chief Odo: "Doctor, most people in my experience wouldn't know reason if it walked up and shook their hand."

Kira Nerys:  "Yes?"
Captain Benjamin Sisko:  "I'm Benjamin Sisko."
Kira:  "I suppose you want the office."
Sisko:  "Well, I thought I'd say hello first, and then take the office, but we can do it in any order you like."
Kira:  "Hello."

Kira (to Sisko): "Our religion is the only thing that holds my people together."

Kira (to Sisko): "I have the bad habit of telling the truth, even when people don't want to hear it."

Kira: "This wilderness is my home."

Locutus: "Resistance is futile.  You will disarm your weapons, and escort us to Sector 001.  If you attempt to intervene, we will destroy you."

Miles Edward O'Brien: "What shields!?"

Odo (to Kira): "All my life, I've been forced to pass myself off as one of you, always wondering who I really am.  Well, the answers to a lot of my questions may be somewhere on the other side of the wormhole.  You coming?"

Odo (re: Sisko): "You know, I didn't think I was going to like him."

Kai Opaka (to Sisko): "A Bajoran draws courage from his spiritual life."

Opaka (to Sisko): "Look for solutions from within, Commander."

Opaka (to Sisko re: Celestial Temple of the Prophets): "You will find the temple.  Not for Bajor.  Not for the Federation.  But for your own pagh.  It is, quite simply, Commander, the journey you have always been destined to take."

Quark (to Sisko): "Never trust ale from a god-fearing people, or a Starfleet commander that has one of your relatives in jail."

Quark: "Ooh ... I love a woman in uniform!"

Quark: "The Provisional Government is going to fall, and when governments fall, people like me are the first ones shot."

Sisko (to Dax): "It's good to see you, too -- 'Old Man'."

Sisko (to wormhole alien): "It can be argued that a human is ultimately the sum of his experiences."

Sisko (to wormhole alien on comparing baseball to life): "The rules aren't important.  What's important is, it's linear.  Every time I throw this ball a hundred different things can happen in a game.  He might swing and miss, he might hit it.  The point is you never know.  You try to anticipate, set a strategy for all the possibilities as best you can, but in the end it comes down to throwing one pitch after another and seeing what happens.  Wit each new consequence, the game begins to take shape."

Sisko (to wormhole alien on comparing baseball to life): "The game wouldn't be worth playing if we knew what was going to happen."

Sisko (to wormhole alien): "That may be the most important thing to understand about humans.  It is the unknown that defines our existence.  We are consequently searching, not just for answers to our questions, but for new questions.  We are explorers.  We explore our lives day by day, and we explore the galaxy, trying to expand the boundaries of our knowledge.  And that is why I am here.  Not to conquer you with weapons or with ideas.  But to coexist and learn."

Sisko (Re: life): "No, it is not linear."

Sisko (to Jennifer Sisko in his thoughts): "The sound of children playing.  What could be more beautiful?"

Past Prologue

Garak: "Ah!  An open mind.  The essence of intellect."

Kira: "It sounds like you're trying to talk yourself into something.  Or out of something."
Odo: "Either way, I have to betray someone."
Kira: "Only important thing is not to betray yourself."

Odo: "Pretense.  There's a special talent to it.  It's as hard for me as creating one of your noses."
Kira: "Maybe that's why I've learned to respect your opinion, Constable.  Never any pretense."

Odo: "Cardassian rule may have been oppressive, but at least it was simple."

Sisko (to Gul Danar): "Danar, in war, both sides commit atrocities."

A Man Alone

Odo (to Sisko): "Commander, laws change depending on who's making them ... but justice is justice."

Quark: "Everyone wants a piece of the new frontier."
Odo: "And I'm sure you've already tried to sell it to a few of them."

Sisko (to mob attacking Odo): "Justice.  Really?  Is it justice you're after, or just some way to express your anger?  Your fear.  Look at yourselves in an hour, you'll regret what you tried to do here.  Do not condemn this man because he is different than you are."

Zayra (re: Odo): "I can't believe you're defending him, Quark.  You're his worst enemy."
Quark: "Guess that's the closest thing he has in this world to a friend."


Bashir: "Computer, display morning."

Odo: "Rom's an idiot.  He couldn't fix a straw if it was bent."

Captive Pursuit

O'Brien (to Sisko): "You know the old saying, 'a man who's always looking over his shoulder is waiting for trouble to find him'."

Sisko (to Hunter re: Tosk): "I have no tolerance for the abuse of any life-form."

