Surname Index

You will find these same links on each surname page.

Wm. Kimball

Ben Kimbell

Other Surnames I am researching




  •  Louisiana Marriages and 1850 Census Add your wedding records
    to this database!!!!

  • Kimball Genealogy Online Kimball Genealogy Online
    - very extensive database for
    Kimball/Kimble/Kimbell from all over the world!!!


  • Great Genealogy Links and Other links of interest


    NutNut - The Ultimate Connection Kimball Genealogy Drop me a line

    This home page and all pages connected to this one (with exception of the actual links on the link page) was created & first copyrighted by Judy Kimball Hise on Oct 22, 1996.
    Last Modified: Friday, September 10, 1999 02:46 AM - copyrighted Jan1, 1998 by @copy Judy Kimball Hise