"HOMEFRONT" - Part 3


Here's the last of the original parts.


by Eric R. Umali

Part 3

An hour later, with Coran and her teammates by her side, Allura stood in front of a huge viewscreen.  She and the rest of the Voltron Force were in their dress uniforms.  Allura had been meticulous in donning it, her friends making sure that every detail was correct.

Taking a deep breath, Allura nodded to Coran, and the screen activated.  They saw a large, dark chamber in Galaxy Garrison Headquarters.  On one end of the room was a long, raised table behind which sat six officers-- two captains and three admirals as the board and one admiral as the conductor of the proceedings.  In front of the board were two smaller tables, one for the representatives of the Space Explorers, and the other for the officer being brought before the board.

It was at this second table where Commander Keith sat, upright and alert, but completely inscrutable.  By appearances, one could never tell that he had spent the last thrity-six hours fighting a hoplessly losing battle for his career.  He denied nothing he was accused of-- his actions were done because he believed they were right, and it was that simple.  Keith and his counsel had presented explanation after explanation for his descisions, but everyone knew that nothing could refute the simple fact that Commander Keith had knowingly and purposely disobeyed a direct order from the highest levels of Galaxy Garrison.

Admiral Pierson, who was serving as chairman of the review board, cleared his throat. He turned to the screen that was displaying Allura’s image to the chamber.  The participants had a clear view of her face, but little else.   “Ah, Your Majesty.  I see the communications link is working fine.  I understand you wish to make a statement regarding Commander Keith’s disciplinary review.”

“That’s correct, Admiral Pierson.  I’d like to speak on his behalf.”

“You’re aware, Your Highness, that this is not, strictly speaking, a court martial _or_ a trial.  The board is interested only in facts, not an evaluation of character.”

“I am aware, Admiral.  I have a few facts of my own to present.”

The older man shuffled a few papers.  “Very well then.  You won’t be sworn in, because we _expect_ only the truth.”  Allura didn’t flinch at the comment.  “For the record,” Pierson continued, “please state your full name and any rank or titles you may hold, please.”

“Allura, Crown Princess and Ruler of Planet Arus, member of the Voltron Force… Lieutenant, Space Explorers, Galaxy Garrison.”

There were several gasps and a general expression of surprise.  Pierson quickly quieted them down.

“I’m sorry, Your Highness, you said you hold the rank of Lieutenant in the Space Explorers?  That’s not possible.”

“It is.”  The view of her face began to pull away, revealing her in a spotless, perfectly arranged Space Explorer dress uniform.  Keith quickly stifled the smile that began to play across his face, but Allura noticed the movement and took courage in it.

“I was granted a field commission earlier today.  The paperwork was completed and filed and is only awaiting final transmission to Galaxy Garrison Headquarters.”

Adm. Pierson immediately turned to Cdr. Keith.  “Commander, do you have a comment?”

Keith stood, looked to Allura, then back to Pierson.  “It _is_ within my authority as Commander to grant field commissions.  I did so.”

“Why then,” asked Captain Thomas, another board member, “did you not grant this commission when the Princess was made part of the Voltron Force?  It would have saved you a lot of grief.”

“It seemed unncessary.  The Princess was part of the team, as simple as that.  None of us had any idea that her technically being a civilian was an issue.  Besides,” Keith added sharply, “at the time, we had better things to worry about.”

Keith’s barb did not go unnoticed.  It was now Admiral Scott’s turn.  “The Voltron Force has operated for more than four years now.  Why did it take this long to issue the commission?”

“As I said, Admiral, there were better things to worry about.”

Scott turned to the screen.  “Your Highness, I’m afraid that your commission is highly irregular.  I’m not sure it can be approved.”

“Perhaps you’d like to review my credentials?” she said, impassive.  Allura nodded to her left slightly, and the screen split between her and a data readout.  Text began to scroll down that side of the screen, displaying Allura’s testing and simulator scores and reviews.