Tosk: "I am Tosk."
O'Brien: "Is that a name or your species?"
Tosk: "I am Tosk."

Tosk: "I am sorry I have no vices for you to exploit."

Tosk: "Die with honor."


O'Brien (to Q): "Why don't you go do something useful, like bother Cardassians?"

Odo (to Quark): "I'll never understand this obsession with accumulating material wealth.  You spend your entire life plotting and scheming to acquire more and more possessions, until your living areas are bursting with useless junk.  Then you die, your relatives sell everything and start the cycle all over again."

Q: "You hit me!  Picard never have hit me."  
Sisko: "I'm not Picard!"
Q: "Indeed not.  You're much easier to provoke.  How fortunate for me."

Q (to O'Brien): "Enterprise?  Oh yes.  Weren't you one of the little people?"

Q (to Vash): "Earth.  Oh, don't get me wrong.  A thousand years ago it had character.  Crusades.  Spanish Inquisition.  Watergate.  Now it's just mind-numbingly dull."

Q: "Be of good cheer.  I bring you wonderful news.  I'm back!"

Q: "Picard and his lackeys would have solved all this techno-babble hours ago."

Q (to Vash): "But it's not going to be the same without you.  When I look at a gas nebula, all I see is a cloud of dust, but seeing the universe through your eyes I was able to experience wonder.  I'm going to miss that."

Quark (re: auctioneers): "They're all ridiculously wealthy and not too bright."


The Passenger

Bashir: "I just seem to have a talent, I suppose, a vision that sees past the obvious, around the mundane, right to the target.  Fate has granted me a gift, Major, a gift to be a healer."
Kira: "I feel privileged to be in your presence."

Possessed Bashir (re: body): "Looks rather good on me, don't you think?"

Quark: "It's good to want things."
Odo: "Even things you can't have?"
Quark: "Especially things I can't have."

Quark: "There's nothing wrong with a good delusion; I sell them upstairs to dozens of people every day."

Ty Kajada: "What kind of fool are you?"
Odo: "My own special variety."


Move Along Home

Falow (to Sisko): "Yes -- yes -- yes -- now where are the games?"

Kira: "This is not what I signed up for!"

Quark (to Sisko re: Wadi): "Commander, I'm a host.  A host is an ambassador of goodwill.  The more goodwill that I can generate, the longer they'll stay, the greater my profits."

Quark (to Falow): "One man's priceless is another man's worthless."

Quark: "Oh, that's right -- you were there for the groveling."

Jake Sisko: "Dad, I'm fourteen."  
Sisko: "I'm glad we agree on something."

The Nagus

Quark: "I didn't think you had the lobes."

Rom (to Quark; the First Rule of Acquisition): "Once you have their money, you never give it back."

Sisko (to Dax): "Going through my own adolescence was difficult enough.  Surviving my son's is going to take a miracle."

Grand Nagus Zek (to Quark): "Never trust anyone who places your prosperity above their own."

Zek (to Krax): "You don't grab power.  You accumulate it, quietly, without anyone noticing."

Zek (to Quark; the Sixth Rule of Acquisition): "Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity."

Zek (to Quark): "And remember, when in doubt, be ruthless."

Zek (to Krax): "Never underestimate the importance of a first impression."

Zek: " It's like ... talking to a Klingon!"


Croden: "Don't thank me, I already regret it."

Odo (to Quark): "There's no profit in kindness."

Battle Lines

Bashir: "I'm sorry, Commander, but I've learned we can't afford to die here -- not even once."

Kira (to Opaka): "I don't enjoy fighting.  Yes, I've fought my entire life but for a good cause, for our freedom, our independence, and it was brutal and ugly and --.  But that's over for me now.  That's not who I am.  I don't want you to think that I'm this violent person without a soul, without a conscience.  That's not who I am."

Opaka: "I don't get out often."

Opaka (to Kira): "They don't know how to do anything else but die; they've forgotten how to live."

Opaka (to Kira): "In the eyes of the Prophets, we are all children."

Opaka: "Don't deny the violence inside of you, Kira.  Only when you accept it, can you move beyond it."

Shel-La (to Kira): "When you cease to fear death, the rules of war change."

The Storyteller

Bashir: "Do I annoy you?"

Bashir (to O'Brien re: young women): "I think they're the ones offering services, Chief."

Nog (to Varis Sul re: border problems): "Maybe this isn't a problem.  Maybe it's an opportunity."

Nog (to Varis Sul): "The Ninth Rule of Acquisition clearly states that 'opportunity plus instinct equals profit."

