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Season 3

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

The Search, Part I

Bashir: "No one is expendable."

Kira: "Maybe it's time to stop brooding and start talking."

Kira:  "I don't believe it.  I'm talking to a tree."

Kira: "Can I speak freely?"
[ Sisko nods]
Kira: "What the hell is wrong with Starfleet?"

Quark: "I have considerable leeway to bargain in these circumstances: Name your terms."

Quark: "I have a dream; a dream that all people -- human, Jem'Hadar, Ferengi, Cardassians -- will someday stand together in peace ... around my Dabo tables."

The Search, Part II

Garak: "Life is full of surprises."

Kira: "I don't believe it; I'm talking to a tree."

Odo: "Being an outsider isn't so bad.  It gives one a unique perspective."

The House of Quark

Grilka: "You must be quite a liar."
Quark: "It's a gift."

Grilka: "How can I repay you?"
Quark: "I would like a divorce, please.  No offense."

Quark (Re: insurance): "Better hours.  More money.  Less scruples."


Sisko: "Beets are a very misunderstood vegetable."

Second Skin

Kira (re: Garak): "Don't worry; he's on our side -- I think."

The Abandoned

Odo: "Is that all you can think about?  Killing?  Isn't there anything else you think about?"
Jem'Hadar: "I don't think so."

Civil Defense

Gul Dukat:  "Let me guess.  Someone tried to duplicate my access code, hmm?"

Gul Dukat: "Ah, Garak cowering behind a desk.  It makes the whole trip worthwhile."


Quark: "The things I do for money!"


Kira: "This is about you, isn't it?  You and that other Will Riker out there: the one with your face, your name, your career."

Kira (to Thomas Riker): "We'll get you out of there, I promise."


Bashir: "And you know what all those games taught me? That I'm a poor substitute for your wife."
O'Brien: "I could of told you that sixty games ago."

Dax: "Peldor Joi!"

Dax ( to Sisko): "Admit it, you were this far away from total panic."

Kira: "May the Prophets walk with us."

O'Brien: "We just have to make the best of the little time we have ... we can’t waste a second."

Lwaxana Troi: "What are you all looking at me for?"

Past Tense, Part I

Past Tense, Part II

"Probably raining in Tasmania anyway."

Life Support

Heart Of Stone

Female founder: "No Changeling has ever harmed another."
Odo: "There's always a first time."

Odo: "You humans have a hard time giving up the things you love -- no matter how much they might hurt you."

Odo: "He's particularly fond of one called 'Louie, Louie.'"


O'Brien: "In a crunch, I wouldn't like to be caught without a back-up system."

Quark: " 34th Rule of Acquisition: War is good for business." 
Dax: " 35th Rule of Acquisition:  Peace is good for business.  It's easy to get them confused!"

Sisko: "Where you see the Sword of Stars, I see a comet; where you see vipers, I see three scientists; and where you see the Emissary, I see a Starfleet officer."

Prophet Motive

Quark: "Our ambition to improve ourselves motivates everything we do."


Bashir: "Who am I to argue with me?"

Kira: "This is one puppet doesn't like her strings pulled."

O'Brien: "I hate temporal mechanics!"

O'Brien: "How could you just let me die?"
Bashir: "I didn't just 'let' you die!"

Quark: "At least I'm consistent."

Sisko: "Just be careful."  
Odo: "Commander, there is no careful way to question a Klingon."

Distant Voices

Bashir: "Just give up --?  I don't think so!"

Bashir: "There's no harm in keeping both eyes open."

Bashir (to Garak): "Just what part of me are you supposed to represent?"

Garak: "To think, after all this time, all our lunches together, you still don't trust me.  There's hope for you yet, Doctor."

Sisko: "Just doing my job."
Bashir: "No you're not, you're doing my job."

Dax (to Bashir): "So, if you're in a coma, and we're not real, then what are we doing here?"

Through The Looking Glass

Kira: "Do I get a vote?"
Sisko: "Of course you do.  It just doesn't count."

Sisko: "The way I see it, freedom is a whole lot better than slavery."

Tuvok: "Logic dictates caution in the face of a superior enemy."

Improbable Cause [Part I]

Bashir: "If you lie all the time, no one is going to believe you ... even when you’re telling the truth."

Garak: "... the truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination."

Enabran Tain: "Always burn your bridges behind you; you never know who might be trying to follow."

The Die Is Cast [Part II]

Admiral: "Sounds like Wolf 359 all over again."

Garak: "The problem is not in the stars, but in ourselves."

Odo: "I thought you might join me some day for breakfast."
Garak: "But I thought you don't eat breakfast."
Odo: "I don't."
Garak: "You know what the sad part is, Constable?  I'm really a very good tailor."


Bashir: "This is not a synthale kind of night."

Bashir: "Why not right now?"
O'Brien: "Because you can barely stand up right now."
Bashir: "Good point.  Good point."
Bashir and O'Brien: "(singing) And did those feet, in ancient times...."

O'Brien: "You're not a middle-of-the-road type of guy."
Bashir: "What do you mean?"
O'Brien: "Well, people either love you or they hate you.  I mean, I hated you when I first met you."
Bashir: "I remember.  And now?"
O'Brien: "I don't -- hate you."
Bashir: "Thanks, Chief.  That means a lot."

O'Brien (to Bashir): "And it's from the heart; I really do ... not hate you anymore!"

Sisko: "Don't think about it.  Just do it."

Sisko: "I'm just following the blueprint."

Sisko: "The stars are not just up in the sky.  They're all around us."

Family Business

Jake Sisko: "You only cook Hungarian food when you're in a really good mood."


O'Brien: "I'm in the zone!"


Nog: "He wants to be a writer -- there's no profit in that."

The Adversary

Sisko: "I can only hope that the future holds even greater challenges."

Sisko: "My son, the writer, thinks I ought to say something profound on this occasion."