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Season 4

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

Adventures in the Sin Trade (Part 1)

Adventures in the Sin Trade (Part 2)

A Family Affair

In Sickness and in Hell

A Good Day

A Tale of Two Muses

Locked Up and Tied Down


Past Imperfect

Key to the Kingdom

Daughter of Pomira

If the Shoe Fits

Paradise Found


Between the Lines

The Plays the Thing

The Convert

Takes One to Know One


Ides of March


Callisto (re: Xena): "You mean to tell me those stupid, maudlin missions she goes on are going to end her up in paradise?  ...  She cooks my family, destroys my life, and I end up in hell while she gets another shot.  That's fair, isn't it?  Got to love the irony."  

Callisto (to Caesar): "Xena can really mess up a dream, can't she?"  

Amarise: "Let me guess, this Eli guy, he's the one that taught you all this 'love your enemy' stuff?"  
Xena: "That's right."  
Amarise: "Xena, why do we have to go see a preacher when there are battles to fight and butts to kick?"  
Xena: "Because whatever Gabrielle wants, Gabrielle gets."  

Xena: "Caesar wants me out of the way so bad, he's willing to deplete his fortune to do it.  I think it's time I put an end to this feud between Caesar and me.  ..."  
Amarise: "You're not going to try to make peace with that slime, are you?"  
Xena: "No.  I'm going to kill him."  

Gabrielle: "Xena.  Xena, you can't just walk into Rome and kill Caesar."  
Amarise: "It's an opportunity to kill a lot of Romans.  I say we do it."  

Xena (re: Caesar): "Gabrielle, he's an evil man, and he's trying to kill me.  I have to take him out or die trying.  It's the way of the warrior."  

Amarise (to Eli, refusing to shake his hand): "If somebody threatened your mother, would you fight to defend her?"  
Gabrielle: "Amarise and I have some philosophical differences."  

Gabrielle: "Can you teach me to heal?"  
Eli: "All I can do is try and teach you how to love, but if you love with all your heart and soul, if you become love itself, then you can heal."  
Gabrielle: "Why is love the key?"  
Eli: "Selfless, pure love is the only expression of divine perfection we have in this world.  It's the greatest power one can possess."  
Amarise: Oh, come on.  The only real power's at the end of a sword.  ..."
[Amarise hears a noise and walks over to the surrounding brush line to search, only to have a number of swords thrust at her face]
Eli: "And if the other side has more swords?"  
Amarise: "If you can love your way out of this one, be my guest."  

Gabrielle: "You don't really think those crosses are for a boatload of pirates, do you?"  
Brutus: "Caesar's never lied to me."  
Gabrielle: "There's a first time for everything."  

Xena: "Beware the Ides of March, Brutus."  
Brutus: "Why the Ides of March?"  
Xena: "Because on that day, Caesar will declare himself emperor."  
Brutus: "I don't believe you.  Why would he do that?"  
Xena: "Greed, lust for power, an ego the size of the Aegean.  Of course, he plans to rid himself of anyone who would stand in his way."  

Eli: "In order to become a perfect vessel for love, one has to cease all activity.  Not only physical, but mental as well.  It's only when you've reached that state of emptiness that you're ready at last to be filled with love."  

Callisto (to Xena): "Invite me into your soul and I can purge you of ... guilt.  I can cleanse you of that shame that drives you.  I can give you peace if you let me."

Xena: "... I know now what I have to do.  I have to be the best warrior I can be.  To redeem myself, I have to fight evil with a sword, and that's what I'm going to do, no matter what the consequences."  

Caesar: "You can't have a crucifixion without crosses, Brutus."  
Brutus: "You're crucifying Gabrielle?"  
Caesar: "All of them."  
Brutus: "But you told me she would be safe.  You were only going to use her as a distraction."  
Caesar: "Well, what would distract Xena more than her best friend's execution, hmm?"  

Amarise: "I always thought I'd die in battle, not Hung on a cross."  

Xena: "I made you leave the way of love.  It was my fault."  
Gabrielle: "I had a choice -- to do nothing or save my friend.  I chose the way of friendship."  
Xena: "I'm sorry for all the times I didn't treat you right."  
Gabrielle: "Xena, you brought out the best in me.  Before I met you, no one saw me for who I was.  I felt invisible.  But you saw all the things that I could be.  You saved me, Xena."  

Caesar: "And you, Brutus?"   

D�j� Vu All Over Again