Computer Page

                  Hacking & Computer Security

                                          Happy Hacker Home Page  - Happy Hacker can show even a total
                                                                                   beginnier how to master the secrets
                                                                                   of the digital underground.
                                         The Future of CyberTerrorism  - An interesting essay on the dangers
                                                                                           Hackers can pose.
                                                    Rouge Hackers -  An interesting article about the most nortorious
                                                                    Hackers form the past decade.  From Wired Online,

                                                    AntiOnline - A site devoted to computer security.

                                          "So you wanna be a Hacker?" - An information page for computer security

                                            - This group claims they can get the password
                                                                           from your Hotmail account.  Check it out!!

                  News and Information

                                       The Mining Co. - A news an information service, their computer
                                                                section is a great source for iformation.
                                      Java Home Page - Sun's Java page.
                                      Gary North's Y2K Page - A page devoted to the Year 2000 problem.
                                                                           You will be amazed how unprepared we really
                                                                           are for the crisis.  Let's just hope his pessimistc
                                                                           views don't come true.

                                                Webmonkey      - An online webdesign library.  Learn everything you
                                                                 need to know to maximize the impact of your webpage.

                  Interesting Stuff

                                       The Easter Egg Archive - Check it out! Find out what secrets are
                                                                             embedded in programs that you use every day.


*Check back later more links to be added soon.


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