Answers to common Outlook Express Stationery Use and creation Questions.

Click on the question to be taken to the answer :

1. How can I save something I like as stationery?
(answer applies to both OE4 & OE5)


2. How can I save the images and sounds I see and hear in messages ?
(answers for both OE4 & OE5 are included)


3. How can I create stationery in Front page Express?
(answer applies to both OE4 & OE5, though OE5 offers it's own easy to use built-in stationery creation option. I'll be adding something about that soon.)


4. How can I embed sound in my messages?
(answers for both OE4 & OE5 are included)


5. How can I make stationery like Shaun's, with the image on the left, without having it tile all over the screen when someone else tries to use it?
(answer applies to both OE4 & OE5)


6. What is Block Coding and How can I do it?
This is for OE4. (It's no longer necessary with OE5). Please note, no where on this site do I explain how to use
scrolling stationery, mainly because I personally am not a fan of it. ;-). But please NOTE! If you do use scrolling stationery, the old OE4 code will not work for folks who have OE5. For them, your scrolling stationery will just appear as annoying flashes. The wizards who created the original scrolling script have come up with a fix for this. Please visit
Sven's site for this.


7. How can I make a signature to use in mail & news messages?
(answer applies to both OE4 & OE5)-from Suze - updated with lots of screen shots on 12/07/99


8. How can I add my email address or home page URL as a 'hypelink' either in a mail/news message or in my signature ?
(answer applies to both OE4 & OE5)


9. How can I save the images I find out on the web?

It's easy! Right click on the image you want and choose "save image as." Either accept the name the webmaster has given it, or choose your own. The file extension will be supplied for you.

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