Welcome to my Wonderful Hompage


                                          My own little twisted page on the web, right now I am in the early
                                 stages of setting up this site.  For now this site is going to consist
                                 mostly of links to my favourite  pages.   Until I can find something
                                 original to put up or until I get bored of this and move on to
                                 something else, whichever comes first.

*Updated September 11, 1998*

                                I put up a Janet Jackson page and cleaned up a few of the problems.
                                I still working on the  televison page, It is taking me longer than I
                                Anticipated.  I added a few links to the movie and computer pages.



Home     About Me      Movies     Television      Video Games      Computers
Neat Stuff    Janet
You can email me at
[email protected]
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