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Season 2

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

Orphan Of War

Gabrielle: "She always does what's right, even if it hurts her."

Xena: "You have things here I can only dream about.  Things I would want for my son."

Remember Nothing

Xena (to Gabrielle): "[I am] more myself than I've ever been."

Giant Killer

David: "The Lord is my shepherd."

Gabrielle: "Stories are meant to be told.  Stories tell us who we are."

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

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Bacchus: "Now, Xena, don't you know?  Only a Bacchae can kill me."

Gabrielle: "They say that a single bite from a Bacchae can turn a young, woman into a wild, soulless creature whose only allegiance is to Bacchus.  And once bitten, she's lured into his lair to drink his blood.  If she does, there's no way to save her.  She becomes a Bacchae -- forever.  They say the Bacchae women can take many forms, sometimes just roaming the forests as wolves.  Driven with an unquenchable thirst for blood, they track their intended victim relentlessly, until they corner him.  Then they tear him apart, limb from limb.  But if you ask me, I think the stories are exaggerated.  You know, just made up to give people a really good scare."

Gabrielle: "I would know a Bacchae if I saw one."

Joxer: "... the secret to defeating a wolf pack is to wear them down."

Joxer: "Wow!  Do you really play all these instruments?"
Orpheus: "Leave the instruments alone!"
Joxer: [fiddling with an instrument] "You know, your 'G' is way out. -- Didn't anyone ever tell you playing nusic is for sissies?  You know, my mother wanted me to be a musician.  Can you imagine that, me, a musician?  Now, sword-fighting -- there's a real man's hobby. --"
Orpheus: "You can be a warrior and a musician.  I was."
Joxer: "Yeah, right!  And a hydra makes a good house pet."

Joxer: "Let me get this straight.  First we find the lyre.   Then we get someone to play it.  Orpheus sings.  The Bacchae sleep.   We go in, kill Bacchus and free the girls."
Xena: "Exactly!"

Joxer: "I guess you don't want someone who plays the lyre!"
Orpheus: "You?"
Joxer: "I took the music lessons, okay?"
Gabrielle: "You play the lyre?"
Joxer: "Yeah, I play the lyre.  Don't advertise it all over town.  I've got a reputation to maintain."

Joxer: "I was thinking about the best way to kill Bacchae.  Not that I haven't killed them before, you know."
Xena: "There's only one way to kill a Bacchae."

Joxer: "Driad?  What's a Driad?"
Xena: "Sworn enemies of Bacchus.  A Driad bone through the heart is the only way to kill a Bacchae."

Return of Callisto

Xena (to Gabrielle): "You need to mourn."

Xena: "It ain't over till it's over."

Warrior... Princess... Tramp

Intimate Stranger

Ten Little Warlords

Xena: "My body doesn't make me who I am.  My deeds do."

Solstice Carol

Gabrielle: "If the plan fails, we punch faces."

Gabrielle (after receiving a Solstice present from Xena): "I don't have a gift for you,"
Xena: "Gabrielle, you are a gift to me."

Gabrielle: "If we can change the king's mind without changing his anatomy..."

Gabrielle: "I guess we have to slash and crash."  

Xena Scrolls

Here She Comes... Miss Amphipolis

Salmoneus (speaking of disguised Xena): "A country girl at heart, Miss Amphipolis enjoys the simple things in life:  weaving tapestries, making candles, and doing volunteer work with her local Hestian Virgins."


Julius Caesar: "Break her legs."

Xena: "A new Xena is born today, with a new purpose in life -- death."

Xena: "I have to go back."

The Quest

Autolycus: "... whatever's necessary, I'm here for you both."

Autolycus: "But hey, I paid for an hour!"

Gabrielle: "I would have told her how empty my life was before she came, and all the lessons I've learned, and that I love her."

Gabrielle: "You know, there are two kinds of tears. Tears for those who leave you, and tears for those who you never let go ....  And I won't say good bye to you Xena, because we'll be together again ... one day."

Gabrielle: "Xena, above all, just remember your destiny, remember it and fight! Just fight to come back!  This world needs you, I need you."

A Necessary Evil

Callisto: "Scarred by fire, entombed for eternity ... You'll forgive me if I'm not exactly at my peak."

Velasca (after killing a villager she had instructed to tell others of her actions): "He wouldn't have told it right, anyway."

Xena: "To fight an immortal, I need an immortal."

A Day In The Life

Gabrielle: "She likes what I do.  ...  She likes what she's doing."

Gabrielle: "She's in that anything-to-please-the-warrior-princess haze."

For Him The Bell Tolls

Gabrielle: "So you're going to let an innocent man die?"
Aphrodite: "Oh, come on, no one's really innocent.  Well, maybe you."

Joxer (to Gabrielle): "I know nothing of this bumbling idiot of whom you speak.  I'm the one and only Joxer."

The Execution

Blind Faith

Gabrielle: "All the men I get serious about seem to wind up dead."

Xena: "We all eventually become what we pretend to be."


Gabrielle: "Promise me one thing. You'll follow your heart and not worry about me?" 
Xena: "You're part of my heart."

Xena: "I'm going to tie you up."
Ulysses: "I'm game.  What do you have in mind?"
Xena: "Saving your life."

The Price

Athenian troops: "Tell us what to do, Xena."
Xena: "Do?  We are going to kill them all!"

Gabrielle: "There is no goddess of mercy."

Soldier: "How can we kill them if we can't see them?"

Xena: "This is war.  What did you expect?  Glamour?"

Xena: "Don't talk to your breakfast."

Xena: "[The  Hoard] hunt[s] like a pack of dogs."

Xena: "You can't reason with dead men...."

Xena: "If I'm going to die, I'm going to die as I am, a Warrior with a sword in my hand."

Xena: "There are no good choices.  Only lesser degrees of evil."

Xena: "There is nothing about these people that we can or should understand."

Xena (to Gabrielle): "You understand hatred, but you've never given into it.  You don't know how much I love ... that."

Lost Mariner

Cecrops: "Faith?  Faith has killed more people than war!"

Cecrops: "I'm quite a catch; tall, dark and cursed for eternity."

Gabrielle: "Just had to get rid of my little squid friends -- and my puppy love!"

Xena: "You just have to have faith."

Comedy of Eros

Gabrielle (singing Joxer the Mighty): "... with Gabby as his sidekick, fighting with her little stick...."

Xena: "Well, ain't love a bitch."

Xena: "You would kill the woman you love?" 
Draco: "The question is, would you?"