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Numbered Novels

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

#1 Emissary - J. M. Dillard

#2 The Siege - Peter David

#3 Bloodletter - K. W. Jeter

#4 The Big Game - Sandy Schofield

#5 Fallen Heroes - Dafydd ab Hugh

#6 Betrayal - Lois Tilton

#7 Warchild - Esther Friesner

#8 Antimatter - John Vornholt

#9 Proud Helios - Melissa Scott

#10 Valhalla - Nathan Archer Betancourt

#11 Devil in the Sky - Greg Cox & John Gregory

#12 The Laertian Gamble - Robert Sheekley

#13 Station Rage - Diane Carey

#14 The Long Night - Dean W. Smith & Kristine K. Rusch

#15 Objective: Bajor - John Peel

#16 Invasion #3: Time's Enemy - L. A. Graf

#17 The Heart of the Warrior - John Gregory Betancourt

#18 Saratoga - Michael Jan Friedman

#19 The Tempest - Susan Wright

#20 Wrath of the Prophets - P. David, M. J. Friedman, R. Greenberger

#21 Trial by Error - Mark Garland

#22 Vengeance - Dafydd ab Hugh

Quark: "Greed is never enough.... A true Ferengi combines agreed with pure corruption and a passion for staying out of other people's business unless there's a profit to be made."

Quark's own, personal modification of the Sixth Rule of Acquisition read:   "Never allow the hatred of family to stand in the way of opportunity."

Odo: "...my people do not even have the concept of alliances and treaties: they recognize only masters and slaves.  If you're not the master, you're the slave."

Worf:  "So it is necessary to kill them in order to save them!"

O'Brien: "...anything you can fuzz, I can stabilize."

"Quark...was still shouting something about barbarians or invaders or tax collectors -- the Ferengi word he used could have meant any of the three."

Quark (thought): "War is just organized robbery anyway!"

"...it was standard Ferengi business practice, though never formalized into a Rule of Acquisition, always to build a last-ditch escape tunnel, or bolthole, into every Ferengi establishment."

Bashir: "I'm a doctor, not an insurgent!"

Garak: "The human capacity for wishful thinking never ceases to amaze."

Worf (thought): "It is only in the final extremity that honor and dishonor show themselves unmasked."

#23 The 34th Rule - Armin Shimerman and David R. George III

From a story by Armin Shimerman & David R. George III & Eric A. Stillwell

#24 The Conquered (Rebels book 1 of 3) - Daffyd ab Hugh


Quark (thought): "... greed is eternal; even a blind man can recognize the glow of latinum; home is where the heart is ... but the stars are made of latinum."

Quark (thought): "No good deed ever goes unpunished."

Quark (thought): "... cynicism is an ugly emotion ... but the universe is sometimes an ugly place."

Sisko (thought): "... primary Law of Command:  sometimes you simply have to let some people die to save a larger or more important group."

Sisko (thought): "We MUST believe that death is better than subjugation and slavery -- or why would anyone EVER resist the tyrant?"

O'Brien: "What could be more fun than playing silly games with the woman you love?"

Quark: "I've been almost obsessed with the Two Hundred and Eighty-Fourth Rule."
Sisko: "Deep down, everyone's a Ferengi."

Quark: "My next thought was of Rule Forty-Four...."
Sisko: "Never confuse wisdom with luck."

Quark: "It's always good business to know about new customers before they walk in your door."
Sisko: "One Hundred and Ninety-Four."

Kai Winn (thought): "There is a great comfort in knowing one will survive one's present difficulties...."

#25 The Courageous (Rebels book 2 of 3) - Daffyd ab Hugh


Ensign Joson Wabak: "Better to die trying ... than huddle here and wait for death to hunt us."

Kai Winn (memory): "She always believed in the necessity of keeping up appearances; appearances were more important than a lot of people admitted...."

Kai Winn (memory): "Sometimes it is necessary ... to sacrifice a finger to save the hand...."

Quark (thought): "... the man at the helm of his own destiny never feels small!"

Quark (thought): "The riskier the road, the greater the profit, and other gems from the Rules of Acquisition."

Garak: "... there comes a time when the best defense is to fold up one's tent and steal away."

Kai Winn (memory): "... what you didn't know, you couldn't spill, no matter what the reason."

Quark: "There's nothing more dangerous than an honest businessman."
Sisko: "Rule of Acquisition Number Twenty-Seven."

Sisko (thought): "... if command had taught him one great lesson, it was that life imitates artifice:  pretend courage and confidence, and soon you feel them for real."

Sisko (thought): "When there is no moral option ... then there is no truly immoral choice."

Kai Winn (to Kira): "... what makes you think sitting quietly is doing nothing?"

Kira (thinking of a statement by Shakar): "Sometimes the battle is over before it begins."

Kira (thinking of a statement by Kai Winn): "Wisdom; I pray for the wisdom to see that loss is as inevitable as gain, if you fight long enough."

Worf: "You must look not just to winning a battle or two but to winning the war."

Quark (thought): "... the thought that a customer might not be satisfied with his end of the bargain concerned a Ferengi not at all (in fact, it was Rule of Acquisition Number Nineteen)."

#26 The Liberated (Rebels book 3 of 3) - Daffyd ab Hugh


Kai Winn (to Kira): "Courage, child.  The Prophets send tribulations to test us."

Kai Winn (to Kira): "Child, the Way of the Prophets is not the child's blind resistance to authority."

Odo (thinking about the Vanimastavvi): "So what if their IQs were already cruising past 200 on their way up?"

"To a Cardassian, losing face was infinitely worse than losing one's life."

Worf (thought): "Creativity in combat must always be encouraged in a student."

Ragat: "Old men don't sleep well.  Even those of us made old long before out time by betrayal and dishonor."

Odo: "All the intelligence in the quadrant can't turn lead into latinum!"

B. Sisko: "Never do your enemy a small injury."

Jadzia Dax: "Mad dogs and Cardassians go out in the midday sun."

Jadzia Dax: "Civilization and technology are separable."

Kai Winn (thought): "Not every popular indulgence or every move toward tolerance was good for the people; even if, childlike, they enjoyed it.  ...  ... enjoyment didn't make gluttony or adultery acceptable."

Quark: "Rule of Acquisition Thirty-five:  War is good for business."

Kira (thought): "Control the breath, and the mind will follow; control the mind, and the heart will follow; control the heart, and peace will come upon you.; Come, breath.  Come, peace."

Cardassian lieutenant: "I'd sooner hang than beg anyone for my life!"
Quark: "Still, as the Ferengi say -- it might end up a Rule of Acquisition if the FCA gets around to debating it -- it's better to love on one's feet than die on one's knees."

Quark: "... a saying of mine -- which will surely someday join the enshrined Rules -- says:  when you have absolutely nothing, keep it in your pocket; you get a better deal for nothing sight-unseen."

Quark: "... a deal is like a -- a big sword:  it cuts in both directions."

Quark (thought): "It's always a bad sign when you ask a question and they repeat it back to you."

Odo: "Captain, the first rule for any animal species is survival."

Kira: "... as a wise woman once said, what we can tolerate, we can endure."

#27 A Stitch in Time - Andrew J. Robinson