Movie Page


                 Latest News and Information Pages:
                                            Cinescape Online - The Best Site Anywhere for the Latest
                                                                                      sci-fi Movie Info.  Also has a search able
                                                                                      database of any Sci-Fi  movie or television
                                                                                      show.  As well as fan forums.

                                                         Dark Horizons  - Another Good for formation.

                                                                       Entertainment Weekly - The online version of the Magazine.

                                                         Thunder - News, Articles and Interviews, not updated
                                                                        very frequently
                                              Ain't It Cool News - Movie and Entertainment news

                Click here for a complete listing of the American
                Film Institute's list of the TOP 100 Films of the
                20th Century.

                                        Are you one of those people who go to the
                 movies and enjoy watching the Trailers more
                 than the movie?  Well don't waste anymore
                 of your hard earned money check out FILM.COM
                 and see what's coming soon or what's playing.



                              Laser Disk Monthly - A site devoted to Laser Disks.  Release
                                                                                      dates, News, reviews and a very busy

                                        Digital Experience - A nice site with Laser and DVD Info.

                                        Have you wondered what's the difference between
                the different sound systems that are used for
                movies.  Well wonder no more.  Check out their
                sites for to see how they work.

                                         Sony Dynamic Digital Sound
                                       Digital Theater Systems
                                            Dolby Laboratories Inc.

                I am a huge fan of Jet Li and Jackie Chan.
                Below are links to a couple of good pages that
                I have found, I will be adding more in the future.
                I am always looking for up to date sites, so if you
                know of any please let me know.  [email protected] 

                                      Jackie Chan Fan Club - Official US club, lots of interesting pictures
                                                                         and stories, but there is a members only area.

                                  Jackie Chan's Greatest Films - A page filled with reviews of his films.
                                                                                Great GIF animations.  The above animmation
                                                                                is from this site aswell.

                                         The Jet Li Home page - Great site, lots of Jet Li stuff.  The above animation is
                                                                   from there.

                                        The Unofficial Jet Li Lovers International Fan Club Home Page  - Join the fan

                                        Jet Lee (Li) Homepage - A great looking site with plenty of pictures and movies.

                                            Sites with information on Hong Kong cinema

                    Movieworld Hong Kong

                                        The Hong Kong Hotel
                                                  Hong Kong Film Magazine Home Page

                                                  Hong Kong Movies: Tai Seng Video - Looking for Hong Kong movies check out
                                                                                       This site.  They are the distrubutor of Hong
                                                                                       Kong laser discs and tapes.  As well as
                                                                                       information and pictures.

                                            Film Parody Sites:

                                              Check out this site, It's Hillarious.  Classic horror
                                                                films redone with a comedic twist.  MC Dracula in his
                                                                pimp daddy castle is my favourite.  Requires Real Video.

                                           TROOPS - A fan made spoof of what you didn't see on the planet Tatooine,
                                                   that has captured the attention of the die hard fans including
                                                   Mr. Lucas himself.  Well worth the long download time.  Just think
                                                   what Star Wars would  be like if the Stormtroopers were  on the
                                                   tv show COPS.

                 There are hundreds and hundreds of sites
                 devoted to the Star Wars Trilogy, below are
                 the best ones that I have found.

                                  Official Star Wars Web Site - The Official site from Lucasfilm.  Very nice
                                                                                  looking site with some nicely animated banners.

                                          The Virtual Edition - An amazing site, you have to see it to appreciate
                                                                 how good it is.  Lots of pictures from the Originals
                                                                 and the Prequels plus restored pictures that were cut
                                                                 out and not put back in the Special Editions.

                           - The major Un-official site out there, loaded with info.

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Neat Stuff    Janet
You can email me at
[email protected]