The same data was coming across the terminals of the board members, who all became quite agitated.

“Are these scores authentic?” asked Captain Lyon.  “They’re remarkable!”

“They are authentic,” said Keith, a tinge of pride coloring his words.  “The tests and simulations were conducted under strict regulations.  As you can see, sirs, by Galaxy Garrison standards, the Princess is one of the finest officers to serve as a Space Explorer-- her numbers are some of the highest ever recorded.”

“Most of those records are held by you, Commander, isn’t that right?” asked Lyon.

“All of them, sir.”

“Not _all_ any more, it would seem.”

One of the others piped up, Admiral Aaronson.  “Excuse me, Your Highness.  It says on this report that you have logged quite a few hours training on the Black Lion, the lead robot?”

“That’s correct,” answered Allura.  “I have had the honor of piloting the Black Lion and leading the Voltron Force on a number of missions.”

“And with no small success,” added Keith.

There were more murmurs of disbelief.

“I have a statement to make, if I may, sir,” said Allura.

“You have the floor, Your Highness,” Pierson replied.

“First of all, I would like to ask the board to very carefully consider Commander Keith’s record when making their decisions.  It plainly shows him to be an officer of exceptional skill, courage and intelligence.  His accomplishements as leader of the Voltron Force speak for themselves.”

“Your Highness,” Lyon stated, “we have every intention of doing so, and we are most certainly aware of the Commander’s stellar history.”

“Then may I point out to the board that although the robot Voltron is dedicated to the protection of the entire peaceful universe, he and the robot lions that comprise him are _sole_ property of Planet Arus.”

Pierson was beginning to bristle.  “What exactly are you implying, Your Highness?”

“Commander Keith is the leader of the Voltron Force.  He _is_ the Voltron Force, and without him, the team cannot possibly continue to perform anywhere near where it has.  As ruler of Planet Arus, I must formally demand that Commander Keith be returned to his posting and be allowed to continue as leader of the Voltron Force.  You may decide what is best for the Space Explorers who pilot Voltron, Admiral, sir-- but _I_ decide what is best for Voltron.”

“Those are serious words, Your Highness.  But none of them dispute the fact that Commander Keith disobeyed a direct order.”

“Which,” Allura replied, “is why I offer this in exchange: drop the inquiry against the Commander and return him to Arus… and I will resign my commission and from the Voltron Force, and you may send whomever you like to replace me.”

“Allura, no!” shouted Keith.

“Stand _down_, Commander,” Pierson ordered, brining his gavel down sharply.  The Admiral rubbed his temples.  “We will take your statement under advisement, Your Highness, and be in contact soon.”

“That won’t be necessary, sir.  I’m en route to Earth, and will be there late this evening.”

“I see.  Very well, then,” said Pierson wearily.  “This board is recessed until 0900 hours tomorrow morning.”  The gavel struck again, and the board filed out into its chambers.  Allura’s image vanished, and Keith and his security guard escort were the last to exit.


Keith dropped tiredly into the seat in the spartan quarters he’d been placed in for the duration of the review.  The small terminal on the tiny desk beeped.  Keith swiveled the chair over and activated it.  Allura appeared, her face softened now with concern.

“Allura,” he said, “you shouldn’t have come.  You shouldn’t have contacted the review board, and you _damn_ well shouldn’t have offered to leave the Voltron Force.”

The concern began to dissolve.  “Is that all you have to say?”

Keith sighed.  “No.  Thank you.”

“That’s better,” she answered.  “Why didn’t you tell me?  I deserved to know.  I thought we were... I thought we were friends.”

“We were-- we _are_ friends.  Things were always complicated enough for us.  Your duty is to Arus first.  Mine is to the team first.  For the good of the team, and you, and Arus, and everyone else, you _had_ to remain in the Voltron Force.”

