Nesting container
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Nesting container

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laying containers and medium.jpg (85375 bytes) I fill these completely with damp potting soil or vermiculite. These measure 4"x6"x2". 


laying medium vermiculite.jpg (120015 bytes) This nesting container is filled with damp vermiculite. 


laying containers with medium and lids.jpg (89193 bytes) Notice the screen cover for the nesting container. This keeps the nesting medium in and the crickets from digging out the eggs. this is also why I FILL the boxes with the medium. I have two screen covers that I use in the colony, then I lay the full cover over them when incubating.

crix laying 2.jpg (219973 bytes) This was taken from outside the colony. Notice the position of the laying container. It is touching the egg flats. This allows easier access for the crickets.

laying from outside.jpg (214024 bytes) Outside close-up 


laying from top.jpg (242317 bytes) Top view


laying upclose 2.jpg (243631 bytes) laying upclose 3.jpg (229894 bytes) Inside close-ups. Notice the ovipositor is inserted in the medium thru the screen.





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