Okay, okay!  So why should this part of my site get updated faster than any other, huh?  In any case, here are some pictures from the great time I had during the Fall '98 semester.

One great thing about this past fall was the exceptional crop of Newcomers to the Club, bringing an enthusiasm I hadn't really seen since, well, since I was new.  Here are some of 'em:

L to R: Marc Suznovich & Margaret Renn, Philip Nichols & Jessica Ahlers (gotta wonder who's going to lead, huh?), and Artem Buyneivich & Katarzyna Razynska (yes, that's Ilan & Suzette lending support).  The end pics were taken at the Harvard Beginners' Competition October '98, and the center at the DC Dancesport Inferno, Nov. '98.
An absolutely perfect classic ballroom pose, huh?  This is intermediate couple David Galpern & Kelly Young, taken at the DC comp.

 How about some faces familiar to those who've been here before?
My good buds Bhak and Amanda, ready to perform at Bacchanalia '98.  The number was a smash, but you probably figured that out already, didn't you?

Fortunato & Agnieszka.  "Die-hards" I called 'em.  Turns out I didn't know the half of it-- now they're President and V.P. of Financial Affairs for the Club, and are competing at the advanced level.  Geez.