This page exists to host bits and pieces for people without pages of their own. It also tries to keep track of the major other sites, but the main section is the ships. Here goes...
Background Fiction:
Pre-Elite universe:
Solicarnos: Technocrat- Chronicles of Orion
Elite universe:
Rob: Shadow of a Snake
TEP universe:
Rob: Falling Angels (Suddenly vapourised in a blast of raw energy!!!)
Porphyre's Saga
Galva: Paradise and Cash City - Alternate location
SAvatar: "And this just in" Unavailable.
If you've got some stories you'd like to be displayed, simply mail Porphyre. Be sure to tell him whether it qualifies as an Elite story or a TEP story.


Jades: Project Communications (Mailing lists, IRC channels, Newsgroups)
IRC logs
TEP Mailing Lists
Mark Palmer: TEP discussion board
Equipment and Weaponry ideas:
Cencomp Modules
Equipment ideas
Crusin' TEP - Drives, thrusters, & the like.
Coil and Rail Guns
Matt Dibb: Weapons and defenses thereof
Flend: TEP Specs: Equipment
Andrea 'Highlander' Santoro (&others)- Single-Shot Weapons
Kim Bruning - Host Page
Cencomp modules & Equipment Suggestions
More Gear
Weapons & Rocket Dynamix Missiles
Universal Industries Gear
Ship lighting suggestions
Peter Bridger: Equipment Ideas (old)
Jason Modisette - Propulsion System Notes
TEP- Various authors:
Weapon Properties
Interface graphics:
A 'modern' Menu format - Another one (brighter) (Download the console here)
An 'Art Deco' Menu format
Concept HUD
Concept Mission Briefing Screen
Porphyre + Solicarnos:
Concept HUD (v2)
Chris Parsons - Host Page
GUI screenshot
Quick Example of a GUI
Mark Palmer - Host Page
Concept HUD
Phil from Australia:
Phil's Spectacular Screen (Concept HUD)
Derek Carroll:
Derek's Concept HUD
Aidan Gustard: MIDI

Wanderer: Trackers
Flend: MIDIs by TMK & MIDIs by Tom Ford and R. Kelly
Physical matters of the game:
Incoming - The 'Quickdrive' Fastdrive
Porphyre & Others - Fastdrive Options
Andrea 'Highlander' Santoro - See hyperspace model
Kim Bruning: The basic idea of Hyperspace
Andrea 'Highlander' Santoro:
A navigable hyperspace model
Combat in NavHS
A brief summary of NavHS
Tone: (another, B5ish NavHS model) Unavailable.
Porphyre: Hyperspace concept (instant hyperspace)
David Offin - Witchspace/Hyperspace model (Both Nav & Instant HS)
HS entry:
Porphyre & Tone & Highlander - Entry options
Ben Motz: TEP Physics page
Kim Bruning - Host Page
Notes on Orbital Procedure and Landing on Planets
Atmospheric Flight Model
Andrea 'Highlander' Santoro (and others)- Shielding Options Updated!
Flend: TEP Specs: Shields
Phil from Australia:Phil's Spectacular Sheilds
Tone: Tactical Defensive Deflector Shielding System
Solicarnos - TEP Plot Central
Destroying the galaxy, Step III
Concept Map of the Inhabited Galaxy
Green: Reol Nation; Cyan: Ruk Factions; Red: Republic; Blue: Regime; Yellow: Corporate Confederation; Cross-hair: Remnants of Imperia; Grey: independent.
Rob + Solicarnos + Porphyre:It's the end of the world as we know it...
Porphyre - Host page
Powers suggested by Porphyre
Sub-plots by Porphyre
A race description of the Augurs
Prequel Ideas:
Political ideas
Plot ideas
Pregame plot suggestions
Additional Superpower: The Order
Additional Alien Race (Sub-superpower)
Andrea 'Highlander' Santoro:Aliens in the Game
Jades - Careers in TEP
Regular Military
Porphyre - Employment in TEP
Assassin/Bounty Hunter/Mercenary
Matt Dibb - Trading etc.
Dazz - Mission types
Flend - TEP Specs: Missions
Jades - TEP Missions
Marksman - Mission suggestion and other ideas
dJeez - TEP Programmer's Page (old)
Maksim Orlovich - TEP Work In Progress Downloads
John Jordan - TEP 3D Graphics gfx Workgroup
TEP File Services
TEP Programming Decisions (old)
TEP Programming Help
Chris Parsons - Agent Based AI Specifications, etc.
Flend - "Flend's Stuff"
TEP Graphical User Interface
TEP Markup Language
TEP Trading Engine
TEP Container Classes
Ben Motz - Data and Flight Engine Page
Jules - TEP AI suggestions
Spectre - Programming Ideas (very old)
A.Vendrell - TEP Flight Source Code (very old)
Alexey Bokov - Internal Scripting Proposal (Eh?)
Sulea Cosmin - "Check my 3D engine" (Eh?)
Galaxy Generation:
Ben Motz - Generates random points in a galaxy shape. Now with screenshots!

