Julian Parker

Ella Albertine Parker

Ella Albertine PARKER (my grandmother) was the daughter of Esther Ann C. Ashley (not sure what the C. is for) and John A. Parker. Esther and daughter were born in Gloster Miss (Amite county). Esther was the daughter of William Warren Ashley and Sarah Bass. William was the son of John Ashley and Mariah Cotton. John was the son of John D. Ashley and Elizabeth Sanders from Kershaw county S.C.
John A. Parker (Ella's father) was the son of Julian Parker and Malinda Day. Malinda was daughter of Jonathan Day and Cecealia Oglesby. Jonathan Day's first wife was daughter of Dr. John Trice of Jones Co. GA.They had at least two children Rebecca who married a Randall, and Sarah 'Sally' Day who married Thomas Ashley.

Descendants of Julian Parker

1 Julian Parker
2 John A Parker
+Esther Ann C. Ashley 1861 - 1933
3 Monroe Parker
3 William Parker 1879 -
3 John L. Parker 1883 - 1952
+Rosa 1891 -
3 Arthur Parker 1885 -
3 Julian Parker 1890 - 1974
+Allie W. 1896 -
3 Ella Albertine Parker 1886 - 1946
+Joseph Kimball 1882 - 1920
*2nd Husband of Ella Albertine Parker:
+Joseph Calvin
3 Louis Parker, Sr. 1888 - 1938
3 Lonnie L Parker 1880 - 1972
+Annie H. 1890 - 1980

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This page and all contents is copyright© by Judy Kimball Hise © on Oct 22, 1996
Last Modified: Friday, September 10, 1999 03:11 AM