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Total Recall 2070

� Alliance Atlantis Communications.  All Rights Reserved.  No infringement intended.

Season 1

My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

Machine Dreams


Jimmy Tate (within a Rekall adventure): "I was hard-wired for modesty."

Nicky Blanchard (to Hume re: virtual sex): "If I had a wife that looked like yours, I'd want to do things the old-fashioned way."

David Hume: "Beta-class androids couldn't have done this.  They're programmed to protect human life.  It's part of their bioethic."

Advertisement (in feminine voice): "Men, have you ever wanted to be a woman?  Why don't you?  City Surgery Center is quick, easy and oh, so affordable."

Hume: "I spend half my time answering calls from people that think their computers are spying on them."

Olivia Hume: "...  Androids are not programmed for violence.  This is not supposed to happen."

Computer screen: "Citizens Protection Bureau -- 'To defend the honor and freedom of all citizens.'"

Ian Farve: "Machines can't be arrested....  You'll have to file suit with the manufacturer."

Hume: "Another stinking android."
Farve: "You have a problem with androids?"
Hume: "Yeah.  --  The ones that are programmed to kill."

James Calley (to Hume re: death of Blanchard): "I admire your loyalty.  The instinct to avenge a partner's death is something -- you don't see anymore."

Hume: "Three people were killed in this building last night.  We don't need a warrant."

Hume (to Richard Collector re: Collector's refusal to answer a question based on the Intellectual Property Law and Corporate Security Act): "It's a murder investigation.  ...  My investigatory powers supersede your stinking security act."

Farve: "The volunteer process, as I understand it, involves consultation with the volunteer."

Hume: "I didn't know androids were into self-mutilation."
Olan Chang: "Do you know anything about scarification?  ...  It's an ancient tribal custom.  It's used to give them a sense of belonging.  ..."
Hume: "Belonging -- with people who have the same scars."
Chang: "... this is where the beta-class androids have their bar code.  Now, the impulse to obscure dehumanizing code and give yourself a sense of belonging -- that's what I call pretty darn human.  ...  The independent actions -- the scarring, breaking into Rekall -- it indicates a level of awareness that a service android is not supposed to have."

Hume: "You don't kill androids.  They're not real.  ...  They're not alive.  They're machines."

Android: "A little payback....  How human.  How wonderfully, tragically human.  But you can't kill a dead man."
Hume: "You're just a machine.  --"
Android: "Flattery will get you nowhere."

Android: "It's not dying that I am afraid of.  It is living without the ability to remember...."

Android: "Sixty second warning cycles -- and then I'm going to be as dumb as a doorknob or -- as dumb as a cop."




Nothing Like the Real Thing

Rough Whimper of Insanity

First Wave

Baby Lottery

Brain Fever

Begotten Not Made

Burning Desire

Brightness Falls

Astral Projections



Bones Beneath My Skin



Personal Effects

Virtual Justice

Meet My Maker




Official web site for Total Recall 2070