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Season 2

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 05/24/01.

The Homecoming [Part I]

Li: "But it's based on a lie!"
Sisko: "No -- it's based on a legend, and legends are as powerful as any truth."

Li (to Sisko): "Off the hook!"

Odo: "You're up to something."
Quark: "Why would you say that?"
Odo: "Because you're always up to something."

Quark (to Bashir re: 76th Rule of Acquisition): "Every once in a while, declare peace.  It confuses the hell out of your enemies."

Sisko: "You can't be afraid of rejection."

The Circle [Part II]

Dax: "Oh!  Whoa!  What's That?  Is that a spider or a dog?"

Kira: "The guys flying those ships used to be the guys flying these ships."

Quark: "A party!"

The Siege [Part III]

Dax: "Oh! Whoa!  What's that?  Is that a spider or a dog?"  
Kira: "It's a Paluckoo.  The Bajoran moons are full of them."  
Dax: "Oh!  I suppose you used to make them your pets and sing songs about them around the campfire."  
Kira: "No.  We used to eat them."

Invasive Procedures

Verad: "They reduced my entire life to one word: 'unsuitable'."


Garak: "Really, Doctor.  Must we always play this game?  I'm no more a spy than you are --"  
Bashir: "A doctor?"

Bashir: "A bite on the hand is certainly worth saving a boy's life, wouldn't you say?"  
Garak: "I suppose it depends on whose hand.... just joking, Doctor."

Worker at Tozak Rees orphanage: "I wasn't a volunteer then.  I was a member of the Underground."  
Garak: "Really?  Perhaps we have met, after all!"


Quark: "Am I missing a choice here, Fallit?"

Rules of Acquisition

Grand Nagus Zek: "A little late, aren't we?"

Zek: "Stupidity is no excuse."

Necessary Evil

Gul Dukat: "We can't have these Bajorans going around killing each other."

Kira: "Sooner or later you're going to have to choose whose side your on.  Everyone has to choose sides."

Odo: "Patience is a lost virtue to most.  To me, an ally."

Odo: "My own very adequate memory not being good enough for Starfleet, I am pleased to put my voice to this official record of this day.  Everything's under control.  End log."

Rom: "Oh, irony of ironies!  I finally get the bar and I'm falsely accused of my brother's murder."

Second Sight

Dax: "It's hard to talk man-to-man with a woman."

Sisko: "She was wearing - red!"


Kira: "I am way beyond frustrated."


Martus Mazur: "When hearts are in sympathy, time collapses."

Mazur: "Everyone has to have someone to confide in.  Someone to hear their stories."

Prisoner: "In the end, it all comes down to luck."

Keiko: "You're not a kid anymore.  It's nothing to be ashamed of.  People just naturally slow down."

Keiko: "Kick his butt."

Quark: "The 47th Rule of Acquisition says: 'Don't trust a man wearing a better suit than your own.'"

Treasure: "It's so much nicer working next to someone else."

Mazur: "Neatness counts, never think it doesn't."

Kira: "You make your own luck.  We all know that."

Quark: "Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.  Rule of Acquisition Number 109."

The Alternate

Bashir:  "I prescribe rest -- because it's hard for a doctor to go wrong with that one."

Odo:  "Humanoid death rituals are an interest of mine."
Quark:  "Death rituals?"
Odo:  "Everyone needs a hobby."

Armageddon Game

Kira (re: Bashir):  "He cared a lot about you."
Dax:  "I cared a lot about him, too."

O'Brien: "I'm not blind, you know." 
"Course not; but you are married." 

O'Brien (to Bashir): "It's been an honor serving with you."


O'Brien: "No, they did, they got to you..."


Alixus: "Change doesn't come easily.  Change will come by itself if you're open to it."

Alixus: "We all work for our supper.  You'll be surprised how much sweeter it tastes when you do."

Sisko: "An interesting philosophy, and while we're debating it, a woman is dying."
Alixus: "We're doing everything we can for her."
Sisko: "No, we're not!"

Shadow Play

Odo: "That's a rather personal question."
Dax: "Sorry, but after seven lifetimes, the impersonal questions aren't much fun any more."

Playing God

Kira: "May the Prophets guide you."

Profit and Loss

Bashir: "If you're not a spy, maybe you're an outcast."
Garak: "Or maybe I'm an outcast spy."
Bashir: "How can you be both?"
Garak: "I never said I was either."

Blood Oath

Kor: "Kang thinks too much; Koloth doesn't feel enough."

The Maquis, Part I

Hudson: "You two aren't, I mean --"
Sisko: "Oh, no.  She may not be Curzon, but she is Dax."
Hudson: "Yes, that would be extremely strange."

The Maquis, Part II

Sisko: "The trouble is Earth.  On Earth, there is no poverty, no crime, no war.  You look out the window of Starfleet Headquarters and you see Paradise.  Well, it's easy to be a saint in Paradise."

The Wire

Bashir: "Doctor, has anyone ever told you that you are an infuriating pest?"
Garak: "Cheif O'Brien, all the time, and I never pay any attention to him either!"

Bashir: "I hope you don't have one of those little bugs hidden in my quarters."
Odo: "Should I?"

Bashir: "In my expert medical opinion, I'd say it's sick."
Dax: "I know that, but why is it sick?"
Bashir: "I'm a doctor, not a botanist."

Bashir: "I'm sorry.  I thought you enjoyed my company."
Garak: "But that's just it.  I did."

Garak:  "My good doctor, they're all true."
Bashir:  "Even the lies?"
Garak:  "Especially the lies!"


Intendant Kira (to Kira): "And you're so -- attractive."

Intendant Kira: "Have you lost your mind?" 
Mirror Sisko: "No.  I just -- changed it."

Kira: "How's my human friend? Is he behaving himself?"   
Mirror Odo: "Everyone behaves himself when I'm in charge."


This episode involves the first return to the parallel universe visited in TOS episode Mirror, Mirror.  Other future DS9 episodes involve several transports to and from this parallel universe.

The Collaborator

Quark:  "Perfect; not only is it illegal, it's sacrilegious."


Odo (to Cardassian counselor): "Congratulations -- you've won."

The Jem'Hadar

Keogh: "Lieutenant, have you ever thought about serving on a starship?"
Dax: "I'm happy where I am."
Keogh: "Good."

Quark: "Andorian jewelry.  Vulcan IDIC pins, Bolian crystal-steel.  With my low overhead, I could offer these items at a significant discount."