In honor of the upcoming sentimental holiday, I present the following challenge: write a story of 250 words or less, beginning, using, or (preferably) ending with the following phrase: "Thanks, Mom."

Oh my, 250 words......I'm kind of long winded, by I will try! Please don't think me stupid, just very tired, but I am not quite sure what angst is, so I hope that isn't what I am writing!

"The Card"

by Cheryl Reed

Mother's Day was always hard for him.....Jonny and Hadji used to be able to sympathize with each other - now it was different - Hadji had a mother now.

Jonny sat in the class - watching as the other students were creating art projects to take home and surprise their moms that Sunday. He sighed - wishing that school would be ending soon.

He was still depressed when they got home - even his dad and Race were worried about his mood. They asked Jessie if something had happened at school, and she told them that he had grown distant while they were working on their art projects. Benton understood.

"Jonny, can we talk?"

"What's up dad?"

Benton and Jonny walked along the cliff, Jonny was carrying the card that he had made. They talked about Rachel (Judy) and how wonderful she had been when she was alive, how she talked, and how she loved Benton and Jonny. He told him about all of the plans that they had had, all of the dreams they shared, and how when Benton looked at Jonny - he saw his mother's fire and spirit in his eyes. Benton looked at the card and smiled.

"It's beautiful, Jonny. Your mother would have loved it!"

Jonny looked at it quietly and looked at the sky, the wind was blowing and he raised his hand and the card was snatched away. Benton put his arm around his son's shoulders as they watched it float up to the heavens.

"Thanks, Mom."


I hope you guys liked it! I would like to dedicate it to my mother-in-law who passed away two years ago and whose presence is deeply missed. We love you Marie, and we miss you!
