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Season 3

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This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

The Furies

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Xena: "Life is a joke!  It's a barroom joke at that!  And you want to know the punch line?  The punch line is that we all end up as food for the worms.  ... I leave you to entertain the gods.  I'm retiring from the stage."

Xena: "I've cut off the flow of blood to your brain and other pertinent body parts."

Xena: "I'm a lunatic with lethal combat skills."  

Xena: "I love the smell of warrior sweat in the morning."

Been There, Done That

Joxer: "Hey, if you need a big goose egg, I'm your man."

The Dirty Half Dozen

Darnelle: "That's got to be uncomfortable."

Gabrielle: "I'm a princess."


Gabrielle: "Everything's changed ... everything."

Gabrielle (to Xena): "You know her? Of course, you know her.   You're a 'Who's Who' of Warriors."

Gabrielle's Hope

Xena: "I'm going to slap these bitches silly."

The Debt, Part I

The Debt, Part II

King of Assassins

Gabrielle: "I've been grabbed more times than the Golden Fleece."

Warrior... Priestess... Tramp

Gabrielle: "If I have to go the rest of my life without companionship, knowing myself won't be a problem."

The Quill Is Mighter...

Gabrielle: "I can write anything and it comes true."

Maternal Instincts

Xena: "You lied to me ....  I trusted you and you lied to me.   My son is dead ... because of you." 
Gabrielle: "I love you Xena."

Bitter Suite

Ares: "Nothing more need be said.  Ding dong.  The bitch is dead."

Gabrielle (to Xena): "You killed me!"

Gabrielle: "Only heroes wind up here.  ...  Dead heroes.   ...  Dead naked heroes."

One Against An Army

Gabrielle: "I want so much to be like you." 
Xena: "And I want to be like you."

Xena: "I don't accept defeat."


Gabrielle (to Xena): "Oh no. I knew you were evil, but you were obnoxious too?"

Gabrielle (to self): "The world's a bowl of cherries.  Good night."

Xena (to Tara): "Blondie, er, Gabrielle here is my partner and that's the way it's going to stay."

Xena: "You want to work with me, you don't kick people when they're unconscious." 
Tara: "All right, fine. As long as I know the rules.  It's ok to knock them out after you put the pinch on them, but no smacking them after."

King Con

Gabrielle (to Xena): "You wouldn't dare, not to an injured woman!"

When In Rome...


Julius Caesar: "So the legend is lacking.  Not quite the god the stories made you out to be."
Vercinix: "Mortals can be conquered, Caesar but you�ll never conquer Gaul!"

Pompy: "An army of citizens up against the hardened legions of Pompy the Magnus.  Oh, what a battle that�d be."

Caesar:  "Xena, this is impossible.  How can you j -- this is Rome.  You can�t -- you --"
Xena:  "There�s a sentence in there just dying to get out.  Huh.  Sorry about your soldiers.  We were playing tag in the Forum, and I got to tell you, they don�t lose well."
Pompy: "This is Xena?"
Caesar: "Yes, uh, an old friend. Uh, enemy, friend.  I forget where we left off."
Xena: "We weren�t on speaking terms."

Xena:  "Gabrielle, this is no time for you to have a crisis of faith.  You have got to trust me."

Gabrielle:  "I cannot send a man to his death."

Pompy: "So, why do they call you the Warrior Princess?"
Xena: "Because 'Caesar' was taken."
Pompy: [Laughs] "I like you."
Xena: "Don�t -- I�m not a likeable person."
Pompy: "Neither am I.  But even common enemies can make friends overnight."
Xena: "Common enemies?  Anyone in particular?"
Pompy:  "Don�t assume all of Rome loves Caesar.  These people are impressed with his victory over Vercinix.  But there are those that wouldn�t cry over Caesar�s death."

Crassus: "... I�m a warrior....  Many times, if I�d told my soldiers my plans I would�ve had a mutiny."
Gabrielle: "Why is that?  Do your soldiers have something against murdering innocent people?"
Crassus: "Innocent?  There are no innocents on the battlefield."

Caesar: "Prison hardly seems the place to tell you this, but-- you look incredible.  Roman finery becomes you."
Xena: "We�re not going down that road; this is business."
Caesar: "It�s never just business between us, Xena.  It�s hatred, war, conflict -- and it�s love."
Xena: "I got to go to the bathroom.  Are we done yet?�

Gabrielle: "You are making me be a part of murder -- and you�re being so casual about it."
Xena: "It�s not about being casual.  It�s about focus.  ...  This is about saving a good man."

Crassus (to Gabrielle re: Xena): "I thought you were different from her.  I thought you had a regard for life, no matter whose."

Pompy (to Xena):  "If you�re anything like me, you feel naked without a weapon.  Whether you use  it or not -- there�s something reassuring about the weight and feel of a solid blade."

Pompy (to Xena re: Caesar's interest in Gabrielle): "... it�s your friend he wants.  He seems to think she has some sort of power over you.  He wants that power."

Caesar: "I can�t believe you would double-cross me just as I was about to
double-cross you."
Xena: "How�d you know?"
Caesar: "You have one obsession, Xena.  That�s me.  And because of it, I have you, and I have Vercinix.  And somewhere out there is an irritating blonde about to follow a plan that no longer exists."

Caesar (re: crowd at Vercinix execution): "Look at those people.  Look at them.  Each one of them considers himself an individual, with independent thought and movement.  Yet together, they�re like sheep."

Gabrielle: "I don�t know what�s happening to me, Xena.  I did something that I never thought I�d be able to do.  I played judge, jury, and executioner."

Xena: "How many more times are you going to follow me into battle, huh?  How many more times am I going to hurt you?  You are the most dear thing to me in all the world.  And yet, instead of protecting you -- "
Gabrielle: "I�m here, because I want to be here.  I love you, Xena."
Xena: "I love you, too, Gabrielle."

Forget Me Not...

Gabrielle: "You could open a pottery shop."

Joxer: "The gates are open, but nobody's storming the castle."

Fins, Femmes and Gems

Gabrielle: "She wants me to fist a fish?"


Vanishing Act

Sacrifice, Part 1

Sacrifice, Part 2