Child Molester - Myths & Realities

Myth 1: The child molester is a dirty old man.
Truth - Over 70% of offenders are under the age of 35:
74% have one or more prior convictions
and of these 80% were under 30 years of age.

Myth 2: The child molester is a stranger.
Truth - Over 70% of the molesters knew the children at least casually;
14% are members of the child�s immediate family.

Myth 3: The child molester is retarded.
Truth - No differences between convicted child molesters
intellectual abilities and that of the general public.

Myth 4: The child molester is an alcoholic or drug addict.
Truth - Drug use is usually non-existent with child molesters
except to break down child inhibitions.

Myth 5: The child molester is a sexually frustrated person.
Truth - 50% of child molesters are married.
Sexuality is not the only issue in pedophilia but identification
expression problems and the need for power and control
which usually is existent with adult relationships.

Myth 6: The child molester is insane.
Truth - 95% are not psychotic.

Myth 7: The child molester over time will progress to increasingly violent acts.
Truth - Only about 18% of child molesters show an increase in force used.
9% committed violent sexual assaults- 1% resulting in death.

Myth 8: Children are at greater risk of sexual victimization from homosexuals
than from heterosexuals adults.
Truth - 51% of men selected female children.
21% selected both. Females victimized 2-1.
83% of child molesters are heterosexual.

Myth 9: Child molesters work in groups.
Truth - 95% of child molesters act alone.

Myth 10: Child molesters prefer very young children.
Truth - 14% select children 5 years or younger.
46% select children between 6-11.
33% select young adolescents between 12-15.
7% chose various ages.

Myth 11: Child molesters perform various non-specific sex acts on victims.
Truth - Child molesters are consistent and specific with sexual acts.
39% confine activity to foreplay act with no penetration.
31% sexually penetrate victims. (orally, anally, vaginally)

Myth 12: Child molesters commit other crimes.
Truth - Approximately 50% of convicted child molesters have no other criminal record.

Child molester (Basic Profile)

Relatively young heterosexual man - not insane - no retardation.
Seeks to control child rather than injure.
Poses more psychological risk than physical risk to the child.
Highly repetitive behavior to the point of compulsion.

Missing Children HELP Center

Informative links on child sexual abuse.
Sexual Abuse
Take 10 minutes to teach your child to be safe
Signs that might indicate that a child has become a victim.
What to do if your child discloses sexual abuse.
What feelings a victim of sexual abuse may be experiencing.