This collection of Anniversary Stationery has been made for use with Outlook Express.

Click on the small view strip to be taken to a full size, downloadable view of the Stationery and button.

Traditional Anniversary Gifts. listed at bottom of page.

(to bottom of page)

To Shaun's "Anniversary Bells" stationery

To bobbi's "Anniversary Flowers"

To Shaun's "Wine and Roses"

To CarolJ's "Anniversary Toast"

To KathyL's "Art Decco Anniversary'

To CarolJ's "Roses and Pearls"

To CarolJ's "Happy Anniversary"

To CarolJ's "Bird of Love"

To KathyL's 'Rockwells Elderly Couple"

To Carol J's 'Two Hearts as One' stationery

To CarolJ's Anniversary Doves Stationery

To Kathy L's  'Rockwell Anniversary Image 2"

To Kathy L's  'Rockwells' Sunset "

To Kathy L's  'Rockwells' Buggy "

To Kathy L's  'Another Rockwell "

To Barbara L's  'Anniversary Rosesl "
Please Note : The Stationery offered on these pages is for private email or Ng use only. It is not intended for use on other web-sites or for commercial gain in any way. Please respect the creators efforts and take care to give proper credit when you use it. Thanks. The management. :-)

Traditional and Modern Anniversary Gifts

Year Traditional Gift Modern Gift
1st Paper Clocks
2nd Cotton China
3rd Leather Crystal, Glass
4th Books Electrical Appliances
5th Wood Silverware
6th Sugar, Candy Wood
7th Wood, Copper Desk Sets
8th Bronze, Pottery Linens. Lace
9th Pottery, Willow Leather
10th Tin, Aluminum Diamond Jewelry
11th Steel Fashion Jewelry
12th Silk, Linen Pearls, Colored Gems
13th Lace Textiles, Furs
14th Ivory Gold Jewelry
15th Crystal Watches
20th China Platinum
25th Silver Silver
30th Pearl Diamond
35th Coral Jade
40th Ruby Ruby
45th Sapphire Sapphire
50th Gold Gold
55th Emerald Emerald
60th Diamond Diamond
75th Diamond Diamond

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