Varis Sul: "You don't lose by saying no."
Sisko: "Maybe.  But a great leader, like your father, is one who's willing to risk saying yes."


Mullibok: "The Cardassians probably told you you didn't stand a chance either.  Did you surrender?"
Kira: "No."
Mullibok: "Why do you expect me to act any different than you?"

Sisko: "You know you're causing a lot of trouble."
Mullibok: "I can't tell you how delighted I am to hear that."

Sisko: "You have to realize something, Major.  You're on the other side now.  Pretty uncomfortable, isn't it?"
Kira: "It's awful."

If Wishes Were Horses


Dax: "Cold fish?"

Odo: "You're disgusting."
Quark: "It's a living."

Odo (to Quark): "Too many people dream of places they'll never go, wish for things they'll never have ... instead of paying adequate attention to their real lives...."

Quark: "Family entertainment.  That's the future, Odo.   There's a fortune to be made.  Little holocreatures running around.   Rides and games for the kiddies.  Ferengi standing in every doorway selling useless souvenirs."

Jake Sisko: "He followed me home from the holosuite."

The Forsaken


Bashir (to Sisko re: Federation ambassadors): "Nothing makes them happy.  They are dedicated to being unhappy and to spreading that unhappiness wherever they go ... they are the Ambassadors of Unhappy."

Lwaxana Troi (to Odo):  "When it comes to picnics, the only thing that really matters is the company."

Lwaxana (to Odo re: real hair vs. wig):  "It looks ... ordinary.  I've never cared to be ordinary.  So you see, Odo, even we non-shape-shifters have to change who we are once in a while."

O'Brien (to Sisko):  "This is no computer.  This is my archenemy."

Odo: "Every sixteen hours, I turn into a liquid."
Lwaxana:  "I can swim."

Odo (to Lwaxana):  "You are not at all what I expected."

Odo (to Lwaxana):  "My way of trying to fit in.  I found I could be entertaining.  Odo, be a chair.  I'm a chair.  Odo, be a razorcat.  I'm a razorcat.  Life of the party.  I hate parties."

Odo: "Procreation does not require changing how you smell, or writing bad poetry, or sacrificing various plants to serve as tokens of affection."

Sisko: "... keep them happy ..."  
Bashir: "Nothing makes them happy!  They are dedicated to being unhappy, and to spreading that unhappiness to others!  They are the Ambassadors of Unhappy!"

Dramatis Personae

Bashir: "He's still dead, if that's what you mean."

Sisko: "Do you know what it is?"
Odo: "No."
B. Sisko: "It's -- a clock!"



Gul Darhe'el: "What you call genocide, I call a day's work."

Jadzia Dax (to Kira re: war criminal Aamin Marritza): "You already know if you punish him without reason, it won't mean anything.  And you already know vengeance isn't enough."

Kira: "If your lies are going to be this transparent, this is going to be a very short interrogation."  
Gul Darhe'el: "Then I'll try to make my lies more opaque...."

Kira: "Why?  He wasn't Gul Darhe'el!"  
Kainon: "He's a Cardassian.  That's reason enough."  
Kira: "No.  It's not...."

Kira: "Nothing justifies genocide."
Marritza: "What you call genocide, I called a day's work."

Marritza (to Kira): "You have no idea what it's like to be a coward.  To see these horrors and do nothing."

In The Hands Of The Prophets


Vedek Bareil: "The Prophets teach us patience."  
Sisko: "It appears they also teach you politics."

Bareil (to Sisko): "Oh, we're all very good conjuring up enough fear to justify whatever we want to do."

Keiko O'Brien: "I am a teacher.  My responsibility is to expose my students to knowledge, not hide it from them."

Kira: "Some might say 'pure science' taught without a spiritual context is a philosophy, Mrs. O'Brien."

Odo: "Keep your ears open."
Quark: "Are you kidding?  That's the Seventh Rule of Acquisition."

Quark: "Odo, I am not a killer."
Odo: "No, but most of your friends are."
Quark: "True.  And I would gladly sell one of them to you if I could."

Sisko (to Jake): "It's easy to look back seven centuries and judge what was right and wrong."

Sisko (to Kira and Keiko): "My philosophy is that there is room for all philosophies on this station."

Sisko (to Jake): "It may not be what you believe, but that doesn't make it wrong."

Sisko (to Winn re: Bajoran people and Federation relationships): "These people know that we are neither the enemy nor the devil.  We don't always agree.  We have some damn good fights in fact.  But we always come away from them with a little more understanding and appreciation of each other."