Robert Pfeifer - Ultimate Galaxy Generator v3 - Allows specification of many factors including # of arms and size of galactic core. Outdated example JPEGs available.
Star system generation:
System Setup Document
Accrete Starform
Terrain Generation:
Jason Modisette - Terrain Generation
TEP Object Designs (Ships, Stations, Buildings):

(Please note that designs from the original Elite games are unlikely to be used for copyright reasons)

General comment: Try and keep them pretty, aerodynamic, or both. Bear in mind especially that given the advanced technologies of 3300AD (or 3800AD) there's simply no need for a ship to be hideous - one that works just as well and looks nice could probably be designed no hassle!

Some of these ships need to be 3Ded. Any help for those 'flat' ships would be appreciated by their creators, I'm sure. Here's a draft of a ship design guideline.

Finally, with the multitude of ships we are gathering, we can't expect every ship that is submitted to appear in the game... sorry... Now the ships!

Kim + Porphyre + Jades + Marksman: Ships organized by category

George Hooplah - Host Page
Dart - A low-cost, lightweight ship with "Good Looks."
Saber - A multi-role runabout/fighter.
Atlas - A fighter with a tight turning radius.
Mystic - A miner/fighter.
Pincer - A tough, fast fighter.
Talon - A medium explorer craft.
Larken - The ultimate multi-role craft.
Spider - A large freighter with 60% more cargo space than a Panther.
Maksim Orlovich:
Federal Cruiser 3D views by Solicarnos: Front, Back

Federal Glider - small in-system combat craft
Federal Glider Mk2a - "Bat"
Federal Patrol Craft
Federal Leapfrog Light Fighter
Federal VFighter
Republican/Federal Trader - Medium sized trader
Matt Dibb - Host page
Claudus Trader - massive, slow trader.
Disk Fighter Mk 2 - a fast and responsive fighter.
Lifter Mk 2 - concept stages.
Chris Chapman: None yet.
Jades - Host page
Stiletto Interceptor: 3-way projection, 3D view, rotating 3D view, Metastream.
Jason Christie - Host page
Phoenix InterceptorA repeated name!

Andrew "Bee-Team" Cooper - Host page

Viper 4
Krait 2
Robert Pfeifer - concept work only!
A little raytracing Rob did

N'Fox - Host page - contains ships, 3D datafiles, and commentary
Cobra MkIII

Nomad - A medium freighter... about 400-1000t.
Nomad 2 - With winglets and 'rounder' proportions.
Space Stations:
Coriolis Station

Starbase-like station (currently unfinished)
Ring station with 2 spokes
Ring station with 3 spokes
Building Designs - Host page with buildings, 3D datafiles, & commentary.
Landing Pad
Outlined Landing Pad
Facility I
Facility II
Port I
Dimitris Makos:
Batraid - A ship for smugglers and pirates. Only available in anarchies. ASC format
Kevlar Protector - To be redesigned due to an ASC conversion problem.
Regimental Battlecruiser: Front, Back, Wireframe
The Regime Clandestine Interceptor
The Regime Heavy Lifter: Front (unladen), Side (loaded with Hydrogen Bomb)
The Regime Cryon Fighter: Front, Side/Back
Three Section Snake Ship: Front, Back
Patrick McKenna:
Massei Giulio - These comments are Rob's speculation. No info provided by creator.
Lone - ? carrier-borne fighter or station patrol craft. Interplanetary drive.

