"HOMEFRONT" - Part 4


All right, all of you can shut up now!  Seriously, of all of the many stories posted here, this is easily the one that I get the most requests to continue/finish.  Seems like I'm not the only one who got hooked on Voltron, huh?  Well, here it is (you've been more than patient in waiting for it).  The only catch is that it's only the penultimate chapter.


by Eric R. Umali

Part 4

After precisely seven and a half hours of sleep, Keith awoke, instantly alert.  He sat up on the uncomfortable sleeping pallet of his quarters, a moment before the MP’s voice called out.

“It’s time, sir.”

“Thank you, Sergeant,” Keith replied, then swung his legs around, placing them on the cold metal floor.  He took a long draw from a glass of water and began his usual morning calisthenics.  By the time he was finished, his count had stopped at 200 push-ups and sit-ups-- a light workout by his standards, but there would be no time to shower.  Ten minutes later, he was freshened up and in his dress uniform.

The door slid open, and the sergeant stood just outside in the hallway, his uniform and sidearm both spit-shined and gleaming.

“Are you ready, sir?”

Keith took a deep breath.  “Yes, Sergeant.  Let’s go.”  He allowed the MP to lead him down the narrow corridor, with another officer a step behind.  It was long walk to the hearing chambers-- purposefully so-- but the young Commander’s mind was clear of apprehension or worry.

The large double doors to the hearing chamber slid open silently, and Keith was led inside.  The room was almost filled-- the MP bailiffs and official recorders were in their places, and the officers from the Judge Advocate General’s office sat at their small desk to Keith’s left.  The gallery, though small, was packed, with the remaining four members of the Voltron force conspicuously occupying the seats directly behind their Commander.

Keith sat silent for a few long minutes, screening out the constant chattering from the gallery behind him.  Soon, the mountain of a bailiff at the front of the chamber bellowed.


The entire room rose to its feet, as the review board marched to their seats.  Captains Thomas and Lyon sat on the furthest ends with Admirals Scott and Aaronson closer in.  The chairman of the review board, Admiral Pierson, sat in the center seat.  When the board members were in place, Adm. Pierson struck the podium twice with his gavel, and the board took their seats, followed by everyone else.

Adm. Pierson cleared his throat.  “This session of the Military Disciplinary Review Board for the Galaxy Garrison is brought to order.  Currently under review is the disciplinary action taken against Commander Keith of the Space Explorers.”

“The board has discussed the facts which were presented before us during the last session.  I see that the rest of the Voltron Force has arrived.  The board calls Lieutenant Allura of the Space Explorers before it.”

Allura snapped to her feet, and marched before the board, standing centered between the two small desks.  She stood at perfect attention, eyes forward.

“At ease, Lieutenant,” ordered Pierson.  Allura did so.  “Lieutenant,” the Admiral continued, “the board would like an explanation of the comments you made yesterday regarding this matter.”

“Begging the Admiral’s pardon, sir, but I believe my comments speak for themselves.”

Admiral Scott’s voice turned hard as he replied, “Lieutenant, this board will not be threatened.  Nor will Galaxy Garrison.”

Allura stood firm.  “I made no threat, Admiral.  I stated a fact.  The operation of Voltron and its constituent robot lions was entrusted to the Royal House of Arus long ago.  When Voltron was resurrected, Arus allowed the Space Explorers to provide the pilots.  When one of them was injured, it was entirely _our_ decision as to who would replace him.”

“And your offer of resignation?” asked Captain Lyon.

“Still stands, sir.  If you wish to drum someone out of the service, sirs-- it should be me.”

After a few minutes of unheard deliberation amongst the board, Admiral Pierson turned again to Allura.  “Thank you, Lieutenant.  You may stand down.”

Allura turned sharply on her heel and returned to her seat.

The board again started its own discussion, eliciting a good number of speculative whispers from the gallery.  After about ten minutes, they again faced the chamber.

“Commander Keith,” ordered Pierson, “come to attention.”

Keith came to his feet; a moment later, so did Allura, Lance, Hunk and Pidge.

“The rest of you may stand down.”

“We stand with our commanding officer, sir,” replied Lance.

“As you wish.  Commander Keith, there has been no evidence presented before this board to refute the fact that you disobeyed a direct order.  It is this board’s decision--“

Admiral Pierson’s statement was interrupted by the heavy rumble and muffled sound of a far-off explosion.

“What in blazes was that?”

A young officer serving as the board’s page burst into the room, heading straight for Pierson.  The Admiral’s face blanched as he faced the silent chamber.

“Ladies and gentlemen-- it seems we are under attack.  There is a giant... Robeast fighting its way through our high-altitude defenses as we speak.”

He turned his attention to the still-standing Voltron Force.

“Commander Keith--“


“Take out your team.”

“All of them, sir?”

“All of them, Commander.”

Keith spun to face his team.  “You heard the Admiral-- let’s go!”


Ten minutes later, the five robot lions took to the skies over Earth in a tight V formation, headed by Keith’s Black Lion.

“All right team,” he called over the comm line, “by the numbers.  Stay sharp and let’s get this over quickly!”

“You got somewhere to be, boss?” chuckled Hunk.

“I’m sick of the cafeteria food,” Keith replied.

“When do you think we’ll see the Robeast?”  As if in response to Pidge’s question, a nearby flying defense platform was torn to shreds by a massive humanoid monster.

Lance’s voice lowered.  “Looks like you’ve got your answer, Pidge.”

“All lions, open fire!”

At Keith’s command, the lions released a wall of laser fire and missiles.  The barrage smashed into the Robeast’s hide, detonating with a huge flash.  When the smoke cleared, the monster remained, unharmed.

“I’m getting massive energy readings from its shields,” reported Allura.

“It’s headed for space!” shouted Lance.

“Form up,” said Keith, “ready to form Voltron!”

Keith’s voice called out the familiar litany as the lions flew into formation, shooting for space.

“Insert keys!”

“Keys set!” replied the team.

“Dyno-therms connected!  Infra cells up!  Mega-thrusters are go!”

“Let’s go Voltron Force!” they shouted as bolts of lightning began to coruscate around the lions’ metal skin.  Quickly, the lions began to transform-- legs folding and bodies changing into the limbs of the great robot.

“Form feet and legs,” said Keith as the Blue and Yellow Lions positioned themselves below his.  “Form arms and torso.”  The Red and Green Lions came beside his, attaching with a solid thunk.  The Blue and Yellow Lions did the same.

“And I’ll form the head.”  The Black Lion’s head swiveled and opened, to reveal the face of Voltron, Defender of the universe.  As the massive humanoid robot sped towards space, the lions seemed to roar with majestic voices.

In seconds, they were again face to face with the Robeast.

“Activate Spinning Laser Blades!” Keith called.

Calling upon its huge energy, Voltron created a massive star-shaped blade from solid light and hurled it at the Robeast.  The blade intersected with the creature’s shields with a massive flash and electrical discharge, blinding the team for a moment.

When they could see again, Allura rechecked her instruments.  “We’ve weakened its shields by sixty-five percent!”

“No more fooling around,” Keith ordered.  “We’ll go straight to the heavy guns.  Prepare for Lion Head Attack!”

At his command, heavy safety bars came down over the pilots, securing them into their chairs.  The great energy crystal heart of the robot pulsed faster.  Glancing at his controls, Keith readied himself.

“Thrusters charging... Fire!”

With a flash, the heads of the four body lions rocketed away from their sockets, screaming towards the Robeast.