"HOMEFRONT" - Part 5


Well, my face is definitely red.  You see, this story has been finished for more than four months, and I just forgot to post the last chapter.  Here it is!


by Eric R. Umali

Part 5

Keith watched silently as the four lion heads hurtled towards the Robeast, cursing whichever of Voltron’s designers had decided not to let the team leader to join his teammates.  The four projectiles banked and twisted, evading the Robeast’s defenses.

Faster than many of its predecessors, the Robeast was able to twist away from the heads of both Blue Lion and Green Lion.  The Red Lion and Yellow Lion heads, however, found their marks.  The near-invincible metal jaws tore through the Robeast’s side and arm with a shower of sparks and flames.  The Robeast was left listing badly to one side, and was minus one powerful limb.

The lion heads banked away from the dazed monster, and a few seconds later, were reattached to the mighty robot.

“Great work, team!” shouted Keith.  “We’ve got him on the ropes!”

“I think it’s still got plenty of fight left– look!”

Lance was right.  The Robeast was shaken, but was still ready to do battle.  Its hand reached out, letting a bright beam of light reach out from it.  With a flash, the beam transformed into a long, jagged blade.

“Only one thing left to do,” said Pidge.

“Right,” Keith replied.  “Form Blazing Sword!”

Voltron’s arms came together.  Energy flowed between Red Lion and Green Lion as they pulled apart, joined by a stream of lightning.  The energy coalesced, and in a moment, had produced the most powerful weapon in Voltron’s arsenal– the Blazing Sword, a blade nearly as long as the robot itself.

With a flare of thrusters, Voltron charged at the Robeast.  Their blades met with a silent crash and a crackle of electricity.  Voltron and its opponent crossed swords again and again, and with each time, Voltron pressed just a little harder.

A well-placed Blue Lion kick against the Robeast sent the thing off-balance, and a swipe of the Blazing Sword deprived it of another arm.

Voltron raised the Blazing sword high over its head, then brought it down with a single clean strike.  A line of fire bisected the Robeast just before it was torn apart by a cataclysmic explosion that enveloped Voltron as well.

The fireball roiled for several seconds, as observers on the planet waited nervously to learn the fate of Voltron.  Soon, the fire dispersed to reveal Voltron– standing unscathed.


Two hours later, the Voltron Force was back where it started.  Standing shoulder to shoulder, they faced the Galaxy Garrison Disciplinary Board together.

Admiral Pierson banged his gavel twice, then stood.

“Before we were so... rudely interrupted, this Board was about to deliver its decision.  Commander Keith, this board finds that you were both justified and wise in your selection of Princess Allura of Arus to be part of the Voltron Force and of the Space Explorers.  However, your methods in pursuing this action and in putting off your explanation of it to your superior officers are not the way in which the Space Explorers operate.  A formal reprimand will be placed on your record, and you will not be allowed to advance in rank for a minimum of five years, if ever.  Beyond that, you are to return to Arus to continue in your capacity as Commander of the Voltron Force.”

Pierson sat, and Captain Lyon leaned forward.  “Commander, do you have anything to say?”

Keith took a single step forward.  Throughout Pierson’s statement, his face was stony and unreadable.  “First, sir, I would like to know the official status of Princess Allura’s commissioning to the Space Explorers.”

“The commission will be processed normally, without opposition, and most likely will be approved,” answered Lyon.  “And?”

“I would like to know if the Board’s decision was different prior to today’s attack.”

Keith was surprised to see Pierson almost smile.  “You’ll never know.”

“Is that all?” Captain Lyon asked.

“No, sir.”

Admiral Pierson stood again.  “Then you are dismissed, Commander.”

Keith saluted, as did the others.  He led his teammates out of the chambers.

The congratulations, handshakes and hugs that came between Headquarters and the *Lion’s Heart* were polite and friendly.  It wasn’t until the main doors hissed shut before the five friends collapsed into an emotional embrace.  They remained that way for several minutes before Lance, Hunk and Pidge removed themselves, citing their desire not to be seen getting teary-eyed.

Keith and Allura understood the truth, and were grateful.  Silently, they walked together to a huge viewing window, which faced away from Headquarters and towards the sea.  Outside, the gentle waves curled as the sun began to touch the horizon, blending blue and gold.

Allura reached out and took Keith’s hand in her own.

“You’d give up all this for us?” she asked.

“You offered to do the same for me,” he replied.

They turned to look at each other, both searching for signs in the other’s face, both reaching for a little more courage.

“I’m sorry,” they said together, then laughed.

Allura’s hands slipped around Keith’s waist, and she pulled herself closer.  Keith placed his own hands on her shoulders, squeezing her against him.  Allura leaned in, placing her cheek against his chest.

“Don’t walk out on us– on me again,” Allura whispered.  She felt Keith’s low laugh.

“Walk out on you?” asked Keith, his voice low as well.  “Right now I don’t think I could even let you go.”

She looked up.

“Then don’t.”

“Don’t what?”

“Don’t ever let me go,” she said.

Keith ran his finger along the soft lines of her chin, then tilted her head closer.  “I won’t.”  He leaned forward.

Their lips met, first with a shy, almost timid uncertainty.  After a few moments, both confidence and emotion grew, and soon the young lovers were kissing passionately.  All too soon, they parted, breathing heavily.

Without another word, they turned, still in each other’s arms, towards the window.  There they stood as the great ship trembled slightly, then began to rise.  The sky sped by, and the Earth fell away and shrank to be replaced by the endless curtain of space.

“You know what?” Keith said, finally breaking the silence.


“That night– you know, _that_ night...”

Allura smiled, her eyes alight.  “I remember it well.”

“We never _really_ got to dance.  There was the ceremonial stuff, and the publicity opportunity, but we never just danced for _us_.”  He paused.  “What I’m getting at is... would you like to dance?”

“There’s no music,” Allura replied.

“Close your eyes.”

Allura did so, and soon the soft, romantic strings began to sing.  She felt herself drawn into Keith’s strong dance hold, and led forward.

Together, to the music only young lovers can hear, they danced.