Lone II - ? free-flying freighter escort fighter / better craft on carrier: Long-range e.g. probe/scout missions. It has its own hyperspace.
Mark Palmer - Host page contains rotating views (Metastream) and ASC files.
Fenris Mk I - A basic combat craft.
Thargoid - A variation on the classical Thargoid.
Stratus Liner: Front, Back - Luxury ship.
Stratus Liner Mk 2: Front, Back - Luxury ship.
Heavy Fighter - FDL derivative.
Skarasen Fighter: Front, Back - Alien ship.
Dredger: Front, Back - A huge ship of mysterious origins.
Condor Transport - Medium passenger carrier.
Space Stations:
Adam Green - Host page - Ships page Unavailable.
Unnamed - fighter
Vergus - fighter
Orca - courier
Minsta Mk I - courier
Darat - courier
Peter Bridger - Host Page (old)
Canister Class Infiltrator Fighter
Katana Assault Fighter
Imperial Transport
Viper Mk. III
Imperial Attack Fighter
Shuriken Trader
The “Storm Shadow” Stealth Ship
Dragon Trader - With undercarriage up
Wolf Interceptor
Interplanetary Recovery Vehicle
Space Stations:
Titanus Class
Building Designs:
Ground Based Laser
Adela - A ship that sails the currents of stars
Magellan Earth Cruiser
Step Mk IV
Barnabas Burgess:
Spigot - similar class to a Cobra III.

Tillar - similar class to a Panther
Space stations:
Micheal Graham - Host Page
Cheetah Carrier
Dreadnought Cruiser
Merm Fighter Mk I - Perfect for fighting Merms.
Pegasus Cruiser - A repeated name!
Xela Fighter - Perfect for fighting Xelas.
Dan Lind - Host page
Flamingo Pleasure Cruiser
Krait Assault Craft Mk III
Leopard Escort - Perfect for escorting... Leopards?
BetaHydri - host pages: a ship stat page... the ships in art... Zipped AutoCAD DXF files
BetaHydri has more ships, but only these have images of the individual ships:
Imperial Escort
Imperial Courier Mk II
Discovery Class Freighter
Thargoid Fighter
Turner Class Escort
Imperial Freighter
Phoenix Interceptor - A repeated name!
Space stations:
Outpost Class Station
Alpha Class Orbital City
"Incoming" - Host page  New location!
Tiger APC
Pegasus A repeated name! New!!!
Galactic Trader Mk I
Galactic Trader Mk II
Defense Drone Mk I
Long Range Probe Mk I
Cyclone Trader
Scout Mk I
Deepspace Explorer New!!!
Shade - A stealth interceptor.
Personal Shuttle
Mammoth - "it's more like a self-propelled space station"
Centaur New!!!
Moonstar New!!!
Mjolnir New!!!
Eclipse New!!!
Generation ships:
1st Generation
James 'Porphyre' Grahn - Host page
Djinni Trader - Large trader. With 3D views by Incoming.

Banshee - Medium-small fighter. With 3D views by Incoming.
Basilisk Mk I - Medium fighter. Alternate Design. (I prefer the AD)
Basilisk Mk II - Medium-large fighter. With 3D views by Incoming.
Goblin - Small, in-system/carrier-borne fighter.
Golem - Medium-large trader.
Autodrones - Extremely small, autonomous fighter/protector/messenger vessel.
Marquette - In-system passenger vehicle.
Medusa - A towing ship. Peh. Vast alterations necessary.
Prometheus - A military transport commonly used as a light bomber.
Wraith - A tiny drone craft that avenges the dead.
Not a Lancaster Bomber

Not an A-10 Thunderbolt

Click here for the central TEP resources page.

This page was created by Rob Pfeifer.

This page is maintained by Porphyre & The Elite Project Team