****You as a parent can help to prevent child sexual abuse simply by taking ten minutes out of your busy schedule each day to teach your child/children the following:****

* Talk to your child/children every day, listen to all of what they are saying whether it be words, actions or the sudden silence between the words of a child who has always been outgoing.

* Get to know your child's personality traits and daily habits and mood swings; therefore, it will become much more noticeable and easier to identify when something out of the ordinary.

* Please take the time to teach your child/children that there are both good and bad touches. Please do so in a delicate manner. Be careful not to scare them away from your everyday hugs and cuddles. Children need to expression love and affection to grow up happy and healthy.

* Educate your child/children by teaching them the proper names for the different parts of their body. It could play a very important roll in identifying abuse before anything serious happens.

* Please stress to your child/children that no one is allowed to touch their private areas or do anything to them that makes them feel uncomfortable in any way. Be sure to teach them that some adults might try to touch them in an inappropriate manner, this could very well include adults they might know, love and trust. Sexual abusers can be a variety of different people not just a stranger off the street; such as, close family members, or other relatives, a family friend, anybody. Please keep in mind a high percentage of offenders are someone that the child knows. Explain to them that this does not give them the right to abuse them nor does it make it acceptable.

* Teach your child/children that it is very important not to keep secrets from you, even if someone has threatened to harm them. Let them know that they can tell you anything at all. Make them aware that by coming to you, their loving, caring and most of all understanding parents, they may be able to prevent further abuse from happening to not only themselves, but to others as well.

Signs that might indicate that a child has become a victim.
What to do if your child discloses sexual abuse.
What feelings a victim of sexual abuse may be experiencing.
Common myths and the realities about child molesters.
Informative links on child sexual abuse.
Sexual Abuse