“I knew you’d say something like that.  Always the Commander, looking out for everyone before yourself.  You don’t need to coddle me, Keith, I thought you’d learned that.”

“I thought so, too.  Underestimating you is the only part of this entire situation that I regret.  I should have told you.  I’m sorry.”

They were both silent for a few long moments until the computer beeped again.  “Keith, I have to disconnect.  I’ll be there by 2100 hours.  I’ll see you then.”  She vanished.


Keith remained at the desk, staring blankly at the wall, chin in hands.  He didn’t know how long it was, but before he knew it, there was a buzz at the door.

“Who is it?” he asked quietly.

“It’s us, Keith,” replied Lance from the hallway.  Keith rose and opened the door.  Lance, Hunk and Pidge stood in the doorway, flanked by the two MP’s who stood guard outside.

“I thought I’d trained you better than to leave Arus unprotected,” Keith said coolly.

“Voltron is here,” Lance answered.  “We came in the *Lion’s Heart.*”  He motioned to the small window.  Outside on the main landing field, Keith saw the massive carrier ship that had been designed to ferry the robot lions and Arusian troops safely.  “We can be where we’re needed at any time.”

Keith nodded.  “Thanks for coming, guys.”  The four young men shared half-hearted joking and real concern before moving back.  Allura appeared in the hallway.  “I’ll see you in the morning,” said Keith.  The others shook his hand and left.

Allura turned to one of the MP’s.  “Is there any way we can be alone?”

“I’m sorry, Your Highness,” he answered, “it’s against regulations.”

“I understand, Lieutenant.”  She stepped into the small room, where Keith, facing away, was taking a long draught of water.  “You seem to be holding up all right.”

“For a man about to lose his career, I feel pretty calm, yes.”

“Keith,” she said, placing a hand on his shoulder, “you’re not going to lose your career.”

“Yes, I will.  Barring a miracle, I’ve decided to resign my comission.”

“Are you insane?”  Allura spun him around, shaking his shoulders.

“I’ve made the decision I believe is best.”

“With all due respect, Commander, you’re wrong.  _I_ am the one the Voltron Force can stand to lose, not you.  I’m not even a real Space Explorer.”

“Yes, you are.”


“Your comission will be approved by tomorrow morning.”

“How do you know that?”

A slight, wry smile tugged at his lips.  “My last string to pull.”

Strangely enough, Allura mirrored the expression.  “We knew you’d do something like this,” she said, and handed him an electronic notepad.  Keith read it with wide eyes.

“All of you?  Resign?”

“That’s right.  If you leave the Space Explorers, we _all_ do.  And as ruler of Arus, I decide who commands Voltron, and I say _you_ do.”

Keith was aghast.  “I don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t say anything.  Hope that the board will come to its senses and drop the charges.  If not...”   Allura warmly wrapped her arms around him.  “...know that our allegiance lies with Voltron... and you.”

Keith closed his eyes and returned the embrace.  “And mine with you.  Thank you, Allura-- for justifying my faith in you.”

The MP cleared his throat, but they did not let go.  “Your Highness,” he said firmly, “your time is up.”

Keith and Allura parted.  Allura brushed at his hair as Keith smoothed away a single tear from her eye.  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said, kissed him on the cheek, and headed down the hall.  Keith stood between the MP’s as she walked away.

“She’s incredible,” said one.  “You’re a lucky man,” said the other.

“She is, and I am,” answered Kieth.  “Now put your eye back in their sockets before I remove them permanently.”

The young Commander stared down the MP’s, who had a good foot in height and a hundred pounds total on him.  The MP’s laughed, clapping Keith on the back.

“You’re all right, Commander,” said the first as Keith returned to his room.

The door slid closed, and Keith turned down the lamp.  Reaching into his pocket, he removed the small holopicture he always carried right above his heart.  Placing it on the desk, he activated it.

A shimmering image of a younger Keith and Allura, taken on the night of the ball, danced in the air.