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First There was Light.....and
Then there were Kimballs
(and there are a lot of us!!!)

You know!!!

There's "Kimball n Da Genes" !?!

Welcome to my genealogy home page.

I am happy you are giving me the opportunity to share some of my family history with you. I have been researching my family tree for several years now, still learning.

In case your new at this, it can get tough trying to dig up information. The older the information, the deeper you have to dig. And sometimes family can get in the way.

If you plan on writing any stories about family, make sure you won't be stepping on toes to do so. I have found out some very interesting facts about the Kimball Clan. I would like to share them with you. Please visit my Kimball Story Page . Once there you'll find a story about my great-great grandfather,Benjamin Franklin Kimball (1825-1900) and two of his son's. Also please visit Benjamin Franklin and William S. Kimbell, descendant's list.


Kimball Story Page

Family Photos Index

Notice: Photo pages are graphic intensive
and may take a while to load. Please be patient.
If you get a blank or empty photo box,

just right click on the empty box
and click on 'show picture'. If it still doesn't show, email me to let me know so I can fix it. Thanx.

Descendent's List pages

Wm. KimballWilliam S. Kimble

Ben KimbellBenjamin Franklin Kimbell

Other Surnames I am researching




Coming Soon

Hise -"Still under Construction
Batey --"Still under Construction

 Louisiana Marriages and 1850 Census Add your wedding records
to this database!!!!

Kimball Genealogy Online Kimball Genealogy Online
- very extensive database for
from all over the world!!!

  • Genealogy SoftwareGenealogy Software Downloads coming soon!!!

    Hey go check out my brother's page. They are great (I know cause I created those pages for him.. He has a lot to offer those hard core gamers of Duke Nukem, and Half Life, and Descent, etc.... He also has other great stuff to see there. What ya waitin for ..Go see, Just bookmark me and come back.please...

    Mangloid Pages

    "Little Gentlemen Formalwear! Tuxedo, Vests, and Bow Ties Sets in Beautiful Sequined Fabric!".
    This is my Daughter-in-law, Cheryl's website. This is a must see. She not only designs but also personally sews them.. She is great. Here you can find those wonderful costumes/formal clothes for your Little Gentlemen (also your Little Ladies).. Check it out you will not be sorry. (My grandson, Christian and granddaughter Kristina is modeling some of these outfits...

    Mary Kaye Products Online... Your Hostess.....Shana Entzel
    My daughter Shana's site. Mary Kaye products online.. Its a great site. Go there and order lots of stuff.....lol She will appreciate your business.

    Judy's Midi Page Judy's Christmas Midi Page

    Judy's Webrings & Banner links Great Genealogy Links and Other links of interest


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    Are you my Kuzn? Let me know!
    Do you have your own family story. Everyone loves to hear stories about the "good ole days" . Please share it with us, and I will post it (be sure to give me your own homepage url, if you have one). Or just drop a line to say hi.

    I would love to hear from you. Kuzn Judy

    Drop me a line

    Drop me a line

    NOTICE: Most Graphics and buttons on my pages I created myself with help from pics from some special web graphic gurus out there. For those of you not mentioned.. It is not my intention to steal anyone's work or their credit. If there is anything on my site that is not noted, it is with deep sincerity that I ask your pardon. ;;. So, that being said, please feel free to email me with proper credit info and I will be more than happy to add it to my pages. Some of my graphics was from
    Victorian Elegance Logo
    Go visit you will be glad you did!!
    Also Chrisssssssssssss, Genealogy Graphics Galore.. Go there and grab some... Some of the stand alone graphics on my pages were from here:
    Genealogy Graphics by Chris

  • Sorry Chris, I forgot to grab a logo hope you don't mind.

    This home page and all pages connected to this one (with exception of the actual links on the link page) was created & first copyrighted by Judy Kimball Hise on Oct 22, 1996.
    Last Modified: Thursday, June 18, 1998 at 12:15 PM - copyrighted Jan1, 1998 by @copy Judy Kimball Hise